1.0.0 Release Patch Notes
Congratz are in order I suppose.
Not feeling too great about this patch though... I've never seen this many nerfs in one shot. Only time will tell. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 |
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" Wow... This seems like a complete kick in the teeth for anyone who made use of Prism Guardian. If you need blood magic to get the passives necessary to run blood magic auras, this (previously really fun and useful) unique will be almost utterly useless. |
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" 80% would be bloody stupid. Auras were never designed to have lots running at the same time. You underestimate the changes that have been made to Auras - Offensively and Defensively. EDIT: There are also other nodes in the tree to increase 'Mana Reserved Reduction' Beta Member Since 0.9.0 | Current Character : ExExCorpse Creator of Prismatic Rings AND Unique Thief's Torment Prismatic Ring ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Guide to Loot Filters - Here Last edited by davros70#3392 on Oct 22, 2013, 1:13:10 PM
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I am honestly wondering.... WTF was the point of Beta? Like... at all? You revamped EVERYTHING. You changed the skill tree, the most OP and overused uniques, changed many other uniques, reduced traps... again.... changed aura's. I mean, I seriously feel like I don't even really know what I am going to be coming in on. I feel like there was literally zero point in open beta.
I will give the game a try before I say if these changes are good or bad, but they are freaking huge changes. I am also really dissapointed in the totem nerfs. They seem like you have to fully spec into them now instead of being able to grab one as a buddy. All well, I will see how they go. At least you shortened spark so my screen won't die if I run into a spork party. See everyone in Nemesis I guess I will have to buy a one way ticket to hell with your lives
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legacy is fine, in standard there are people with 1000s of exalts who can craft rare items that are so much more powerful than a kaoms, so much more expensive than a kaoms. Newsflash, the real op people in standard whos gear you will never be able to match are not using legacy uniques, people are buying mirrors for 150 exalts to copy a dagger or a saintly chainmail 6 link, a kaoms heart has risen to 40 exalts because of the legacy, we may live to see the day in 6 months where a legacy kaoms costs as much as a mirror, but when you get raped in pvp by a rich man itll be his 450+ top end phys dagger and his +1000es tri res 6 link vaal regs that will be owning you.
If you dont want to play in a league with ridiculous top end items that are beyond anything you will ever have play a new league, legacy items or not standard has gone way past the tipping point based on rares alone. Its a legacy league that will always bare the scars of the 2 chaos for any ilvl full set blind vendor trade and the massive potential for wealth gain at the start of open beta when most of us were scrubs with no clue. Patch notes sound uber, very excited, gratz to the GGG gang. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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Looks great ... except "Mana cost of Elemental Hit has been increased" ? why? most say it goes too high in mana use anyway. My entire character and game plan are based on level 1 EH so I might be screwed.
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Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
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Liking everything about the release notes, except legacy uniques. Getting a half decent item is already far too expensive for most players.
IGN: vaiNe_
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With the amount of significant changes that we've seen thru the open-beta phase, I think everything should be wiped for 1.0.0 release. I know they won't.. but it is the right thing to do.
All these legacy items floating around, massive stock piles of orbs, rampant RMT, etc. Everything should be reset for 1.0.0. But oh well, fucked up economy continues except it's even more fucked now with the introduction of several OP legacy uniques. Last edited by darkjoy#6975 on Oct 22, 2013, 1:15:54 PM
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People are so quick to judge without even knowing the whole picture that it's hilarious.
I think the whole point of the aura nerf was to make them less of a mandatory thing. As it is now, you pretty much gimp yourself if you don't run 2-5 auras. So you are losing the auras, but don't you think GGG are smart enough to compensate you power-wise elsewhere? Or do you just assume they'll sit in their office and giggle how they screwed over your spec? Same for the Kaom's nerf. They nerfed it's health to make it less of must-have item, and in return they buffed the amount of life you get every level (Which works retroactively) as well as most life nodes by an additional 2%. The sky isn't falling people! Get a drink, settle down, and wait for the patch to go live and for you to have more information before you start bitching and moaning. Have some faith in GGG. They are leaps and bounds ahead of most developers when it comes to common sense, design integrity and looking at the whole picture. |
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