1.0.0 Release Patch Notes
my essay is much longer :)
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Winds of Change, posting in epic thread.
Thanks for the hard work, good luck for launch, can't wait to test all the changes. Austria says hello "The templar is the perfect choice of an honorable man, a true gentleman.
He is a man of god. His words are true and pure. Finally, he wears no pants because he has no shame to hide." Aerthas, 2014 |
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Looks like its back to path of life nodes with this Blood Magic buff... RIP CI MF sporker... However, I am happy to see that only the really valuable/rare uniques can only drop in high level maps now.. No more poor shmucks farming docks all day trying to get rich! lol
Since your making all auras 60% reserve, I really, REALLY hope that your buffing the reduced % reserve nodes on the tree then because they were just trash before.. Also, what does the "reduced spark duration" mean? Im lost... PS- WTS :) IGN Ken__Kaniff
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" It makes a lot of sense. Based on my experienced in the game i was in normal act 3 farming then suddenly "Gift From Above" just dropped right in my face. With Very perfect roll of stats. PLEASE GGG I WANT MY GUILD WAR!
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" It's like now, it just changes that instead of getting 0xp from lunaris after 95 you'll get still that 2%, useless change yea "The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
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" umm what the hell? you said you were going to re-adjust it again on release, not nerf it twice. why did you just destroy my main character? its bad enough you pushed back the release on DOT nodes, so unless your gonna be adding at least 200% more nodes total of burning or trap damage nodes? LEAVE IT ALONE at least until you get those nodes in game. it already deals around the same damage as other players of the same level. in your own words from when i asked previously, thats now a 50% (20% last time 30% this time) nerf to overall damage with that 50% increase to burning that was already nerfed to 10% because of the initial overall 20% nerfing! to summarize what i said, your cuttin off my mains balls here man. please dont. State of Beyond Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568084
State of Blight Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568078 State of Harbinger Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568062 |
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anyone has any clue how long it normally takes for the wiki to be fully updated when a new patch comes out ? hours? days?
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" Pretty simple. Just means the sparks won't be hitting multiple targets as easily. Less spark spam, lower DPS. I'll give it to them, they have had some unique nerfs to spork builds without just nerfing the damage into the ground. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1559063 Summon Skeleton 1.3 - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1219856 |
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Interesting changes, but also many extreme changes... so extreme I kind of have to have to play release to see the effects. Love the work put in, but I am also concerned that some changes such as the auras are to extreme.
In general: There seems to be quite some nerfs and despite some life boosts on nodes and per level I am afraid the game has become harder. I hope not because it is essential that upon release new players aren't faced with a "wall" experience too soon. In fact tactically as GGG I would launch as PoE light compared to its current state and than within 2 to 4 weeks up the difficulty again. Just to be sure ;) About auras: There have been quite a few builds relying on 1 to 3 auras and though I know there will be passives to make this still possible now you are forced to take these passives. This is the chaos change all over again from CB to OB. Forcing you to take certain passives or roll certain mods on gear despite the chosen play style (apart from CI). Okay now you spend passives and get 3 stronger auras in return sounds fair? No because the issue lies in the builds needing the auras and whether or not there is an alternative available. Are there mods/ passive nodes/ items available that bring you back to the old level? No these are lacking, there is only 1 option and that is auras, hence points are taken out of the passive tree (respec used) to compensate the aura changes. So we had the following true about the passive tree/ gear: Need stats and stats are the route points. Need to grab life or ES. Need to grab extra defense (ES, AR, resist, block)/ keystones (also notables such as +max resist). Need chaos resists (or keystone CI) Now we add to this for a lot of builds: Need to grab aura reservation nodes. Less and less actual passive tree freedom, but I shouldn't be to gloomy after all some dmg nodes get defensive stats, which I guess could alleviate some life node needs. Still I think the Aura choice here confirms the concerns when I heard about changes, where my doom scenario would be the exact current one. I feel that auras needed a change, but I don't think the current change is what PoE needs in fact it seems to go against other philosophy or game design choices you prefer. About Ungil: Ungil gives no other bonuses and only the global crit is useful. It will literally do less dps or equal dps to any 1 hand + shield combo still. Why? Because simply you alternate weapons or only use the mainhand. In the case of cleave (which got nerfed big time it seems) and dual strike you look at no increased or even decreased damage effectiveness of the skill in use. It is very hard to dual wield and actually pull off more damage than just using a shield, despite the 10% more ats. So the block favors this one rare claw, with a lack of armour, life or resists, let alone spell block. I would say shield carrying heroes got the advantage still. In fact it seems shield heroes are being pulled down to the dual wield level, instead of doing something about dual wield and the lack of skills to complement it both styles get the long end of the stick. Last edited by Ozgwald#5068 on Oct 22, 2013, 9:13:31 AM
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Upgraded my supporter pack just before this was posted.
With all the WKBWs in this thread, it makes me feel good that I did. <3 GGG |
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