Saint Vitus: Physical crit ranger guide[Always Updated]
" Haven't tried it yet, but i dont really see the point of using a ranged totem when you're a ranger, you can just use the skill yourself. That totem probably works better with a duelist build, marauder too since you can link an iron will to it. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral |
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It's actually interesting to see a build so similar yet different with the way it actually plays out. I'm currently waiting for OB to come out so I can start on my physical ranger, but I want to ask this: is it even remotely possible to make a viable Ranger build without crit?
To answer that question, here's the build I've came up with: Build at lvl 80 Note that the Heartpierce and Deadly Draw are the last 2 notables earned past the lvl 70-80 range. The main concept behind this theorybuild is to fully increase the raw physical damage through damage nodes and attack speed. (tanky as well) The Point Blank keystone may weaken the arrows at long range but provides that extra 50% damage up front. I would like your input on this build if it's even possible to survive endgame without crit. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: |
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Mmm seeing those DPS numbers even with pretty solid gear is kind of depressing. Physical rangering really needs a buff of some sort :(
Have you considered Split Arrow with Chain? If every target is hit by 1 of the arrows, every target will take an average of 4 hits, making chain a x2.4 multiplicative damage support, which would massively increase your DPS (if you can afford the mana cost). Or even Lightning Arrow with Chain. I know it's a physical build, but Lightning Arrow works just fine all the same, and it's a goddam beast with Chain. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Dec 3, 2012, 4:34:49 PM
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" Here:Passive skill tree build I strongly recommend using this setup, note the fact that i eliminated the critical chance nodes for extra frenzy chagres, more life and rez. I have pickup the frenzy charges and scrificed some attacks speed too because frenzy charges will provide a lot of attack speed on their own and they also grant increased physical damage which is always a welcome addition for this build. I still sustain the opinion that if you can not get very high critical chance, there is no reason to get any at all when can just get more damage via other nodes. I have picked Piercing because that is a passive that works tremendously well with point blank, with point blank you do need a lot of life since you will be getting in the thick on things, thats why ive picked up more of it(notice that in the next three levels you have an extra 3 8% nodes that you can get if necessary, next to the 30+ str node).You will also need some decent life leech gear with mana leech, those mods will make this build very good indeed. Also i recommend using chain as a support for your area attack skill because you will always get 50% more damage since the origin resets every time it chains! By the looks of it this build will do very well, i wish you good luck. If you have any further questions about what skills or gear, supports to use im always happy to help. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Dec 3, 2012, 6:07:13 PM
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" I am aware that there are skills that could give me more dps with this build, but i wanted to show that pure physical damage can be done successfully in the endgame and that Rain of Arrows is a very nice and usable skill especially when powered by frenzy charges along with high critical chance/multiplier and with life leech and mana leech. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Dec 3, 2012, 6:01:53 PM
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" Other than the stacked life, which I can see needing if I'm taking the PB keystone, I'm not sure about spending extra PSpoints on frenzy charges. One of the biggest concerns I have coming up with this build is its reliance on Frenzy, a skill that from the getgo is very mana intensive (15mana). With build I posted, barring some minor changes, I feel that an inherent reliance on attack speed than actual frenzy charges can help with the mana consumption and frenzy charge uptake. With that said, I decided to rework the skilltree as such: Build at lvl 80 With this, I still get more physical damage nodes and 2 extra frenzy charges to make it 5 total instead of 6. I took out 2 major pockets of HP nodes for 1 smaller pocket and dumped the remaining into projectile speed and IAS. If I find myself struggling for life, I can always respec those 5 points into HP nodes as well. Also, thanks for noting the Piercing Shots notable - if I'm doing a lot of up-front damage, than having my shots pierce would be crucial to deal with the oncoming mob. Skills I plan to use are Frenzy (default), Split Arrow (AoE), Burning Arrow (DPH), and Rain of Arrows (Crowd Control). Supplementing those attack skills are Faster Attacks, Faster Projectiles, Mana Leech, Life on Hit/Life Leech, and Pierce supports. Combined with Projectile Weakness, Temporal Chains, Grace aura, Phase Run, and either Decoy/Devouring Totem for tanking. (If I can get my hands on it, Weapon Elemental Damage and Reduced Mana supports.) For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Dec 3, 2012, 7:29:20 PM
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" Fair enough. How did you find Rain from an ease of use perspective? It seemed clunky to me in my limited usage, one of the reasons I really think it should have 100% dmg effectiveness instead of 80%. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Dec 4, 2012, 1:25:43 AM
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" Theres no reason to take Steel Skin, just take reflexes + leather and steel. take the 4 8% life nodes on the way.Its much better that way. 5 frenzy charges wont be a big difference in mana cost than 6, only the attack speed makes a difference, which you already took, you're better off just having 6 frenzy charges than attack speed nodes. Through those charges you get a lot of IPD and IAS, more than you can get from the skill points that you will spend to get them.So youll get off cheaper with the tree and get the same damage, then you can put more points in defensive passives, like rez and life. You probably will not need celerity, you can use that passive on a better point. You wont have any major mana problems if you use mana leech, i got 6 frenzy charges with a lot of attacks per second and its not that mana hungry. Those are too many attack skills you will only need 2, 1 for rares and bosses such as frenzy and the second for area split or RoA whichever you prefer. You wont need life leech as a support gem, you can get nice life leech mods on rings and amulets and quivers. There is no reason to use weapon elemental damage on a physical damage build. I strongly suggest you also use Chain as a support for PB builds its an insane support. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Dec 4, 2012, 6:25:45 AM
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" Yes i agree that it shouldve been 100%, it makes no sense to put up to 80% when its already got the drawback that you have to wait for the arrows to land, you can make this waiting time very short with high enough projectile speed and attack speed, but it isn't easy. Its quite easy to get used to as a skill and it's very fun, especially after some time you can do sweet tactics with it, also it has a ridiculous range and it bypasses barriers like frost wall (i used a tactic back in the ledge days with frostwall, before the nerf, i used to just block the way and then rain arrows over it, always stayed safe from enemies and projectiles) It's , in my opinion, very fun.:) I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral |
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" Well, for points's sake I decided that it's easier to get Steel Skin than it is to get Reflexes. And if I follow your advice and stick with 6 Frenzy charges and less IAS nodes, my build would probably then look something like this: Build at lvl 80 As for Celerity, that passive's there in case I can't find a pair of boots with a high enough MS. If I do end up not using it, I could always respec it into more life or rez. I've never used Chain before, but it might be worth if I can chain 3+ attacks. I could probably go without a life leech gem, as I'd probably go with Life Gain on Hit with Rain of Arrows (Faster Attacks, Faster Projectiles, Life Gain on Hit). Then as you said, get life leech on gloves, quivers, rings, and amulets. If I take out Burning Arrow (a solid and cheap skill), it would indeed leave me with more room for extra skills like Decoy Totem and Devouring/Rejuvenation Totem. I wonder if Frost Wall still worth getting? I've heard that it's base duration has been nerfed to hell but I can see a lot of utility for it in CQC. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: |
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