gg wands, 300+PDPS 8+crit claw 25ex, nice gears inside( mostly priced)

accept 1chaos = 4alc(if the amount isn't large)

if an item is not "verified", it means it was sold.
these b/o aren't firm, feel free to offer if u don't agree the listed price

leave your free time and IGN here, or PM me in forum or in game!!
my "possibly" free time: 10AM to 10PM(GMT+8)
often online time: 2~9PM(GMT+8)
better PM me on forum, I seldom play the game now.
IGN: frozenmaid


70%+ spell dmg, -1 from perfect spell flat lightning dmg, 19% cast speed
~b/o 8 exalted

80%+ spell dmg, T1 spell flat fire dmg, T2 cast speed
~b/o 10 exalted

80%+ spell dmg, T2 spell flat fire dmg, 19% cast speed
~b/o 5 exalted

70%+ spell dmg, T2 spell flat fire dmg, 16% cast speed
~b/o 3 exalted

nice roll brinerot boots
~b/o 4 exalted

nice roll mutewind boots
~b/o 3 exalted

60%+ spell dmg with T1 spell flat fire dmg, 8.5%+crit
~b/o 2 exalted

50%+ spell dmg with T1 spell flat lightning dmg, near 9%crit
~b/o 2 exalted

300+PDPS, T1 crit, T2 ias claw
~b/o 25 exalted

nice lightning caster ammy with MOM build
c/o none
~b/o 5 exalted

~b/o 4 exalted

nice quiver T1 life, crit chance, crit multi, nice accuracy and some flat dmg
c/o none
~b/o 4 exalted

T1 life 90 res with good ar helm
~b/o 3 exalted

T1 life with extremely nice dual resist roll, crafted fire res but can recraft for another IIR
~b/o 5 exalted

nice life and 120+ total resist(one prefix left for good flat ar)
~b/o 1 exalted

T1 perf life with nice ar and 100+ resist(one prefix left for good flat ar)
~b/o 2 exalted

nice CoC dagger
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

nice CoC dagger
~b/o 1 exalted

nice CoC dagger
~b/o 1 exalted

nice ev helm with accuracy
~b/o 1 exalted

vaults of atziri
~b/o 1 exalted

nice ele ST sword
~b/o 1 exalted

+1 gem lioneye shield
~b/o 1 exalted

nice ev/es chest
~b/o 1 exalted

nice ev/es shield with life for EB build
~b/o 1 exalted

nice quiver, life is a bit low though
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

nice CoC dagger for cyclone
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

nice CoC dagger for cyclone
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

nice CoC dagger for ST
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

nice life with tri res ev helm(can still craft ev%)
c/o none
~b/o 3 exalted

high life, 300+es 16% all res legacy shield(nice for EB build)
c/o none
~b/o 3 exalted

nice rolled additional trap sunblast
c/o none
~b/o 4 exalted

T1 flat ar, nice life 95 tri resist(will be godly if u can roll nice ar% on it)
c/o none
~b/o 3 exalted

mortal rage
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

nice life, near 700 ev, dual nice resist with dex, no useless mod helm
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

96% cold damage +2 level cold wand
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

nice ar/es helm for EB build
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

200 pdps mace
c/o none
~b/o 20 chaos

c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted

c/o none
~b/o 10 chaos

nice tri resist es belt(with chaos)
~b/o 1 exalted

craftable stuffs

Please offer if something in this zone catch ur eyes, and don't ask me how much.
If I can decide a b/o, then I will

itemlevel 78

itemlevel 73

itemlevel 74

itemlevel 70

itemlevel 74

sold highlight items

400+es with 42spell dmg and 100spell crit shield
c/o none
~b/o 25 exalted(sold @ b/o)

200 pdps dagger
c/o none
~b/o 20 chaos(sold @ 15 chaos)

c/o none
~b/o 10 chaos(sold @ b/o)

40+ dex 50+mana 140+es gloves with single 30+res, have one slot open for int or another resist
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 5 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 3 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

300+es t1 suffix IIR, dual resist nice helm
c/o none
~b/o 5 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice ar/ev 5L chest
c/o none
~b/o 3 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice ar/es shield 300+es 100+res
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

252pdps claw
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ 1ex + 40fus)

146life, dual high resist(76 in total), 2 prefix left(for ar, es, wed%)
especiallly nice for eb if u can craft ar and es out
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

perfect LL% carnage
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

6s mid roll wings of entropy
c/o none
~b/o 20 chaos(sold @ b/o)

normal roll rise of the phoenix
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
b/o 4 exalted(sold @ b/o)

corrupted crown of eyes
c/o none
~b/o 35 exalted(trade for a nice 6L in game, should worth more than my b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 4 exalted(sold @ 3 exalted + 1 divine)

nice claw with near 200pdps and 9% crit
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ 29 chaos)

c/o none
~b/o 5 exalted(aold @ b/o)

legacy eye of chayula
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice ele buzzsaw sword
c/o none
~b/o 10 exalted(sold @ 6ex + 33 chaos + 3 sacrifice set)

tri-resist ar helm with high life
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice life, tri res with chaos
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 5 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice ambusher for ele st
c/o none
~b/o 3 exalted(sold @ 2 exalted)

sold @ 9 chaos

c/o none
~b/o 10 chaos(sold @ b/o)

nice roll montregul
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ 1ex + 25c)

nice roll Marohi Erqi
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

-----------------------------------sold before 1.2.0-----------------------------------

nice roll 26% doryani belt lightning version
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

itemlevel 80 ar/es 5L
c/o none
~b/o 20 chaos(sold @ b/o)

high aps 480+PDPS 2H mace
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice eb helm, high dual resist, nice life & mana, also T1 prefix IIR, no useless mods
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 20 chaos(sold @ 15 chaos)


100+ spell dmg, 10%cast speed, 1%fire leech(can remove it and craft other ele leech from cata)
still 1 spot left for suffix ele dmg% also, could be godly
c/o none
~b/o 10 exalted(sold @ 8 exalted equiv)

340ES 50%+ spell dmg ES shield
c/o none
~b/o 8 exalted(sold @ 7 exalted equiv)

380ES spell crit cast speed nice shield, still have slot for spell damage or hybrid es%~~
c/o none
~b/o 4 exalted(sold @ b/o)

400+es with nice resist and mana regen
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

vaults of atziri
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice quiver for PA build
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

350+PDPS bow
c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

320+PDPS 1H mace
c/o none
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 6 exalted(sold @ b/o)

5L nice ar/es chest for EB build
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

20/20 clean IIQ gem
~b/o 4 exalted(sold @ b/o)

mid roll vertex
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

prism guardian
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

100+spell damage, 16%cast speed wand
c/o none
~b/o 9 exalted(traded for a 5L pledge and 0.7ex equiv currency)

6s Hegemony
c/o none
~b/o 10 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

tri res es shield
~b/o 5 exalted(sold @ b/o)

T1 physical damage%(for ilvl 59) with Vagan's mod
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)


nice roll astramentis
c/o none
~b/o 4 exalted(sold @ b/o)

perfect T1 life, 600+EV, 100+res helm
c/o none
~b/o 5 exalted(sold @ b/o)

~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

~b/o 10 chaos(sold @ b/o)

additional curse Lazhwar
c/o none
~b/o 4 exalted(sold @ b/o)

5L 159% Pledge
~b/o 8 exalted(sold @ b/o)

c/o none
~b/o 2 exalted(sold @ b/o)

100%+ fire spell dmg, T1 spell flat fire dmg, nice cast speed
can recraft fire dmg% for proj speed as well
~b/o 12 exalted(sold @ b/o)

300+ES shield with spell damage
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

nice CoC dagger
~b/o 1 exalted(sold @ b/o)

~b/o 5 chaos

~b/o 3 chaos

10% up Qgems

my gear, not for sell, ~b/o 999 exalted

shadow gear ~b/o 999 exalted

CI summoner gear ~b/o 999 exalted

ROA duelist gear ~b/o 999 exalted

Last edited by freezingkills#4915 on Nov 28, 2015, 8:49:33 AM
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