Upcoming 1.0.0 Skills and Support Gems, Anarchy/Onslaught ending and San Francisco Meetup Pictures

Last edited by apparat07#3306 on Oct 7, 2013, 8:30:37 PM
the most notable combination i can think of that will be mainstream is crit + multiplier, ES shadow. any crit based ES build can benefit from adding 2 spells to their crazy dps. simplest is reave/dualstrike FP and cold snap. thats gonna be amazing! with the Q dualstrike version u wont have to use mele splash anymore. most of these will probably be shadow types.

reave/cleave builds will be using Cast on Melee Kill/detonate dead like the plague. there are always extra corpses laying around =D

also defensive easy road is one unique... deerhunter(30% more desperate damage). damage taken, skelly, cold snap/firetrap, multitrap. the benefits to this are so many it will become standard defensive practices. ppl will give up their resist for this for sure. i will ^^

one question about offensive triggers. will it auto-target to the direction the player is facing? this will have to be pretty much necasary.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Last edited by leighferon#0786 on Oct 7, 2013, 8:46:20 PM
Ascendic wrote:
Tonyg87 wrote:
Ascendic wrote:
PoE literally put NZ on the map, Chris you know you are living legend now, right?
Blizzard got put in their place LOL

Really? A computer game put NZ on the map? There was nothing notable about NZ for it to be worth putting on a map before?

You ask this question without even mentioning something notable.. You already knew the answer.

Not mentioning something notable was intentional. Not because there was nothing notable. Saying a video game put NZ on the map is pretty fucking ignorant if you ask me.[/quote]


Why are you guys arguing about this in this topic/thread that should be a love fest for the game we all play?

Obviously, he meant it as a compliment and it is a figure of speech/idiom. Grow up, drop it and continue the praise for this wonderful game!

Last edited by apparat07#3306 on Oct 7, 2013, 8:32:08 PM
ARPGfan wrote:
The guy in the middle looks like he is an alien cyborg scanning the area for any potential threats.

Just sayin... :P

LOL, I see it. :)

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
This game is all the time getting better!.
Cobgratz! and big THANK YOU GGG!.
WTB cast on death hardcore league?
You know what we need now?

Defensive Trigger Skills

- Cast on Block
- Cast on Evade
- Cast on Dodge (probably would be better if "cast on evade" involved that one)
+1 for cast on block!!!
can't wait for all the new stuff...
When might we have access to the new passive tree? With the addition of the Scion, I know I speak for many when I say, we really want to begin theorycrafting asap.
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone.
Last edited by Dragon585#3483 on Oct 7, 2013, 10:25:07 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Wooser69 wrote:
2. If casted spells have their damage reflected onto the player from reflect mobs, or if the autocasts are treated like totem or trap casts, having damage reflected onto the 'outside source' that is casting the spell for the player.
They're cast by the player, not any other object. You'll take the reflect.

Wooser69 wrote:
3. Curse on hit being global and applying to all skills, or if it requires 2 gem slots wasted to apply curses with a single skill. Cause I really want a global curse on hit where the mana cost of linked curses is reserved, to balance.
Curse on hit supports (at least) one curse, and (at least) one skill, which will apply the linked curse(s) on hit.

Good to know about reflect. Disappointed about curse on hit however, I can't think of a situation where 2 gem slots on my attack skill is worth it when I can just cast the curse itself and cover almost the whole screen in about 0.3 seconds.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui

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