We players want an auction house

Ign: FillyRampage / FillyJetstream / FillyOctavia
MLP 4 Life
It is my pleasure.
MadBro_ wrote:
bitedefer wrote:
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
An easy fix would be a mail-box system, where if you pay a b/o to the shopkeeper true the
mail-box, the item is send to your stash. That way people could play on, while selling items for b/o. It would also fix an issue with the time-zones people are in and the issue that a lot of players are away from poe ore simply have taken a brake, while there shops remain online.

While i am against a AH, i am for improvements to the current trading system, like mentioned before PoE is suppose to be an ARPG. Not a TRPG.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
keep up good replies and u will get a quote to first page!
ibase wrote:
keep up good replies and u will get a quote to first page!

I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
Here is your quote OP..

"D3 has given up on using an auction house for good reason."

Standard Forever
The trade chat is too spammy that's for sure. My suggestion would be a shop feature where you type in someones account or player name and it brings up a tab like a stash tab with buyout prices for the items. Perhaps they could micro-transaction more shop tabs to help support the game.
iamstryker wrote:
Here is your quote OP..

"D3 has given up on using an auction house for good reason."


Er.. it's a business decision.

Don't be fooled to thinking they are doing this out of respect for their game..

If they thought leaving the Auction House in would make them more money, they would. They clearly calculated that the only way they will keep making money off the Expansion is if they promise something like that.

Doesn't fix their shitty itemization issue.
The Russell Wilson Era
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
DaveSW wrote:
No. The auction murdered everything that could have been good about Diablo 3. In PoE, it will absolutely destroy the economy of every new league.

yeah are you afraid of loosing the fliping items model?
top kek

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