We players want an auction house

no auction house it sucks, (you want to play the auctionhouse instead of the game go play d3)
No we do not.
I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789
Why not make a 4 month AH league to test it out?

I sure as hell to join in, I dont like ripping people off.

AH is the way to do it, some people say WE dont want it!


I want it, plus people who dont use forum or post, might want it.


Stop saying "WE"

Last edited by GOONK#0539 on Oct 4, 2013, 7:38:22 AM
no 'we' dont

stop trolling
No thanks.............
Hm im a bit dissapointed,

seems like there wont be a new trading system right @ release day but a while after. The only thing i was hoping for didnt come true.

Last edited by ibase#1590 on Oct 4, 2013, 7:41:00 AM
Change is good, don't be so negative about new things.

I bet if AH added, 90+% people WILL use it!
Last edited by GOONK#0539 on Oct 4, 2013, 7:47:20 AM
today one of these days...

need some kind of fusing orbs, got billions of worth of items but no currency left, so i shout trade channel desperated to sell some of my worthy equipt and got good offers.*

next thing is to purchase fusing orbs wich is taking so long and yet again i need to spam trade channel 300 times.

auciton house when will you arrive?

todays playtime so far : 2 hours shouting trades 5 min monster hunting

woa wait, maybe i forgot to mention the countless replies that i received when posting good stuff in trade channel : " HOW MUCH ID DIZ " or " I PAY DIZ 1 FUSE ". These messages r only pissing me off
Last edited by ibase#1590 on Oct 5, 2013, 11:13:23 AM
auction house equals flipping bots. i want traders to waste their time. glad that GGG thinks the same about this matter. this way no1 is forced to cheat and can just play the game w/o getting totally overwhelmed by AH bots in no time.

"When the Last Build Enabling Unique Is Cut Down, the Last Leveling Item Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Currency"
IGN: @ShocklerMolesh

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