multiple traps cannot be thrown over edges?

not sure if this is an intended mechanic.

Normal traps throw fine off ledges, the docks different levels etc.

With multiple traps support they seem to hit a wall at any edge and only drop to that point
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Hi, this is intentionally done to avoid weird cases of traps supported by multiple traps from floating off to random places like the water in act 2 and getting stuck in walls etc. :)
Last edited by Roman_GGG#0000 on Sep 24, 2013, 11:51:31 PM
The traps would eventually just expire anyway, what's it matter if they go into a strange place?

Also can't be thrown through barred walls / doors such as those found in the prison like dungeon areas.
I want this to be fixed/changed, since as a trapper there are areas you have extreme problems with! anything with doodads, stairs and what else :(
grunternz wrote:
The traps would eventually just expire anyway, what's it matter if they go into a strange place?

Also can't be thrown through barred walls / doors such as those found in the prison like dungeon areas.

Completely agree with both statements, this is extremely hindering and needs to be fixed.
Roman_GGG wrote:
Hi, this is intentionally done to avoid weird cases of traps supported by multiple traps from floating off to random places like the water in act 2 and getting stuck in walls etc. :)

Why are the Multiple Projectile supports not nerfed in this same manner? This simple "mechanic" makes the Multiple Traps support gem utterly useless.

Almost every ranged skill in the game is able to cross gaps and change elevation. Playing as a trapper in either Docks or Catacombs is painful to say the least, simply because of this horrible bug.

I feel like this response is a cop-out. The gem was created with this bug, and someone came up with said reasoning because it was easier than fixing the gem.

How in the world would traps not getting created ever be better than them appearing on ledges? I can't understand this logic.
IGN: Ragearo
Roman is incorrect. The reason for the restriction is that otherwise multitrap could be used to stack all the traps in the same place, by having them collide with a wall, thus providing a big boost to single-target dps by having all the traps go off together.
Thus the traps can't be allowed to be thrown targeting anywhere past blocking terrain, which results in some odd cases with cliffs.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on May 8, 2014, 10:32:14 PM

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