Moosifer's 2h Sweep Duelist
Ah, okay.
In terms of crit building though... I'm aware that crit multiplier is really strong on bow builds, because of Diamond Flasks. But with a bow's innate crit chance being so low, I was under the impression building a crit-heavy build is really painful, because it takes a TON of crit % passives to even get a passable amount. I was thinking more along the lines of an Ele Bow, similar to Petrov's Ranger (more of a tanky build, but a LOT of Ele Damage passives,) but with a Duelist twist, especially with all that oh-so-sweet attack speed. But yeah, I understand your meaning, especially with Espi (isn't he Shadow ES?) Hope you find the crit build you're looking for, mate. (And congrats on top 10 in the race.) |
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" ES w/ iron reflex. At least I hope so or he was just running determination for me. I've been hearing alot about petrov's ele ranger build. Personally I don't like ripping other's ideas, prefer to blindly build my own and see if it works. I'm thinking about a elemental DW build next, seems like fun. Maybe I'll see what ideas I can get from him. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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Based on your post stating that most of your resists are from gear, I assume you killed the bandits for the extra skill points. Am I right?
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" always life. I can't see any reason a melee shouldn't get life. The only one I'll give is if you are doing a very unique build and have to travel a long way on the tree. Resists aren't worth it, life is so worth it. I have something like 150-200% increased life, 45 life 4 times 450-540 free life. No skill can make up for that and reducing dmg by 8% won't cover it either. Basically max roll life on two items w/o having to equip anything while resists you can get 40% from one piece. If you are using the shield with 24% AR, it can roll triple resist to 40% and then another 15% AR (I think that's max) so with just the shield only you'd be 20 AR in merci. I feel like this was overkill, but I've over explained my point so I hope there's no confusion. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - Last edited by Moosifer#0314 on Oct 20, 2012, 6:48:16 AM
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Some high lvl observations so far w/ the build.
w/ this gear. Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable (wearing my mf gear that's why no gems in anything) I can tank 99% of all mobs. Max resists, 6k armor (use warlords for LL/dragonballs, but don't need it too often) and 4k dps w/ frenzy charges up. The only issues I have are large groups of chaos dmg mobs, as when they have 5 projectiles and there is 20 of them it's going to a bitch not to take a ton of dmg, also lvl 68 vaal and brutus. Biggest issue with both is dps is pretty low for their health pools so I end up taking in way more damage than I can handle, or they just flat out one shot me (vaal's lazer on ele weakness map and brutus hook/GS insta combo) I'm seeing from actually getting qual gems for the first time that DPS nodes from tree are even less needed. So far have 20% sweep, added fire dmg and culling strike for that 4k DPS (heavy strike is 7-8k) Here's my tree as of 80, I'm gonna take a look and see if there's anything I can adjust with the reset later this week. Also the reason I started taking more life was mainly because I needed the dex for some of the gems to hit 19, got the int so I can lvl item rarity a couple times. I'm starting to feel that rather than those small 8% dmg nodes there's more benefit in just getting str as it add life and dmg and 8% is nothing really. I'm seriously considering just spending the rest of CB min-maxing this character to see what it's full potential is. I still think it's tankier than most GS maras especially when both don't have charges up. I've played with sweep maras that don't play nearly as aggressively as I do and I hardly have any issues, most of my deaths are from stupidity (fell asleep while doing a map this morning) or over extending myself (double vaal map, full party). Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Very nice. I actually saw some changes I need to make just looking at your build now, looks like I can save a couple of points. I did notice you got "Savant" (+30 Int) was there a reason for that? I'm assuming it's maybe for a skill. Another thing is taking the two 8% life nodes towards the middle versus taking three 8% life nodes under "Might". I'm sure you have a plan in mind I was just curious. EDIT: Never mind, doesn't really make a difference. If you want 4 nodes you're spending 6 to get there either way. Got it.
Incoming wall-o-text. Personally I'm loving the build so far, most maps I can clear through with relative ease. My biggest issue really is just lack of permanent end-game gear at the moment. Luckily this build isn't very gear dependent, but I'm still having to sink some points into defensive passives that would otherwise go elsewhere. Like I was telling you I actually enjoy the extra regen nodes in the duelist tree after Golem's Blood. However, I think as I do begin to get better gear those will become more unnecessary. Like I said before a big issue I'm having is damage output. When I need endurance charges and can't kill anything fast enough it can get ugly at times. For some reason magic Vaal Fallen with Extra Damage/Extra elemental damage can hit me really really hard sometimes, they're the cause of most of my deaths. The others coming from chaos damage as you mentioned. I think I'm going to put some effort into getting qual HS/Sweep this week now that all my currency isn't being sunk into you know what. Hopefully that will help, at least a little bit on the damage front. Another thought I've been having (for my duelist specifically) is phasing out IR altogether. I seem to be transitioning more and more to pure armor. With the changes to the tree IR may be further out than I would like. We'll have to wait and see I guess. IGN: Lawsuit | Lawshoot Last edited by TheAxiom#4707 on Oct 31, 2012, 1:29:42 AM
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Savant is for IIR gem. I'm not running 4-5 boosters so I need the gems for the bonus. Taking might is something I mentioned in my last post. I think stacking str might be better than getting the 8% dmg nodes that I have left. 30 str = 15 life and 6% IPD. So I lose 2% dmg but gain 38 life, which after the math might be a little shitty lol.
I think with the reset I'm gonna try to get over 5k life. I have 20% LL w/ qual BR and warlords so w/ LR and LL I should be maxed at the 20% life regen/sec if I can get 5k life that means I'll be regening 1k life/sec so even the very hard hitting mobs I'll be able to regen a hit in a matter of seconds. Also w/ 5k life not much will be able to one shot me. After some maths, I'll have 170 life/sec regen and w/ my 4k sweep dps I'll have 800 life/sec. Only problem will be phys reflect as I think it reflects 25% or 30% so w/o charges I'll have to be careful. I have a qual LL on HS to help w/ it but HS doing 8k DPS hurts like fuck against reflect. I'll probably sacrifice armor and some DPS to get this done. Most of my new qual gems are under lvl 15 still so once they max whatever I lost off the tree should be made up there. Plus there's still getting a 6l which I'll either get conc effect as them being closer doesn't matter and I think qual lessens the area loss. W/ just 3.8% LR I'm able to handle BR then BR gives about 5-6 at higher lvls, qual gives it more LL and warlords becomes very important. With only those and the 2% off the tree I was fine to support the chaos dmg from BR and make up all the hits from bosses. The key is LL on HS. Any boss situation becomes very easy with that combo. I mean on a boss I'm coming in w/ 24% LL. With getting qual gems, just focus on sweep, but get a good wpn first 400+ top end. That will do much more than qual gems. Personally I only use HS for bosses and again w/ 24% LL there's very few bosses giving me a hard time, even w/ slow kill speed. Really maxing out the gems probably gave me 500-1k more DPS so it's a nice extra but won't be a massive boost. I think at lvl 20 all gems I'll have around 4.5k dps on sweep (if I can get my mahori I'll have over 6k damn it) I don't like hybrid armors all that much (mostly style, i guess I'm vain) and eva gear is so fucking hard to roll the colors I need. Most stuff I need like 2-3 red and 1-2 green so I stick with armor gear out of ease of crafting sockets. Gloves would go w/ if they were ES ffs, same w/ boots. Chest would never go eva, probably the same w/ helm unless I was able to get one of those 1.5k eva helms w/ life and resists. W/ the new patch I think this build will be stronger than maras. Especially because of the GS nerf and IR move. I just wish there was a way to get higher DPS. Considering dropping RT and getting some crit with the new trip to ranger for IR. I dunno we'll see. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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Updated build
Ok since the tree reset I've made some improvements. Some of the things I've changed: Dropped: the mace cluster near RT RT Blood Drinker With it's move steel skin 2h cluster next to berserking Added: Leather and Steel near starting area (easily could go steel skin, probably should might be slightly better) Lost 2 points to IR (they moved it far enough to be annoying but not enough to be hard for maras or easy for anyone else) And the big change, headed to ranger and grabbed heatseeker, another frenzy charge (bonus not purpose) and the other heatseeker Will finish the build out 82+ by grabbing life nodes that are near the heatseekers Most of these changes will only apply at a higher lvl as the higher you go the less accuracy matters because I'm facing mobs 12-20 lvls below me which means with my 70% chance to hit now that it's usually going to be much higher The drop of the damage nodes and RT basically cut my sheet DPS almost in half. I want to say I was at 4k sweep before the reset and now I'm around 2.5k both unbuffed. But now I have almost a 400% crit multiplier so in a pinch I pop a diamond flask and get two shots off at about 10k fully buffed, also get the nice random 5% chance to crit. I haven't used crit too often in groups yet but solo I'm mowing down 3-4 rares at a time w/ sweep on lvl 65 maps. I dropped blood drinker because even w/o it I have 26% LL between gear and skills. I can also max the qual of my blood rage and get even more. The new 1% regen node at the starting area makes it so you don't lose any life at all with blood rage so that's a wonderful bonus. I'm sure this also helps w/ those 4-7 a/s DW BM builds. I'm wondering if I redid this build completely over whether or not it would be better to go north grab those regen nodes, the life wheel and crit to the north west. Less regen but more life and more crit. Oh to anyone who has been rooting for me in the ladder race, I've thrown in the towel. Everyone in the top ten is doing 2 people w/ 4 boosters. I've been going probably 80% solo, 10% in a duo or trio (one of the guys is now 15th or so after finishing 6th in the week) and 10% w/ one guy who runs two boosters. Whenever I run with him I feel a little dirty too. I wanted to accomplish this on my own and it's just not seeming possible. For example today someone flew by me. I woke up 1m exp behind him after 3 hours of me grinding 63-65s fast and hard he amassed a 14m lead over me. I think a solo 68-69 I get about 2-4m so either he's the luckiest man I've met (as I've never sustained 67+ for more than 5-6 and I was 30m ahead of him yesterday) or he's getting help. So I've given up, I have one demigod 2nd was just for bragging rights and maybe trading but that won't happen. I'm going to min-max this build to it's fullest to see what I can really achieve with it then I'm going to test my next build before OB. I plan to finally do a DW build inspired by inva and the elemental bow users. Just need to find a way to counteract elemental reflect so I'm not like epsi complaining everyday about how I one shot myself. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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The whole concept of low crit chance and diamond flasks and building up crit multiplier is something I have really overlooked, but it makes so much sense now that I think about it.
I am definitely adapting this idea to a dual-strike rapier duelist, multipliers from the skill tree, skill gem, rapiers and maligaros gloves. I can already see it going over 500%, even more with proper jewellery. So much potential behind this idea, seriously. Thanks for sharing. |
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Oh I forgot to mention the big combo. Get a belt that refills flasks, get a diamond flask that refills faster and then use warlord's mark which refills flasks 100% faster. So even with one diamond you can refill them quick.
edit: went quick because I had someone reading over my shoulder. I've asked Epsi a bunch of times what someone using his build would want (ele crit bow user) and he kept saying crit dmg and blah blah blah. I never understood because I came from D3 where crit chance has more benefit than crit dmg. But with diamond flasks you'll be able to crit exactly when you need to and with refill bonus and two diamonds you can have crit every single time you need it, so focus on getting massive multi and you'll have those huge burst when you need them. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - Last edited by Moosifer#0314 on Nov 2, 2012, 5:35:53 AM
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