9.12o Map Community Log

After recent map drop increase patch starting with 4x lvl65 maps i've managed to run these:

lvl69 - 1
lvl68 - 2
lvl67 - 4
lvl66 - 2
lvl65 - 7

all these were max chiseled + rare, expect last 1x lvl67 and 3x lvl65s that were not chiseled (some with 100+ quantity, other ones with tons of beneficial mods)

I have spent 5 chaos on average rerolling each of these maps.

Then I run out of chisels and droped back to grinding lvl64 and below.

Most frustrating thing is when lvl68 or lvl69 map drops only a lvl62 map. Hate that ****. They should fix that :)
Either make low level maps very common in high level maps or make maps to not drop a map that is more than 2 levels below the map you are in. Imo, if a map drops in lvl66 area that map should be lvl64 to lvl68.
If lvl69 maps could drop in lvl60 maps that would be fine tho.
Last edited by Fishclock#5462 on Oct 6, 2012, 1:39:32 PM
1- lv 60 Dunes 7%/7% 50% magic
uniq boss +30/25%
regen mana es -50% regen
chisel in chest, white vaal 62 from boss drop, white dungen lv 60.

2- lv 62 Vaal 53% rare
15% more magic monsters
Warlord Mark
25% monster life
23/22/22 ms/as/cs
White Sewer Map 62,

3- lv 62 Sewer 15% Magic
-17 Res
Superior Tropical Island 13/13 white

4- lv 61 Superior Tropical Island (18/18) 54% / 18% Magic
50% Slow Regen
30% Monster Phys Res

5- lv 61 Cemetery 15% Magic
38% Area
-25 player res.
Lv 64 Catacomb white Boss Drop

6- lv 62 Sewer 21% Magic
Elemental Equilibrium
31% monster life
Lv 61 Crematorium White, Chisel

7-lv 61 Thicket 5/5 14/5 Magic
29% Rare monsters
2 Uniq Bosses

8-lv 62 Sewer ( ?% ) Magic
Monster Varity
+48 pack size

9- lv 62 Sewer 12% Magic
+35 Pack Size
30% Monster Life

10- lv 64 Catacomb 45% Rare
24% More Rare Monsters
-15% Res
34% Monster Life
Monsters Gain 1 Frnzy every 30 sec
lv 61 Underground River white, lv 63 Overgrown Shrine white

11- lv 61 Underground River 41% Magic
24/24/24 ms/as/cs

12- lv 63 Overgrown Shrine 60%
Burning Ground
ELe Equilibrium
50% Slow Regen
75% Light Res
4 x Chisels, lv 61 Crematorium Map white

13- lv 65 Subterranean Stream 15% Magic
Bruning Ground
lv 66 Torture Chamber white, lv 62 Mud Geyser white

14- lv62 Mud Geyser 18% Magic
22% Larger Area
15- lv 63 Tunnel 48% Magic
+50 pack size
-50% regen
+35% monster dmg
lv 63 Shore, lv 62 Reef, lv 62 Mud geyser

16- lv 63 Shore 62% Rare
Burning Ground
30% More Rare Monsters
26.3 Chaos Dmg.
+75 Light res

17- lv 64 Tomb 41% Rare
Elemental Weakness
26% monster Dmg.
Monsters can not be stunned
lv 60 Dried Lake, lv 61 Cemetery, lv 60 Dungeon

18- lv 62 Mud Geyser 35% Rare
21% Magic
+75 Monster Cold Res.
lv 61 Cemetery, lv 60 Dry Penninsula

19- lv 62 Reef 44% Rare
17% Magic
22/22/22 ms/as/cs
2 Projectiles
+75 fire res

20- lv 64 Coves 50% Rare
-22 player resists
20/21/22 ms/as/cs
can not be stuned
two bosses
lv -61 Underground River

21- lv 61Under Ground River 56% Rare
Warlords Mark
23/24/22 ms/as/cs
20% ele ref
Two Bosses
lv 61 Thicket, lv 61 Cemetery ,

22- lv 61 Cemetery 41% Rare
+29% Pack Size
30% More Rare
-15 Player res
+75 monster res
+30% Physical res
Boss Deals 30% More Damage 25% Faster
lv 61 Magic Creamatorium from chest

23- lv 69 Platue 120/20 Rare
Burning Ground
27.5 Chaos
50% regen
2 Bosses
lv 69 Necropolis Magic

24- lv 69 Necropolis 41/20 Rare
25% Rare
32% Monster life
+75 Light res.
lv 68 Maze white

25- lv 60 Dry Penninsula 18% magic
30% pach size
35 inc damage lv 60 Groto magic

26- lv 68 Maze 130/20 Rare
Burning Ground
34% Incresed Damage
50% regen
Two Bosses
lv 67 Mine white

27- lv 68 Gorge 55/20
125 Magic
24% Rare
Cannot be Stunned
30% 25% Boss
lv 68 Cells white, lv 63 Overgrwn white

28- lv 68 Cells 71% Rare
Burning Ground
19.4 Chaos
33% monster dmg
No Drop

29- lv 68 Mine 74%
50% Regen
20% phys ref
No Drop

30- lv 66 Jungle Valley 59%
Burning Ground
Ranged Monter
83% xtra Light dmg
No Drop

31- lv 66 Torture Chamber 55/20 Rare
Elee Weakness
27 Monster Life
Two Bosses
lv 65 Strand 7/7sup. white, lv 61 Mountian Ledge white

32- lv 65 Strand 63/7 Rare
28% Rare
25/24/25 ms/as/cs
+100% light dmg

33- lv 61 Ledge 36% Rare
+22% pack size
+25% Monster Life
+80% Light dmg

34- lv 62 Vaal 93/20
-16% player res
25/24/21 ms/as/cs
20% phys ref
two bosses
lv 60 Crypt, lv 61 Cemetery

35- lv 61 Cemetery 3% Magic
26% Larger Area
27% Rare
No Drop

36- lv 61 Cemetery 39% rare
Increased Monster Variety
Burning Ground
+29% Pack size
33% Monster Damage
lv 61 Crematorium whit

37- lv 61 Cemetery 51% Rare
Increeased Monster variety
26% Rare
50% Recovery
29% Moster Life
lv 61 Tropical Island Rare, lv 61 Mountain Ledge white

38- 61 Tropical Island 81% Rare
23% Rare monsters
23.8 chaos
33% Monster Damage
20% Ele Ref
No Drop

39- lv 66 Marsh 50% Rare
22% Magic
27% rare
3 Projectiels
93% xtra Fire dmg
No Drop

40- lv 65 Stream 43%
Burning ground
Ele Weakness
30/25% Boss
No Drops

41- lv 61 Creamatorium 50% Rare
Ele Weakness
-19 Resistances
+30 physical monster res
lv 61 Creamatorium white, lv 62 Springs white from a magic monster

42- lv 62 Springs 61% Rare
+50% Pack Size
Temp Chains
+3 Frenzy Every 30 seconds
Boss 30 / 25
No Drop

43- lv 61 Cemetery 32% Rare
45% Larger Area
Ele Weakness
+75% Light Resistance
lv 62 Mud Geyser white from rare monster, lv 61Mountian Ledge white, chisel

44- lv62 Mud Geyser 41% Rare
23% Magic
20% Ele Ref
2 Frenzy every 30 sec.
30/25 Uniq Boss
lv 62 Springs white, lv 62 Sewer white

45- lv 62 Springs 6% Magic
Increased Monster Variety
+30 Pack Size
lv 63 Spider Forest white from rare monster, lv 61 thicket 8/8 white

46- lv 63 Spider Forest 30% Rare
+25 % Pack size
Cannot be Stuned
1 Frenzy per second
lv 64 Underground Sea white

47- lv 62 Sewer 36% Rare
25.8 Chaos
2 Additional Projectilesa
+30% Phys res
lv 60 Grotto 8/8 white, lv 60 Dried Lake, chisel

48- lv 62 Sewer 85% Rare
17% Magic
Ele Weakness
-21% Player res
25% Monster Life
25/25/22 ms/as/cs
3 Frenzy every 30 seconds
lv 61 Mountian Ledge white, lv 61 Creamatorium white, lv 62 Springs white, chisel

49- lv 64 Underground Sea 24%
22% Rare
Cannot be stunned
3 frenzy every 30 secs
lv 62 Mud Geyser magic, lv 60 Penninsula white, lv 63 Tunnel white, lv 65 Dry Woods white

50 - lv 63 Tunnel 32% Rare
30% Rare
24/24/24 ms/as/cs
Connot be Stunned
lv 61 Mountian Ledge white, lv 65 Arachnid Nest white, lv 62 Springs white

Last edited by sent2killu#2918 on Oct 8, 2012, 1:51:58 AM
Wish i had done this. either im getting Extremely unlucky or the maps aren't dropping for me due to some kind of bug.

Maps before the big iiq on maps nerf: 54

including 4 lvl 68's, 2 lvl 67's, some 64's the rest i don't remember exactly.

i gave away 10 to a friend ( lvl 60-62's )

After doing a lot of maps mostly by myself some with people but very few. I am down to 9 maps... ranging from 60-61.

All the mods on maps I do are usually + rare or + magic. with 20-110quantity.

All the maps lvl 65+ i did had pretty amazing stats. stuff like +rare and +magic 60-100 iiq.

Could someone explain what I am doing wrong?
hit me up @sarrow lets have fun :D
Sawm wrote:

Could someone explain what I am doing wrong?

you pissed off the god of rng
some of my IGNs:

Sawm wrote:

All the maps lvl 65+ i did had pretty amazing stats. stuff like +rare and +magic 60-100 iiq.

Could someone explain what I am doing wrong?

You should take a better log, because pretty hard to get +rare and +magic mods on the same map with +100 IIQ.
Dashtun wrote:

you pissed off the god of rng


MrDDT wrote:

You should take a better log, because pretty hard to get +rare and +magic mods on the same map with +100 IIQ.

did two lvl 65maps with 60+iiq (+rare+magic) last night found 0 maps. wish i had seen this post before. i will defenetly start doing this. as i am curious.
hit me up @sarrow lets have fun :D
At the start of the new map drop system patch, having run mostly (+size affix of +monster affix) 63-65 maps continuously with a 155% iiq character, i had the following maps stocked:

60: 15
61: 20+
62: 20+
63: 12
64: 8
65: 5
66: 4
67: 2
68: 0
69: 0

Due to the new map drop system, i switched to rolling 62s with a single alch, 63-64s with trans+aug+alts until it rolled a nice multiplier mod (+size / +monsters affix) then regaling, 65+ with 4x chisels and alch+chaos until 50+ iiq with at least one multiplier mod or 100+ iiq.

As of this post, which is one day before the QQ legacy wipe, my map stock is as follows:

60: 30+
61: 30+
62: 15
63: 8
64: 0
65: 0
66: 0
67: 0
68: 0
69: 0

Overall ive have greatly increased my 60-61 stock while slowly running out of higher maps, which rarely drop and are even less likely to replace themselves, let alone continue to upgrade.

That said, im not losing maps- without taking an exact tally, which is impossible now in any case, it looks like im roughly breaking even- but the likelyhood of blues/rares/bosses dropping higher level maps when they roll a map drop looks like it could use a considerable increase.
IGN: KoTao

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