new weapon type: Flails

Ladderjack wrote:
Hida_Kenshiro wrote:
so basically, you think limiting melee weapon types to about 5 is cool?


You might want to re-check your math there, tiger. (And considering that one-hand vs. two-hand determines availability of skills, there are technically more designations than this.)
while i may have missed Claws while i was counting you added sceptres which are maces so we're both wrong

Ladderjack wrote:

I saw it in the theater. I wonder if you were old enough to go to the movies by yourself in 1999. . .
I wonder if you're smart enough to stop posting?

Ladderjack wrote:

If you like looking at Milla Jovavich, check out "The Fifth Element". She is basically wearing nothing but band-aids for the first half of the movie.
I'm pretty happy watching just about any Milla Movie.

CanHasPants wrote:
We have swords which can reduce enemy block chance, but that doesn't really make much sense. Swords are, generally, very ineffective against shields (with few exceptions, like the zweihander, but then that would pretty much be written off as the technique and physique of its weilder than the sword itself). Flails, on the other hand, were designed to swing lethal momentum around a shield or intervening weapon to break collar bones, ribs, arms, and necks and such.
I really hate seeing the word Zweihander it's 2-hander in german. Sorry pet peeve of mine... I honestly had not noticed that swords reduced block chance i have yet to use a character that uses swords.
CanHasPants wrote:

There could be room for more sub item types that fit within preexisting base types; they would only require 1-2 node clusters on the passive tree and the rest would be filled in by what is already there. What should be avoided unless it truly adds something to the game, is more base item types, as that just gets needlessly messy. It stands to reason that flails, as a sub type of maces, would fulfill a role within the game (taking reduced enemy shield block away from swords) without really detracting anything.
I suppose a subtype would be better and less complicated.
CanHasPants wrote:

Whips, etc.. on the other hand.. What role would they fill? Neat as they are, they do not make effective implements of war, so why do our exiles need them to conquer the forces of Wraeclast?
Single handed weapons with reach maybe they could do low-medium damage and inflict curses on hit.
Last edited by Hida_Kenshiro on Sep 10, 2013, 9:24:48 PM
Just have Flails be a sub group of Maces and instead of Increased Stun Duration have them be % Reduced Stun Threshold. Also have them be mostly pure Str, with some of the faster ones requiring Str/Dex.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford
Last edited by Jackel6672 on Sep 10, 2013, 11:31:00 PM
CanHasPants wrote:

There could be room for more sub item types that fit within preexisting base types; they would only require 1-2 node clusters on the passive tree and the rest would be filled in by what is already there. What should be avoided unless it truly adds something to the game, is more base item types, as that just gets needlessly messy. It stands to reason that flails, as a sub type of maces, would fulfill a role within the game (taking reduced enemy shield block away from swords) without really detracting anything.

Whips, etc.. on the other hand.. What role would they fill? Neat as they are, they do not make effective implements of war, so why do our exiles need them to conquer the forces of Wraeclast?

God forbid they add more base item types, it gets hard enough to find a good rare as it is. However more subtypes could be fun. For example parry daggers that give you block chance instead of crit bonus, pick axes that ignore some percentage of armor, spear could be a STR/DEX staff subtype, spellbooks as a caster shield that has big implicit mana and regen bonuses...

If you got no succubus in the game you don't need whips, if you got no martial arts masters you don't need nunchaku.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Aren't flails (the weapon, not the tool) a type of mace?
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
OP needs to stay outta my head. I was thinking of this very thing, earlier today! =@[.]@=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
A nice idea for Flails:

Give it a high base crit chance, and then a double-edged implicit: bonus crit multiplier, but when you miss you deal 20% damage to yourself (can be dodged, evaded, mitigated by armor).

There. That's how a flail really works. :)

I chose bonus crit because that way if you use resolute technique, you give up the crit.
If you want the crit, you have to deal with the miss chance.
Forum Warrior - Why are you creating a thread about this subject? Use Search!
Also Forum Warrior - Nice necro.
Last edited by Nurvus on Sep 11, 2013, 7:07:59 AM
Hida_Kenshiro wrote:
I wonder if you're smart enough to stop posting?

I'm not sure I understand this. . .is this how you 'win' on the internet?

Well, I will tell you what. . .I will post this and you can post back and I'll not respond. Then you will win. You can even tell your mom and dad about it. I bet they'll take you out for dinner to celebrate.
Ladderjack wrote:
Hida_Kenshiro wrote:
I wonder if you're smart enough to stop posting?

I'm not sure I understand this. . .is this how you 'win' on the internet?

Well, I will tell you what. . .I will post this and you can post back and I'll not respond. Then you will win. You can even tell your mom and dad about it. I bet they'll take you out for dinner to celebrate.
You're adorable.
Huh. Flails are maces, period. Having a chain attached doesn't make them less mace-y. Nor different enough to warrant a type of their own.
Faerindel wrote:
Huh. Flails are maces, period. Having a chain attached doesn't make them less mace-y. Nor different enough to warrant a type of their own.
I disagree. That chain changes many things about how you fight with it.

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