Found a Fishing Rod. NO IDEA WHAT IT IS (no more rod in my stash) the image down the bottom. What the fuck guys. stop with the big troll, I want answers now! or a fishing rod lol
ACE Member.
Rory wrote:
This item was never intended to exist! On Monday, all traces of it will vanish, including any gems socketed in it, so don't get too attached!

You cant!!!
If you reason is that it should have never existed...
Delete all Shavronne/kaom/soultake On Monday!!
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Rory wrote:
The NDA was never intended to be removed! On Monday, all traces of it will vanish because we will PM each player who know about it and ask him to keep quiet otherwise he will lose 1 chaos/min from his beloved stash, including any threads/items linked about it, so don't get too attached!

Anarchy/Onslaught T-Shirt Owner.
Trading Guide :
Killing Vaal merc with (600 life) : [Open Beta]
Let's be Crazy: / Old Suggestion:
<< God blesses those who bless themselves >>
WTB Crimson Fish
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Rory wrote:
This item was never intended to exist! On Monday, all traces of it will vanish, including any gems socketed in it, so don't get too attached!
Casually casual.

NOOOOOOOOOO dont deleted it!!!!

up till today i didnt believe it to be true myself and now i found out how to get the fishing rod and the fishing gem and your removing it WTF!!!!!!

I also highly doubt i can get the rod and try fishing before monday =[

Heres how to get the rod and start fishing.

1. travel up and down the coast in the game (preferably act 1)
2. look for a unique named jabber jaws.
3. kill and get quest item
4. go forest encampment and a new npc will appear (only appears if u have quest item)
5. trade quest item for a rod with 1 socket and 1 fishing gem(gray)
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Last edited by Anthian#0475 on Sep 6, 2013, 7:03:04 PM
Pyrokar wrote:
Meh and i couldn't find a feather even if i searched for hours and hours.

Screw you guys i am going home.

Takes more than a few hours. Get as much faster run gear as possible and zip around mud flat instances until you can't take anymore. Rinse and repeat. You'll find the Albino Rhoa and get a feather. Eventually we'll all be fishing and if we are lucky between acts 4 and 5 GGG will have some fishing events set up.

I would like to see them add a weight stat to the fish, so that a proper fishing ladder can be set up.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
This was a big mistake on my part, and the item shouldn't have been able to drop or even existed! Sorry to all of you who have worked hard to get the fishing rod since it appeared, it will vanish on Monday so don't spend too much time or currency on it!

Edit: I'm afraid I'm unable to give any more information about unannounced gameplay features, real or imaginary.
Balance & Design
Last edited by Rory#0000 on Sep 6, 2013, 7:06:31 PM
Awww I was excited about it being true, oh well, epic thread nonetheless.
Last edited by Tanksenior#2902 on Sep 6, 2013, 7:11:59 PM
what about some of us who just wanted to try and catch just 1 fish before it gets removed?
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