IGN: Fisheption

Item: Geofri baptism (the 5L one)
Usine pelt rat nest (can leave to the guy posted below me though, it isnt a must have for me)
Need a purpose in life...
Last edited by UncleJay69#0462 on Sep 22, 2013, 12:57:36 AM
Hey I was here earlier and I made a new ranger, and I'm having a hard time at the level I'm at. I would greatly appreciate it if I could have the:

-Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt
-3l RRG Aurseize steelscale gauntlets
-5l GGGRR storm cloud long bow

IGN: Forenoon
Last edited by huntertew#3462 on Sep 22, 2013, 12:38:42 AM
I want 3link storm cloud long bow please IGN

Can I please have a stone of Lazhwar, Goldwyrm boots with 4 holes, doedre's tenure 3 linked gloves, and a baptism, the 5 gems, if not the 3? :)

IGN: uxoh
Last edited by nexus1351#2760 on Sep 22, 2013, 2:33:41 AM
Those items are reserved. And guys leave your IGN... Can't contact you if you don't post it... Contact me when you get online!!! Won't hold this stuff forever...

IGN: firedownbelowanditchy

IGN: kittyStyle

IGN: jayzuess

IGN: Natsukoi

IGN: Botvinnia

IGN: Chaoscb

IGN: BurNingEK

IGN: Forenoon

IGN: FourTwentyQuickScopez

IGN: Risinq

IGN: honeyxxx

IGN: WeinersWeiners
Last edited by simonrauter#1464 on Sep 22, 2013, 3:12:39 PM
Hey mate , can I get the 1h mace for lvl 41 supreme truth crystal scepter, it would help me a lot in leveling ..thanks
how thanks for the fast response mate, once again thank you very much SIMON for helping new players enjoy this game !...see yah around !!
10 more uniques to give whenever u got some space let me know .
ing : @BB_Split
Hey fairly new to PoE started a week or two ago with some friends who played it before i'd like any stormcloud bow, goldrim leatherhat and the thiefs torment prismatic ring, ign is Risinq, thanks

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