Hi, I just started playing this game and found out about this thread by chance when I was trying to find out how to buy a chromatic orb.
I don't understand how this game's market works and it would be nice to start off with some of these.

I feel so dumb because at first I thought yellow was unique, haha.
Anyway, in short, I am getting used to this game and would really appreciate it if
you consider donating the following:

Last Resort Nailed Fist [3 Life Gained, 94% Increased Phys DMG , 25% Inc Att Speed]
Sidhebreath Paua Amulet [29% inc mana]
Al Dhih Timeworn Claw [Green - Green link]
Dusktoe Leatherskin Boots
Ezomyte Peak Iron hat [Red- Green Green]

IGN: Institutionalize

League: Standard
Nevrae wrote:
hardcore league IGN NevraE
Bloodseekers claw

Read the first page please! Specially rules #1 and #5.
My Facebreaker would really appreciate a Daresso's Courage.

I also have stuff to donate.

Already on friends list.
Hideout of the Week: Joe Schmoe VS. The Volcano

Still available in Standard.
You are welcome to see it for yourself anytime.

Hey i'm in standard league and my IGN is titandassallday

I only recently came back since the beta and was wondering if i can get some helping items, i'll start contributing to this asap.

Thank you for your consideration.
may i have the amethyst flask?
IGN: Imbarbie
Last edited by jy03154586#7950 on Aug 18, 2014, 6:21:22 AM

If I qualify that is, I've been gone for awhile and gave most of my items away to friends who still continued to play the game when I left it for awhile, I came back yesterday and started to play it again with new friends so hopefully I can get these two items.

I'm also willing to contribute uniques that I find during my travels. o:

IGN: Jiwarikun
Last edited by Aikizaru#4757 on Aug 18, 2014, 10:45:43 PM
Can I get Infractem decimation bow
Hirry's bite sharktooth arrow quiver with 3+3 life gained

IGN: BuhoyAngelok

In need of one atziri promise!

Items are reserved... Contact me when you get online!!! Won't hold this stuff forever...



IGN: quikspik

IGN: Agalloth

IGN: SinaAngel

IGN: Cartharsis

IGN: Imbarbie

IGN: Deadpeng

IGN: DemonicWrath

IGN: UlyssesLeonard

IGN: GGHydra


You are welcome to check out my stream at and ask me a question or just say hi... 10 Exalt Giveaway at 250 followers =)

Last edited by simonrauter#1464 on Aug 24, 2014, 4:27:03 PM
I would like to get some of these items:

Daggers : 2x Mightflay Flaying Knife g-g-b and b-g r
Helm : Rime Gaze
Chest : Infernal Mantle b-b-b-r b
Gloves: Slitherpinch
Boots: Atziri's Step
Belt: Wurm's Molt
Rings: Voideye, Kaom's sign
Flask: Forbidden taste


thank you so much

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