^^^^^^^ Btw my IGN: Zumbardo

I would like the following items, if possible:

Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt
Slitherpinch Bronzescale Gauntlets
Atziri's Step Slink Boots
Whurm's Molt Leather Belt
Mightflay Flaying Knife x 2 (dualwielding)

I hope I didn't ask too much.
Excellent idea on your part and thank you for supporting new players.

My IGN: Simkeoda

Thank you,

Items are reserved... Contact me when you get online!!! Won't hold this stuff forever...


IGN: ElfYara

IGN: abcww_exe

IGN: Rastter

IGN: Gisena

IGN: Zumbardo

IGN: The_Bang_Gang


You are welcome to check out my stream at and ask me a question or just say hi =)

Last edited by simonrauter#1464 on Jun 5, 2014, 7:13:07 PM
personally I think giving items out to new players is a terrible thing to do, devalues the items for them, no sense of accomplishment, no sense of true appreciation. Very sad to see it happen on an industrial scale like this, Im sure you think this is a good and charitable thing but I think you are doing a terrible thing here.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Snorkle_uk wrote:
personally I think giving items out to new players is a terrible thing to do, devalues the items for them, no sense of accomplishment, no sense of true appreciation. Very sad to see it happen on an industrial scale like this, Im sure you think this is a good and charitable thing but I think you are doing a terrible thing here.

nobody is forcing anyone to take the items... if you want sense of accomplishment and appreciation simply don't ask for items and play the game...
doryani's invitation 23 physical damage if its available of cource

i have many items for donation..

Thank you .

ign : Lifeless_alex
If you still have that Zahndethus armor with 3 blue sockets and Quecholli with 43 to all tributes I would be much obliged.
The Atziri's Promise please

25 Phys / 15 Ele dmg

IGN The_Bang_Gang

Thank you

Items are reserved... Contact me when you get online!!! Won't hold this stuff forever...


IGN: ElfYara

IGN: abcww_exe

IGN: Rastter

IGN: Gisena

IGN: Chrississ

IGN: ContinuousShit

IGN: Keawet


You are welcome to check out my stream at and ask me a question or just say hi =)

Last edited by simonrauter#1464 on Jun 8, 2014, 12:14:29 PM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
personally I think giving items out to new players is a terrible thing to do, devalues the items for them, no sense of accomplishment, no sense of true appreciation. Very sad to see it happen on an industrial scale like this, Im sure you think this is a good and charitable thing but I think you are doing a terrible thing here.
You may be right when we are talking about non-common uniques (as per this definition). But situation with common uniques is different: MF (or just die-hard-grinding) players get them in bulk while new players have to play with crappy blue and maybe some yellow items while this common uniques would considerably ease their progress. So there is no point in not allowing them having these items for free.

Shavs-like - no way in hell they shold be given freely, this is definitely about that feeling of getting something unique.
Briskwrap - "and let no one leave aggrieved", 'cause these items aren't really unique in the true meaning of this word :)
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.

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