SpiketheMuffin wrote:
elfique123 wrote:
can i plz get wideswing and a hrimonor's hymn


Do you not realize that he checks to see your characters and their levels? You have 2 40+ characters. shaaaaaame. This is not new characters, but new players. Then anyone could qualify by making a new character.
Anyone could qualify by making a new account :) See OP, #8
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Those items are reserved... Contact me when you get online!!! Won't hold this stuff forever...

IGN: Silus_Mournestien

IGN: syica

IGN: JollyFang

IGN: Escitalo

IGN: Randek

IGN: truppenimexil

IGN: RuleraOfChaosa

IGN: nugggettis

IGN: AzukiXV

IGN: TetrisIII

IGN: tempalory

IGN: AllThoseCrits

IGN: willowzz
Last edited by simonrauter#1464 on Apr 12, 2014, 3:00:20 AM
well i was hacked while i was on a break from POE and came back to find all my iteams gone and ords to buy stuff with gone aswell. Now I asked POE to help and they will not help me with getting gear for my toon/s and said to post here and I may get help so if anyone has items they like to help just one of my toons my 59 witch please help i think its poor form POE want set me with just some gear to play so you the players maybe can ... thank you for your help in advance
Monz67 wrote:
well i was hacked while i was on a break from POE and came back to find all my iteams gone and ords to buy stuff with gone aswell. Now I asked POE to help and they will not help me with getting gear for my toon/s and said to post here and I may get help so if anyone has items they like to help just one of my toons my 59 witch please help i think its poor form POE want set me with just some gear to play so you the players maybe can ... thank you for your help in advance

Sorry to hear that you got hacked... Happened to one of my friends also long time ago... You are welcome to pick any items you think you need so you can start playing again...
Last edited by simonrauter#1464 on Apr 11, 2014, 11:28:36 AM
Hi Chober Chaber Great Mallet
IGN Apologie
ty =)
Could I get a 96% mightflay, broadstroke quiver, and a 121% death harp?

IGN AllThoseCrits
Last edited by mastaerf#2501 on Apr 11, 2014, 7:20:16 PM
IGN : willozz
not really sure what i should get for my ranger i have only played like 4 days
deaths harp with 3 greens looks cool and im almost that lvl.
golrim cap +7
wondertrap what ever one is the best for ranger
Sadimas for ranger :)
anything that will is soooooo appreciated Thank you so mch for your kindness :).
ign willowzz not willozz lol sorry me a dumbass

Items are reserved... Contact me when you get online!!! Won't hold this stuff forever...


IGN: Silus_Mournestien

IGN: syica

IGN: JollyFang

IGN: Escitalo

IGN: Randek

IGN: truppenimexil

IGN: RuleraOfChaosa

IGN: nugggettis

IGN: AzukiXV

IGN: TetrisIII

IGN: tempalory

IGN: willowzz

IGN: xxllxxHOTSHOTxxllxx

IGN: jtjeaster

IGN: Andarkelben

IGN: LordPunch


You are welcome to check out my Stream at and ask me a question or just say hi =)

Last edited by simonrauter#1464 on Apr 14, 2014, 1:16:04 PM
I am not sure how new I am - I started a couple of weeks ago.

But can I please have a Geofiri's Baptism - RagnarokNine.

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