can i buy one of your items and you can give the currency away, i think it will be much more desireable than 1 alch uniques anyways?

6 chaos for bloodance
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Nov 18, 2013, 6:18:31 PM
Hi, can I have 2 ungil's gauche daggers and a wurms molt belt? I've been playing for a couple weeks and have yet to see any really good uniques drop so its amazing that you are doing this. I have a couple low level uniques that you can have to give away to some other players if you want too. I'm online right now and mostly every day. IGN is KingtomyShadow
Would it be possible for me to get a Rigvald's Charge? IGN: Fitasakitten
Last edited by Fitasakitten#5349 on Nov 18, 2013, 7:15:50 PM
Any chance of getting the last Titucus Span? I've been searching for a good shield for ages! :) My name is Keffle. Message me ingame if you can! I could also give you a tip if you want :)
Hi I would like:

Death’s Harp-Bow if possible
With 120% increased Phys.Dam

Blackgleam-Quivers if possible
With 20 Evasion Rating, 20 Mana, 39% of Phys.Dam converted to Fire




Thanks in advance

Ing: Queen_Penthesilea
Hey, so I have been playing for a couple of days and I happened to stumble upon this thread. I really liked the idea of a build based off of burn damage, so if is okay I would like the Ashrend chest-plate.
If it isn't too much to ask The Covenant chest-piece also interests me.

Thanks so much for what your doing here, It's really good to see people willing to help out the newbies.

EDIT: IGN: Ribbely
I was accidentally in the wrong league,, sorry about that.
Last edited by zoomzompie#0202 on Nov 20, 2013, 1:38:48 AM
could i have aurumvorax, the blooddance and araku tiki pls?

IGN: forlorenhare
Last edited by jemo81#1706 on Nov 19, 2013, 6:37:41 AM
I'd like to have that death's harp death bow dmg 41-108. Thank you in advance!

ign: suddenLY_CAPITALS
Hi, any chance that I could get Unique Coral Ring with endurance charges?!:)

ign: SpectralSMash
Last edited by Lightdark99#7350 on Nov 19, 2013, 3:16:37 PM
Hello, could I get Atziri's Foible Paua Amulet and Doedre's Damning Paua Ring? My ingame name is MestariPokemon, I am mostly online evenings but also some times at day, would be cool to get those jewllry. If possible thanks in advance :D.

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