Thanks for axe, free bump :)
May I have one 2-handed mace, Geofri's Baptism please?

My IGN is Schalora

Thank you in advance :)
I would like Death's Harp and the 60 energy shield Sin Trek if possible.

In-game name: Aisdel
it would be really nice to have some 2-h weapons, because i wanna try a spectral throw build with 2 handers, if you can give me something that would be very much appriciated, anything will make me happier, IGN LordDraxius

Could I humbly ask for Geoffri's Baptism, Goldrim, and, if not too greedy, Darkray Vectors (I can't use them yet, but they seem perfect for my build focused on frenzy charges)?

IGN Odaudhlegur


Do you still have a Geofri's Babtism I could have?

IGN KampfyChair

Thanks for the cool helmet! (Deidbell)
hi, i finnaly decided to try out this game after being a little hesitant at first, but if the economy is as bad as you say it is then i think im going to need a little help, and im hoping you will extend your generosity to me, in all the games i play i love to play a rogue/assassin type character, so if you have some daggers that will help along with/or some armor that would make leveling a bit easier on me i would be very greatful. my ign is NoobzorPrime

thank you in advance.

p.s. you are also very kind to be helping new players like this, even if i dont get anything, the gesture is very kind

could i have the bow "death harp death bow"

IGN jojobinks

thank you in advance
Could i have a Kaom's Primacy

IGN: NatureWalker

Been leveling with my friend and he could use an updated axe, and were getting close to 58 now.

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