Recent lack of Interesting Design Disclosure

FarmerTed wrote:
Part of the lack of Interesting Design Disclosure is probably because they are busy gearing up for release.

Yup. Too much to do, too little time...

FarmerTed wrote:
posting more Dev Diaries

Dev diaries take a long time to make. It takes many hours, often for multiple people. That said, Joel and I are giving a talk/presentation about level design at a local game development conference, and we might well turn it into a dev diary, afterwards.

FarmerTed wrote:
the argument Qarl uses works against hardcore

Actually, no. Not quite: You can play "self-found" in right now because you know whether or not you are trading with others. If you are trying to play Hardcore in Standard, then you are forced to trust others with zero deaths, trust that they haven't been trading with regular, non-Hardcore players. The "Hardcore" economy would be inevitable compromised by cheaters, and even if it wasn't, you still wouldn't know, one way or the other.
Code warrior
Rhys wrote:

FarmerTed wrote:
posting more Dev Diaries

Dev diaries take a long time to make. It takes many hours, often for multiple people. That said, Joel and I are giving a talk/presentation about level design at a local game development conference, and we might well turn it into a dev diary, afterwards.

Do you mean level design from the procedural generation standpoint, or the game design standpoint? I watched the older video on the GGG youtube and was very impressed with how granular the PoE level randomization is. Looking forward to hearing more about how the system has adapted for Act 3 and beyond.
Uvne wrote:
Do you mean level design from the procedural generation standpoint, or the game design standpoint?

Our talk on Wednesday will be more focused on the design process as a whole. It isn't really about the tech, per se, but that will be part of it.
Code warrior
Thank you to the OP for crystallizing a sentiment that I have not been able to clearly state for months now.
I agree with OP, more or less. It's possible that the design team is more active on the Alpha forums, but I have no way of knowing. If everything were going swimmingly, then it would be one thing, but the post-11.0 life vs. ES problem has shaken a lot of people's faith. I understand and appreciate the drive to push new content frequently, but bad balance invalidates existing content to the extent that certain skills or build patterns become highly undesirable. I hope that GGG has the foresight to make the wide-ranging changes necessary going into full release, but I worry that the no-wipes policy and desire to avoid offending existing players has cemented a lot of the issues, especially in the itemization.

Some snippage to get to the root of the post:

ephetat wrote:
Essentially, these people are getting restless. They are unhappy about the state of affairs, and compounding that is a lack of Interesting Design Disclosure on the forums.

While I respect your opinion and understand the desire to want to know more about what Path of Exile has in store for us, my own opinion is that GGG's efforts should be focussed on making the game better and working on some of the technical fixes that would make the game more enjoyable and less frustrating. The recent patch helping players on 32 bit systems, for example, is much more important than giving players a sneak peak at a potential seventh character. A future mitigation for desynch would be of more value than a dozen posts on what to expect.

Working on "Interesting Design" features (additional areas, quests, monsters, ranged attack types, etc) would be better for players than a few hints on ones they already have planned out.

Then there is the factor of not wanting to promote a new feature and then have that feature held back or kept completely out of the game because it didn't balance or work out the way it should.

Don't get me wrong - I check the announcements on a regular basis hoping for new info, but I'd rather have a week or two or three go by with no new info and get a better patch/content upgrade down the road.

There's a saying that no news is good news. I think in Path of Exile's case no news means bigger news down the road.

Give GGG a chance to catch their breath, relax a little bit and continue to make this game fun. If they end up having to grind their lives away to meet every demand, the dream will turn into just a job and the best part of Path of Exile will evaporate.

POE isn't great because of any particular mechanic or graphics. It is wonderful because of the devotion of the GGG team toward making the whole thing a great experience.

I'm sure big exciting news will be released when its ready, although we should expect them to hold some stuff back for the open release of the game.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:

POE isn't great because of any particular mechanic or graphics. It is wonderful because of the devotion of the GGG team toward making the whole thing a great experience.

No, PoE is great because the devs did a good work in making a good mixture of all the action RPGs, online multiplayer games and their own ingredients. The devotion of the team is a part of the soup that makes the game awesome, not the only one
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
So people who request a 'self found league' are actually also not being honestly full disclosure. They want an "enforced self found league"

Underhanded and manipulative tactics just to try and stay ahead. And just like Qarl had mentioned in a different thread. The same people will be better than these algoQQwhinebots anyway, then these algoQQwhinebots will demand a new league: "The Enforced self found league, with item degeneration and currency confiscation for the top 25% richest players". Actually, this idea had already popped up here and there ;)

Jealousy. Simple as that.
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!

Jealousy. Simple as that.

lol so jealous of your charz :((

Did you even re-read your post? Jealousy? On a game? Is this what the games have been become?
i like this game. i mean have you seen how powerful is the barbarian
So people who request a 'self found league' are actually also not being honestly full disclosure. They want an "enforced self found league"

Underhanded and manipulative tactics just to try and stay ahead. And just like Qarl had mentioned in a different thread. The same people will be better than these algoQQwhinebots anyway, then these algoQQwhinebots will demand a new league: "The Enforced self found league, with item degeneration and currency confiscation for the top 25% richest players". Actually, this idea had already popped up here and there ;)

Jealousy. Simple as that.

No, wrong on all counts. People want a self-found league so that the drops can be tuned around players being able to craft/find all their gear. The current system has drops tuned around having access to a player economy, which massively increases your effective drop pool, necessitating a throttle on quantity and rarity. Descent league is an example of this--it is a short race designed as a solo self-found endeavor, and they boost the currency acquisition accordingly.

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