Reave missing targets/not causing damage (not desync)

HaIaberiel wrote:
I'm getting this all the time

same here. The amount of situations where my attack misses any target may fit my hitchance, but at around 20..25% (guessed) rate it happens that 1/3 to 1/2 of the enemies in skillrange did not take any damage.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
I don't think it's a skill problem at all, it's a desync one (I'm talking obviously not about the 6 months ago's OP).

At the moment there are times during which, it doesn't matter the attack, the enemies are simply not getting damaged.

On the client side they are in a position and you can hit them and trigger the on-hit animation, but on the server side they are in a completely different place so they take no damage.
THE PROBLEM lies in the fact that they are not affected by /oos AT ALL.

You can try and spam /oos all you want and they won't disappear, once you gave up on them and you decide to move on they simply vanish.
i have exactly the same problem, and its no desync.
i rerolled from double strike to reave, cause double strike is unplayable with multistrike/faster attacks (desync 9000).
i read that reave have almost no desync but it still misses all the time or have some weird delay of hitting the mobs. the second skill that is almost unplayable for me.
my hitchance is 93% and i was hitting more on other skills what just has 85% hit.
that sucks ass and its not fixed

without multistrike it works "ok". but still 25% of every fight it appears. with multistrike almost every skill desyncs/misses/delayed

you guys should look over that

and its getting worse when i link conc effect to reave+multi. thats completely ridiculous
Last edited by Kim_Kardashian on Sep 27, 2014, 7:46:59 PM

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