The Endless Ledge

Think this will be cool :)
Hardcore is how we play ™

Best ladder ranking so far: OhSnapIsRerolling, rank 85 HC Nemesis League
I'm in!
What about monster golf? Hit it HARD - go find it - Hit it hard again :D
Love it!
Very cool, i'd like to see more races like this that deviate from the usual.
I will insert this into my mouth.
Light as a neutral force.

The new flesh emerges.
Woot! 'Always wanted something like this.
same name in-game
The final boss will be Kuduku, the Legit God.
I really like the sound of this and will try it even though I'm not a racer
Worira wrote:
The final boss will be Kuduku, the Legit God.

(from reddit - jaqq)

Oh, how many died fighting

The great dildo of lightning

Sits up on his hill

Waiting to kill

My sphincter is already tightening ...
I'm glad that we're finally moving on from the stupid "play the game" part of races and getting into the real meat of Path of Exile - non-stop Ledge farming. I hope to optimise my ledges-per-minute for some phat uniques!
Last edited by Dreggon on Aug 27, 2013, 1:45:22 AM

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