Righteos fire questions and suggestions
i'm testing a righteous fire build right now with my mard and i did the math and it seems like this is going to be really powerful
using these and only going to change rings, belt, maybe boots, and armor once I level
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable going to use this once i level
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable going to use this build Q1:does fire damage increase the damage on me too? Q2:what gems work with this skill? tried some and didn't do anything... Q3: also does the spell damage work yet or is it still bugged? any suggestions? So many build ideas... no time.... Last edited by Simony#4753 on Sep 17, 2012, 12:59:38 AM
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"Fire damage modifiers have no effect on righteous fire's DoT. Burning damage modifiers do, and will affect both you and nearby monsters. "What do you mean? Any spell which deals damage will benefit from the spell damage bonus of RF. If you're talking about supports, then increased area of effect will make the effect larger and faster casting will mean you can cast it quicker, off the top of my head. "There was a bug where that failed to apply back when the skill was introduced, but it's been fixed for a while now. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Sep 17, 2012, 1:23:26 AM
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ok thanks for the update wasn't sure and as in reference to Q2 i tried putting on a life leech gem and a mana leech and it didn't affect it at all (aka no mention of it in tooltip) do only area and and cast speed support gems affect it?
also is this considered a dot? like will this work with vulnerability curse?) So many build ideas... no time.... Last edited by Simony#4753 on Sep 17, 2012, 1:48:34 AM
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" Yes it does, and that makes Vulnerability casting enemies extremely dangerous to face with a Righteous Fire character. It's not that useful to Righteous Fire user as Elemental Weakness grants more damage against fire resistant enemies. In the rare case where Vulnerability is better the enemies die fast enough without it. -Ropetus Author of Build of the Week #11: PalavaKostaja - Righteous Fire Marauder
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Righteous Fire is pretty worthless by my estimation. Even with max fire resistance, increased max fire resistance and lots of life, it doesn't become powerful or good to grind with until really, really late game, where you have ridiculous amounts of life. Before then, you're just going to die over and over.
I'd be much more interested in making a low life regeneration build, where you regen more than righteous fire can damage, so you can utilize the increased spell damage. My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282
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my build is that :) read the helm, sword, and gloves descriptions. i get about 210% increased damage right now with those and RF on while on low life.
also if you look at the armor i'm going to use, along with the shield, and amulet i get about 10% of my max hp/ sec with those on a low life as well. with addition in tree i can add 5.8% also with vitality and purity on i can sustain this for long periods of time based on my calculations. (fyi only died once so far with this build) So many build ideas... no time....
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ok wait so what affects righteous fires dps? it says it's a spell so does that mean spell damage will increase it? (aka 200 life = 100 burn/ fire damage *50% spell damage = 150 dps????? if not this then concentrated effect????) i am really confused cause it says it's a spell and aoe but can't really be supported by anything....
So many build ideas... no time....
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" Righteous Fire is a bit of a special case that the damage is entirely derived from your max life. It causes burning damage so added fire or spell damage don't affect it. Burning damage bonuses increase the damage but they also raise the damage caused to self which is totally undesirable and only makes things harder. It can be supported with Increased AoE (which is great), Concentrated Effect (which only lessens the area but does not affect the damage so it's useless) and Faster Casting which is not that critical. Added damage supports don't work, neither do Life/Mana Leech or stuff like Chance to Ignite or Elemental Proliferation (since you never actually 'hit' anything with the spell, just cause autoburn around you). This actually makes it quite easy in terms of equipment to use since it really only needs one support. -Ropetus Author of Build of the Week #11: PalavaKostaja - Righteous Fire Marauder
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OK thanks! i figured just kinda disappointing. although with my current items i think i see my damage increase (aka monsters die faster) when i get below 35% life... I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not but if I'm not then something is working right or wrong (depends on your perspective)... I'll try to pay more attention to minion life to verify. (just kinda hard while trying not to die)
So many build ideas... no time....
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" Pain Attunement and Redbeak damage increases don't affect Righteous Fire damage either. I have tested this plenty of times. With your setup you should maybe try using other spells and take advantage of Redbeak, Pain Attunement and Righteous Fire damage bonuses? Having those three active will ~triple your spell damage while capped resists and low life regen items will keep you at low life threshold all the time. -Ropetus Author of Build of the Week #11: PalavaKostaja - Righteous Fire Marauder
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