0.11.4 has been Deployed (and 32 bit stability!)
" SHA or any other hash won't match for any two of the files because content.ggpk is basically just an archive and the internal files are in a different order. |
" I should point out that you can create a torrent file with the web seed feature that points to the CDN. This way the CDN will help seeding to the torrent swarm. Humble Bundle distributes their games using this method. Some information: http://torrentfreak.com/humble-indie-bundle-2-embraces-bittorrent-101224/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent#Web_seeding | |
both my computers jump from 50kbs to 300kbs every second its crazy lmao by this rate ill be playing at midnight lol
"Due to the 2gb per-process memory limit, 32 bit users would crash every hour or so while playing (as they change areas)."
THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING NEWS EVER. This has been one of the most persistently annoying issues with the game in my experience EVER. The only fix that could compete with this is making skills less laggy. Like ICE SHOT. |
woot woot 1 hour down and almost at 2%
This is a joke.
I like this game but you have done an absolute shit job with this. It's not complicated to calculate the size of the patch vs. the # of users vs. your capacity. You went on reddit and said distributing via p2p could be evil and you don't do evil, but within minutes of this clusterfuck begged for and endorsed the first torrent posted. Sorry ,but you really fucked up the distribution of this patch which I know you worked so hard on. Last edited by _Nerevarine_#3851 on Aug 20, 2013, 9:02:09 PM
I picked the UK on my VPN. Speedtest said i get 7Mbps down and up, but i'm downloading the patch at 500Kbps+. So it seems if you're in the states you're gonna have a slow speed, if you have a VPN connect overseas and voila
" While it might say you are at 0%, its 0% of the remaining file that you haven't downloaded. If you look I'm sure you will see that it isn't downloading 1.85gb anymore, but maybe 1.6 or something. I'm currently downloading at a whopping 1-7kb/s rather than my normal 2-4mb/s. IGN: Aux
| |
Guys, the problem is your ISP (those who now complain about the low speed), I repeat, I live in the ass of the world, in Chile, and I'm downloading at 800 kbps, which is almost my full capacity...
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
"The files you downloaded before you quit the patcher were already sent to the ggpk archive so when you reopen the patcher it is back at 0 but the download will be smaller. "I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine." - Bruce Lee