Inb4 Flasks NERF : MAX ALL ELE RES is > 104 :0
Oh yeah let's hope so! Same for all other buffs
Buff on discipline(EB)+clarity > buff on Arctir armour.. we will see Anarchy/Onslaught T-Shirt Owner.
Trading Guide : Killing Vaal merc with (600 life) : [Open Beta] Let's be Crazy: / Old Suggestion: << God blesses those who bless themselves >> |
i could bet the if total bonus will go up to 24%. But who knows, maybe gets back to 30%?! =D
" Where does your mind reside, its location? It's a question that's occupied the best brains for thousands of years. Now, a patient who is self-aware – despite lacking three regions of the brain thought to be essential for self-awareness – demonstrates that the mind remains as elusive as ever. The finding suggests that mental functions might not be tied to fixed brain regions. Instead, the mind might be more like a virtual machine running on distributed computers, with brain resources allocated in a flexible manner, says David Rudrauf at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, who led the study of the patient. Recent advances in functional neuroimaging – a technique that measures brain activity in the hope of finding correlations between mental functions and specific regions of the brain – have led to a wealth of studies that map particular functions onto regions. Previous neuroimaging studies had suggested that three regions – the insular cortex, anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex – are critical for self-awareness. But for Rudrauf the question wasn't settled. So when his team heard about patient R, who had lost brain tissue including the chunks of the three 'self-awareness' regions following a viral infection, they immediately thought he could help set the record straight. Not a zombie According to the models based on neuroimaging, says Rudrauf, "patients with no insula should be like zombies". But patient R displays a strong concept of selfhood. Rudrauf's team confirmed this by checking whether he could recognise himself in photographs and by performing the tickle test – based on the observation that you can't tickle yourself. They concluded that many aspects of R's self-awareness remained unaffected. "Having interacted with him it was clear from the get go that there was no way that [the theories based on neuroimaging] could be true," says Rudrauf. However, R does have severe amnesia, which prevents him from learning new information, and he struggles with social interaction. Self-awareness and other high-level cognitive functions probably do not relate to the brain in a simple way, says Rudrauf. "They involve layers of abstraction and mechanisms that cannot be explained by standard functional-neuroanatomy." He suggests that there are fundamental mechanisms yet to be discovered. "We would all like simple answers to complicated questions, and we tend to oversimplify our conceptions about the brain and the mind," he says. Linda Clare, a psychologist at Bangor University, UK, is also not surprised by the finding. "Awareness has many manifestations," she says. "It's not just a matter of a few brain cells." Any more questions, Inex? Casually casual.
" It doesn't work like that though. To get "immunity to reflect or vaal smash for a few sec" you need to not touch full life and mana during that entire time. In practice, if you have any sort of regen or leech and you plan on actually hitting the guy, then it isn't a few seconds, it's a few fractions of a second at best. And why would you tank a vaal smash without being on full life to begin with (if ever at all)? I still don't understand how anyone can use the flask for more than a fraction of a second in any sort of practical situation. What am I missing? Edit: Just to be abundantly clear for those who haven't actually tried the flask yet, or those who have but weren't paying attention to the icon for it: As with any hybrid flask, the effects stop the moment you hit full life and mana. It's not like you get this extra res for the full few seconds, unless you're running around with less than full health and mana, so much less that even a few seconds of regen and flask won't fill it. It's silly. It doesn't work in the way that people here are suggesting, even if you have a few of them. The calculations being made here are meaningless and irrelevant when put in context. Last edited by MonstaMunch#6519 on Aug 13, 2013, 1:31:49 PM
There has always been a debate whether mind was a part of the body, within us, or whether consciousness really transcended the body and existed externally - whether our minds is the product of an earthly function or a connection to our timeless essence that will forever be reincarnated.
The truth is that mind is everywhere inside our body, well, not everywhere evenly, probably your legs, your arms and so on contribute very little compared to your brain, spine, which are primarily the chakra, but it is not limited to just those. Reincarnation in terms of consciousness is an illusion, but all energy is eternal and so all that you are made of up is likely to become part of life somewhere else, sometime in the future, separated from the consciousness that you experience right now. I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
chaos max resist is 75, noone ever complain about chaos dmg, following this logic, in order to have idiots trying to achieve damage immunity through non effective/functional ways. they should just take away max resists?.
or maybe people just need to look up for builds around effectiveness of map clearing speed and survival, instead of theorycrafting about useless immunity that require you to wear garbage gear and spam 4 of your potion at all times. IGN: RFFP
" I believe the most common solution to this puzzle is to turn on Arctic Armour - constant mana drain means that you're never actually topped off with mana unless you need to be. I don't know if it's practical to try to balance AA drain/flask effect, but Inex seems to be using it just fine if he's able to tank Vaal Smashes etc. with it. EDIT: Off the top of my head, Blood Rage may work for life. The leech would make things screwy though. Need game info? Check out the Wiki at: Contact for account issues. Check out How to Report Bugs + Post Images at: Last edited by adghar#1824 on Aug 13, 2013, 2:59:36 PM
" >not maxed chaos resist. >Scrub detected. |
" Insult detected :/ AND max resist ? Aha check these : ( 100 chaos res ) ( 80 chaos res with saffel's ) " False! max chaos res is : 80 " LOL. As a conclusion of that study we could conclude that : The cortex and the other supposed "MUST" areas for self awareness are only : DOORS for incoming informations and maybe work like servers that can choose where to put each information ( organize.. ) Losing them translated by the loss of the ability to SUM UP informations = OR should i say : gather information and organize them. Despite losing those areas he was able to be self aware! Conclusion about the location of my mind : my self awareness areas were not very effective yet they were here.. ( I am glad! ) @Crack monster : I'v heard that the body + mind are from the same type, yet there is another thing in us.. maybe a soul ? :O " I know! I made a thread about it : And yeah like Adghar said : i am able to use it : And believe me : i used it against ele reflect. Note : this thread = wah :o ( win ) Anarchy/Onslaught T-Shirt Owner. Trading Guide : Killing Vaal merc with (600 life) : [Open Beta] Let's be Crazy: / Old Suggestion: << God blesses those who bless themselves >> Last edited by Inexium#6388 on Aug 13, 2013, 4:14:07 PM
@ People wondering how you can make sure divination distillate stays active.
You use soul taker which uses any mana you have and with pathetic mana regen (as these builds get to ignore it) the flask never has any hope of filling up your mana pool. Soul taker is the one of the most overpowered items ever created, and don't be surprised as it continues to break things in this game in half. Oh yea, I forgot, if you go CI melee with it, you get to use shavronnes revelation and 0 out your mana regen and get 4% es regeneration at no cost. Soul taker Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Last edited by Gravethought#3018 on Aug 13, 2013, 4:28:15 PM