Some 0.11.4 Changes
" You know, I am pretty sure most OS/HC players would support a delay on logout if the game itself wouldnt be so fucked up that it teleporting you into a room you never stepped foot in (insane problem in Maze) is pretty common thing to happen. The laggs, the desynch, the teleportation of your character. These things would kill you. Not because you made a mistake but because the games netcode/engine/whatever it is does some crazy shit that still hasnt been fixed. And punishing someone for playing flawlessly by killing off his level 90 character seems pretty unreasonable to me, dont you think? |
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" Way to jump to conclusions. Amazing logic. I ask for the build and the chest to be balanced and your response is "you mad you have to invest time". I'm sorry have I not invested plenty of time yet to have an opinion? Did I start playing this game yesterday or something? Low life builds made more sense before Shavronnes came along. They were highly dangerous but yielded very high damage. Shavronnes is retarded because it strips away that risk and makes the build OP. If GGG wants to leave this mechanic in the game then why not balance the build and make that mechanic accessible to all players JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER BUILD IN THE GAME IS ACCESSIBLE. Your apparent need to throw accusations like that just makes you sound scared to death your precious ultra expensive unique might drop in value or something. Standard Forever
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" looooooooooooooooooooool |
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no class balance changes again
Шось? (IGN: Owner)
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I think auras in general need some fixing one way or another and as far as what is getting fixed right now...I have no issues with it. I will be a bit concerned for my build if/when the blood magic switching thing is fixed (if it isn't already in this patch as it seems only the Alpha's Howl glitch was fixed), but it's not like people shouldn't have seen this coming. Personally, even though I run 6 auras on the Infernal Blow/Heavy Strike Duelist, I do feel that auras are too important and need to be changed around, but at the same time other things need to be changed if over all people are going to be running less of them. Though this is only really concerning life-based builds, or those not running Eldritch Battery, and I am also of the belief that the Blood Magic gem needs to have its reserve percentage toned down a bit.
The entire whining/debating/pissing contest currently going on in this thread aside, I am most intrigued by what GGG means by buffing Inner Force and the note about flasks no longer being considered buffs. Are we talking mostly about Granite Flasks here, since that would be the most obvious one and if so, are there going to be any changes to the Flasks in this patch or in the future, or are they staying the same? I know these aren't all of the notes, but they do warrant concern to be sure. |
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" How is it an accusation if you say yourself that you want the item/mechanic be more accesible -> easier to obtain -> requires less time to invest -> less dedication needed -> you get rewarded for doing less I know this is the current developement in games, but how can you think of that as something positive? Constantly demanding that stuff, because you apparently cant be bothered to not waste your money and spend your time efficiently, is easier for you to obtain? Thats not how life works and its not how games should work either. |
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" As far as the whole "HC/ONS is so PRO" attitude is concerned: You get killed by either random on non-random dangers. 1 As far as various random dangers like desynch/bugs are concerned, no matter how skilled and what kind of uberdefensive guild you use. Desynch or bug will kill you. So neither skill nor build matters, only time you are gonna spend on relevelling and farming items matters. 2 As far as various non-random dangers are concerned (mobs), the HC/ONS players have the Instant Teleport skill (I am terribly sorry it is bugged and closes the client, but please mail with this bug). In case of non-random danger you are required to use only ONE thing (the Instant Teleport, activated by combination of keys: ALT+F4). I think skill does not matter that much here, does it? As a conclusion for the whole HC vs SC debate: - random dangers require player to have time to relevel - non-random dangers require player to use one skill to be instantly teleported to town and save Thank you kind sir and please remember to mail with bug report as the Instant Teleport crashes the client. " IGN Kinnat (S) / Sihaam (S) / Aedhammair (S) / Ranulfr (S) ☄ 1.0.0 The Butchery of Mages Patch Last edited by entropus#2713 on Aug 13, 2013, 10:04:51 AM
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I am okay with them changing the blood magic uniques but only if they don't put such a massive penalty for using the gem. The build I am running now needs to put clarity on its health in order to work and right now the the mask it costs me 222hp however; if I need to switch to the gem it is going to cost me around 422hp. That is another 200hp I am out and hp is already a much lower pool then the massive ES pool you can get. As for going EB that is not going to happen on most builds seeing the weird placement it has on the tree. Also EB does add more mana but this does next to nothing if you are running % aura's. True you will be left with more mana after the % is calculated but it still reserves more mana the more you have. If they changed it so the blood magic gem effected cost different then it effects reserve say have a 125% reserve at level 20 I would be fine. Just as it is so punishing to switch from the mask to the gem.
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" I actually think its funny that you really referred to "alt+f4" and not just to logging out because I dont know of a single person who uses that "feature". Logout macros or manually logging out is way more common. Let alone that I dont really get why thats the only difference between Standard and Hardcore. Dying in Standard is pretty irrelevant. Sure, you have to refarm the EXP, but how is that hard or time consuming in comparison to what happens in a Hardcore leagues once you fuck up? You can go full glasscanon dying once every 20 maps and still make a profit (exp wise). The fact that you cant risk dying in Hardcore at all makes a lot of builds unviable and forces you into stacking defenses, therefore you have a lot of builds that cant be used in Hardcore by default making build diversity already non existent. So why would I balance around Standard, a league nearly any build can work properly, now? Last edited by nynyny#3398 on Aug 13, 2013, 10:09:21 AM
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I love how they address the alpha howl issue now, and then say " o well we'll get to the other exploits (cough covenant cough) later".. Long live the love for shavronnes, aye? YOu nerf so many builds and NEVER touch the low life shavs build... It's really starting to become obscene GGG.. Alpha howl let people run maybe 1 more aura.. The covenant on the other hand allowed for 3! And it's not like low life spork wasn't powerful enough without the covenant.. You guys are great and all, and I enjoy playing your game, but sometimes its just like.... WTF???
IGN Ken__Kaniff
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