Some 0.11.4 Changes

jsn006 wrote:

IF you have 10000 armor with granite and grace on

Then the whole discussion is pointless.
You aim for MUCH more as a armor-based "caster". This game is all about min / maxing. And trust me, you can achieve much more
nynyny wrote:
jsn006 wrote:

IF you have 10000 armor with granite and grace on

Thanks for proving that you have no idea what youre talking about.

man i love this nyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guy i really enjoyed him in the shavronnes is not op thread in which he typed wall of texts justifying why shavronnes isnt op

and the keep the bloodmagic item thread so i can exploit more

his view isnt biased at all and the legs he stand on is always" dude its build diversity"

keep posting nyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you really look like you know what you are doing after all you are an onslaught god *pfffffhahahaa*

hahaha dude wake up your sry exploiter ass is getting nerfed and iam glad i can enjoy your tears

- need a tissue ? Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman#1405 on Aug 13, 2013, 8:00:42 AM
Sexcalibure wrote:
Big patch is small in content.. for a 3-4 weeks of wait

any Koam shavronne soultaker nerf?
any buff on searing bond?Arc?
any update on Desync fix progression?
any new coding for loot rng?

1. not needed
2. not needed
3. desync fix wont happen
4. new coding for loot rng? why? ... not needed
BlindSinner wrote:
Its clear who hates the nerf and who love it, the rich hate it and the poor love ir.

large amount of poor people who have only ever had 5 exalted EQ in their total play time are happy. those who could never afford the items being nerf, because lets be real here, only the richest could afford to buy a 2 exalted hem just for the + 2 buffs.

but aside from that patch looks alright.

And I love the patch.
This message was delivered by GGG defence force.
Shavs is a mediocore item, whether you like it or not.

RF and LL mechanics are what makes the build strong, something people like yourself will probably never understand because youre simply butthurt about never being able to pay for a Shavs.
ibase wrote:
Sexcalibure wrote:
Big patch is small in content.. for a 3-4 weeks of wait

any Koam shavronne soultaker nerf?
any buff on searing bond?Arc?
any update on Desync fix progression?
any new coding for loot rng?

1. not needed
2. not needed
3. desync fix wont happen
4. new coding for loot rng? why? ... not needed

my best guess is that you have a LL spoker totem using shavronne
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
aldorus wrote:
jsn006 wrote:

IF you have 10000 armor with granite and grace on

Then the whole discussion is pointless.
You aim for MUCH more as a armor-based "caster". This game is all about min / maxing. And trust me, you can achieve much more

so what? its useless vs most everything, esp if enfeebled and with charges. its a bonus, but not a game changer
nynyny wrote:
Shavs is a mediocore item, whether you like it or not.

RF and LL mechanics are what makes the build strong, something people like yourself will probably never understand because youre simply butthurt about never being able to pay for a Shavs.

what a toolbag

id like to see you do a map with chaos bombers at its entrance with ll rf build and no shavs

oh thats right you will alt f4 like all 'hardcore' players do


EDIT: LOL all your OS characters are dead and your highest a level 90 is on standard, yet here you are claiming you are an OS god and standard sucks. what a hypocrite hahahaha
Last edited by jsn006#2582 on Aug 13, 2013, 8:05:03 AM
jsn006 wrote:
nynyny wrote:
Shavs is a mediocore item, whether you like it or not.

RF and LL mechanics are what makes the build strong, something people like yourself will probably never understand because youre simply butthurt about never being able to pay for a Shavs.

what a toolbag

id like to see you do a map with chaos bombers at its entrance with ll rf build and no shavs

oh thats right you will alt f4 like all 'hardcore' players do


every post by the devs about races : nobody cares. (like me)
If they for once fix a bug ... people get crazy and we have a 30page whine thread only on 1 single line.

Go figure what people really cares about in this game. (and other arpgs for that matter)

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