Acronyms, Slang, and Abbreviations

Has anyone ever compiled a list?

Trying to read some of these threads without already knowing what all of them mean is like trying to decipher hieroglyphics without the Rosetta Stone.
Last bumped on Jan 26, 2018, 10:49:38 PM
DSP_Zulu wrote:
Has anyone ever compiled a list?

Trying to read some of these threads without already knowing what all of them mean is like trying to decipher hieroglyphics without the Rosetta Stone.

IIQ = Increase item quantity
IIR = Increase item rarity
MF = Magic find which = IIQ+IIR
CI = Chaos inoculation "passive key skill"
S&L = Steal and leather "passive skill"
FFA loot = Free for all loot "players in groups picks any thing they want"

These are from the top of my head.
Let's hope someone would add to the list.
FFA loot = Single Player Game
Compiling the list in this post for now, feel free to ask any questions or post any more that you can think of, and I'll be sure to add them.

4S 5S 6S - Number of sockets in an item
4L 5L 6L - Number of linked sockets in longest chain
Acc - Accuracy
Alc - Orb of Alchemy
BM - Blood Magic passive
C/o - Current Offer
CI - Chaos Inoculation passive
DW - Dual Wield
ED - Elemental Damage
ES - Energy Shield
Eva - Evasion
fuse - Orb of Fusing
GCP - Gemcutter's Prism
GMP - Greater Multiple Projectiles
FFA loot - Free For All Loot
HC - Hardcore mode
IAS - Increased Attack Speed
IIQ - Increased Item Quantity
IIR - Increased Item Rarity
IPD - Increased Physical Damage
IR - Iron Reflexes passive
jew - Jeweler's Orb
L&S - Leather and Steel passive
LMP - Lesser Multiple Projectiles
MI - Minion Instability passive
MF - Magic Find (IIQ & IIR)
OP - Overpowered, OR
OP - Original Poster
PA - Pain Attunement passive
PC - Price Check
scour - Orb of Scouring
WTS - Want to Sell
WTB - Want to Buy
WTT - Want to Trade
Last edited by Aplier#7659 on Sep 8, 2012, 6:05:43 PM
I wanna know what gcp is.
Tinwood wrote:
I wanna know what gcp is.

Gemcutter's Prism, increases the quality on a gem by 1
Kemichal wrote:
Tinwood wrote:
I wanna know what gcp is.

Gemcutter's Prism, increases the quality on a gem by 1

And so the megathread begins! Any acronym, slang, or abbreviation questions bring them here, =D.
Aplier wrote:
Kemichal wrote:
Tinwood wrote:
I wanna know what gcp is.

Gemcutter's Prism, increases the quality on a gem by 1

And so the megathread begins! Any acronym, slang, or abbreviation questions bring them here, =D.


Alc - Orb of Alchemy
GCP - Gemcutter's Prism
GMP - Greater Multiple Projectiles
CI - Chaos Inoculation
LMP - Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Last edited by Kemichal#4515 on Mar 15, 2013, 2:39:57 AM
Kemichal wrote:

And so the megathread begins! Any acronym, slang, or abbreviation questions bring them here, =D.


Alc - Orb of Alchemy
GCP - Gemcutter's Prism
GMP - Greater Multiple Projectiles
IC - Chaos Inoculation
LMP - Lesser Multiple Projectiles[/quote]

I'll get to work on editing my top post with all of these, and any more I think of. At least until the OP takes it over (if he does at all).
Acc - Accuracy
ED - Elemental Damage
ES - Energy Shield
IAS - Increased Attack Speed
IPD - Increased Physical Damage
Some of the more obvious ones that haven't been mentioned, but I'll mention anyway:

WTS - Want to sell
WTB - Want to buy
WTT - Want to Trade (usually equivalent to WTS)
PC - Price Check
c/o - Current Offer

jew - jeweler's orb
scour - orb of scouring
fuse - orb of fusing

4S 5S 6S - Number of sockets in an item (6S = 6 sockets)
4L 5L 6L - Number of linked sockets in longest chain

...and the most important...

QQ - The act of being a whiny little bitch. :P
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
I'll smash your nose with 20 Alterations before I'll sell them for 1 lousy Chaos. 16:1. No questions.

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