Auto-OOS with AutoHotKey

Doing an auto-OOS every 20 seconds is COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY USELESS. You don't understand how synch works if you think that provides you with a benefit.
/oos is for emergency use only.
Imagine everyone running a script that does it on a timer. GGG would just disable the command. Think a little before you post something this stupid again.

edit: The /oos command was disabled once because people were abusing it and causing too much load. Those were not fun times.
Last edited by dornal#7489 on Oct 9, 2013, 6:48:38 AM
Budget_player_cadet wrote:
Here, just use this instead:

; Path Of Exile Sync Script 1.0

#IfWinActive Path of Exile
SendMode Input
Send {enter}
Sleep 20
Send {Alt} /oos {enter}
Sleep 20

Send {enter}
Sleep 20
Send {Alt} /itemlevel {enter}
Sleep 20

Send {enter}
Sleep 20
Send {Alt} /remaining {enter}
Sleep 20

That maps /oos to f3, /itemlevel to f2, and /remaining to f4. Really useful, guaranteed legal.

Awesome. Thank you.
I've not used /oos once, ever.

You people must have some dogshit internet providers if you need to do this every 20 seconds.
[Hardcore] Soldiers of the Wasteland -
Skill Resets are the last refuge of the weak and incompetent.
Miszou wrote:
I've not used /oos once, ever.

You people must have some dogshit internet providers if you need to do this every 20 seconds.

No, they're just ignorant and spreading that ignorance with stupid topics like this.
Reimur: even though you're wrong, why would you have faith in diamond supporters? you're talking about a group of people that are so autistic that they would spend 1000 dollars on pixels. we're almost the most idiotic group of people in this community. second to hardcore players.
I disagree, while using it every 20 seconds automatically is not as effective as using when needed, some people do need it almost every twenty seconds. There needs to be some feature that users who are experiencing severe desync repeatedly to assist with it. I don't understand nearly enough about the game or how the programming could accomodate that, but I know for a fact i desync on literally every pack i meet up with using just a ib mara. I've never used whirling blades or cyclone outside of first seeing them because it breaks my game every time. Now you may say this is because my computer sucks, but i have a radeon hd 7950 on an i7 with a 1tb caviar black, all liquid cooled with an asus motherboard(can't remember off the top of my head and too lazy to check right now) and a nice new tp-link wireless card. I have great connection for any other game, but in path i cannot play without hitting my oos macro at least once every pack.
This is not me saying the game is terrible, in fact I love it despite the desync being so bad. I just hope that something can be done in the future to help those of us stuck in desync hell.
I must be playing this game completely different than you guys. I use /oos two, maybe three times a day. This is when I realize I'm not where I am supposed to be.

How come some people feel the need they need to spam it every 20 seconds?

Also, every time some muppet get the genius idea to post an automated macro that spams the server with /oos, I get a little afraid of what that will do in the long run.
Remember that time in closed beta when they disabled /oos ? Wasn't that fun?
I don't quite understand GGGs view on this. How is typing {Enter}/oos{Enter} with a single keypress any closer to "performing one action" than casting all auras with a single click? Both are equally impossible without a script.
Alhoon wrote:
I don't quite understand GGGs view on this. How is typing {Enter}/oos{Enter} with a single keypress any closer to "performing one action" than casting all auras with a single click? Both are equally impossible without a script.

You misunderstood. This is about leaving {Enter}/oos{Enter} on a timer.

edit: maybe I was the one who misunderstood :P That is a valid question. But I think that a macro is a macro, while an automated aura caster is something different.
Last edited by dornal#7489 on Dec 16, 2013, 2:57:16 AM
/oos on a timer should be allowed....ppl are dealing with ur fucking problem GGG
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Than live my life on my knees


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