Auto-OOS with AutoHotKey

To anyone who have experience in autohotkey and macro, here is my script to do /oos every 20sec. Strangely there's a single keymap for that but not a start/stop macro for that.


[removed by Admin]

1) Ctrl-numpadEnter to start/stop the /oos.

2) you will probably need windowed-fullscreen to show the tooltips

3) My screen resolution is 1366x768 (quite non-common) and I like to have the tooptip shown on the buttom-right corner. Change "TooltipPosX" and "TooltipPosY" according to your need. (0,0) is the top-left corner.

4) Same for the "Interval" meaning how long to re-type "/oos", default is 20sec.
Last edited by Henry_GGG on Jul 31, 2013, 4:35:57 AM
1. Not allowed due to automation.

2. Not allowed, and kind of selfish, as it would create a much higher load on the servers if everyone did it.

If they wanted the OOS command to be automated once every 20 seconds, it would be.
Hey there,

Please see Chris' post that explains the rules regarding the use of macros:

Chris wrote:
Any macro that performs more than one action is bannable, as is anything that sends it based on a timer.

It's fine to have a button that causes /oos, or /remaining or casts an aura, but having a timer to repeat actions or a macro to cast all your auras is not allowed. This is because these are things that normal players cannot do, so they give advantages in terms of playing speed.

I haven't edited any posts in this thread but if you could please do so that'd be appreciated. Thanks, guys!
You'd have to manually press a button every 20 seconds. Honestly, pressing a button whenever you feel you're desynced is probably better. Use a movement skill --> /oos. Knock a target back/get knocked back --> /oos. Stunned or frozen --> /oos. OMFG I'M TAKING DMG --> spam /oos.

something like this should do the trick

#IfWinActive Path of Exile
SendMode Input
Send {enter}
Sleep 10
Send /oos {enter}
Sleep 10

Send {enter}
Sleep 10
Send /remaining {enter}
Sleep 10
wivarn wrote:
You'd have to manually press a button every 20 seconds. Honestly, pressing a button whenever you feel you're desynced is probably better. Use a movement skill --> /oos. Knock a target back/get knocked back --> /oos. Stunned or frozen --> /oos. OMFG I'M TAKING DMG --> spam /oos.

Maybe it's true.

Actually, I play a summoner and have very few button to press. With that extra lag on minions I should spam the button every 3sec instead of 20sec.
lag is not desync -_-
if u have alot of lag with them minions i suggest improving your ingame performance by tweaking some graphic options, you can also search about this, there are some nice small fixes out there.
PoE Wiki page:
/OOS every 20 seconds is absolutely idiotic. It serves no purpose at all other than giving you random and unnecessary forced resynch. The only time you want to use /OOS is when you can tell something is, or might be, out of synch with the server, which is something you learn to more you play.

Which is why the only way to use a /OOS macro is to do it manually (i.e. press the macro key manually).
The only times I use my OOS macro is when I know I'm desynced or after I've killed Brutus :)
Here, just use this instead:

; Path Of Exile Sync Script 1.0

#IfWinActive Path of Exile
SendMode Input
Send {enter}
Sleep 20
Send {Alt} /oos {enter}
Sleep 20

Send {enter}
Sleep 20
Send {Alt} /itemlevel {enter}
Sleep 20

Send {enter}
Sleep 20
Send {Alt} /remaining {enter}
Sleep 20

That maps /oos to f3, /itemlevel to f2, and /remaining to f4. Really useful, guaranteed legal.
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IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
Last edited by Budget_player_cadet#3296 on Jul 31, 2013, 8:08:47 AM
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