[2.0]Rathik's NEWBIE FRIENDLY FUN&CHEAP FARMER, DPS Summoner. High AOE DMG, SURVIVAL."The Matriarch"

Wackazuzu wrote:
What league is this build for?

It should work for all leagues.
There is no specific item linked to it.
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Rathik2 wrote:

Craft one map and give it to me. I'll run it for ya.

Dunno why i even bother when any high lvl summoner knows what mods zombies die in mass against, but i'm up for the bother. If you can make a video i'm ready to provide map, but if you'll ride this map on spectres and detonate dead like "spectre builds" do and your zombies will be wiped in packs time after like it happens for "spectre builds" you'll give me equal map back. If you're up for the deal i'll provide the map.
Any summoner build is ready anywhere, anytime - just pick GMP and whatever spectres you come by - voidbeares, tentacle miscreations, mervail choosen, archers, mages, anything really. They all boost dmg and most maps have at least one strong spectre type, quite a few of them can sustain through many maps.

Your are off topic. This build is focusing on zombies. Want to talk specters, do it in another topic that is focused on specters.

Thing is that your build is pretty mainstream exept your main aoe source will get blown up on maps with "skills chain x times" "x additional projectiles" combined with %cold/fire/lightning dmg (few regular archers can easilly wipe all zombies with that mods in play in high lvl maps)

I have to lol again cause I done those type of maps just fine.

Atm i'm under impression that zombie centered build is possible only with necromantic aegis and archon/angelic kite shield with combined 60-70 resists essentially bumping your zombie resistances to positive 60+ with purity & minion resistance support gem.

You are wrong, simple as that, NA is not needed, not even close on been needed.
Will only make you weaker, if a zombie dies just re summon it.

Atm zombies are too weak

they are not

So what i wish to add:
1) you didn't provide solution for main summoner problems (be it "spectre" build or "zombie build" - essentially the same).
2) You're talking about being ready in group play but not mentioning that 95% parties have heavy corpse shatter builds like crit dagger shadows, freeze pulsers, spear totems etc. cripling us even in attempts to resummon zombies.
3) Build itself not utilizing our IIQ/IIR becouse our last hitting is unreliable (it's more reliable to pick arc/culling/chain/IIQ/IIR and spam in yourself then count on whether zombies will cull it or not).
4) Build generally being frawn upon in party play - melees hate zombies (it already sucks to melee between all that projectiles spam), you've more chances to get in a good group just riding on 3 curses& high IIR/IIQ with reliable culling spam.

Looks like you haven't read my first post.
Culling is a problem for every single IIR build out there.
If you want to truly have IIR on every kill you should only party with people that have high IIR gear.
That's what I do, just ask in chat and ask them to link your gear.
Who is saying that even if you are using culling strike a non IIR build isn't using it also?

it's just that our "reliable" dps source (zombie) is made of paper

No offense but to me it sounds like you got no idea on what you are talking about.

If you don't like this approach on a summoner, use something else. No one is forcing you to use it. I fell comfortable to write this guide because it works and I know that it works because I am playing it and is doing what is suppose to do.

You came here to argue and frown upon.
You like specters, I like zombies. You can argue all day long. It won't change anything.

Why don't you just make a guide and share your knowledge and tips with the community?

I am sure people will appreciate it more rather than you coming in here and bashing on my topic.

IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Rathik2 wrote:

No offense but to me it sounds like you got no idea on what you are talking about.

You came here to argue and frown upon.

Tbh it's more like you're being overdefensive for no reason. If you've missed my point i'll try to make it easier to understand:

1) you use zombies & i use zombies, you use spectres & i use spectres, you use skelletons & i use skelletons, you've picked all summon nodes & i picked all summon nodes. You run melee splash, and (oh the news) i use it quite some maps;
2) there's no "i like zombies" "you like spectres" becouse we all use both;
3) zombies die and combination of mods i listed can nuke them down as fast as Temple piety does, you keep summon they keep blowing, your spectres meanwhille do damage, MI does dmg and you clear map, it takes much longer then average map but you clear it becouse summoner can clear any map;

If consider spectre build something like only summoning flame sentinels with concentrated effect and faster casting support then you're right about setup, but as i mentioned any summoner build is always ready becouse they're all essentially the same: pick all summoner nodes and add some flavour (elemental equilibrium, double curse, just tons of ES or whatever you choose).

Tbh no need to be so defensive for no reason.
Best of luck.
Crizisrf wrote:
Rathik2 wrote:

No offense but to me it sounds like you got no idea on what you are talking about.

You came here to argue and frown upon.

Tbh it's more like you're being overdefensive for no reason. If you've missed my point i'll try to make it easier to understand:

1) you use zombies & i use zombies, you use spectres & i use spectres, you use skelletons & i use skelletons, you've picked all summon nodes & i picked all summon nodes. You run melee splash, and (oh the news) i use it quite some maps;
2) there's no "i like zombies" "you like spectres" becouse we all use both;
3) zombies die and combination of mods i listed can nuke them down as fast as Temple piety does, you keep summon they keep blowing, your spectres meanwhille do damage, MI does dmg and you clear map, it takes much longer then average map but you clear it becouse summoner can clear any map;

If consider spectre build something like only summoning flame sentinels with concentrated effect and faster casting support then you're right about setup, but as i mentioned any summoner build is always ready becouse they're all essentially the same: pick all summoner nodes and add some flavour (elemental equilibrium, double curse, just tons of ES or whatever you choose).

Tbh no need to be so defensive for no reason.
Best of luck.

TLDR DC, please go away.

Come to think of it, don't.
Free bumps are always welcome.
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Rathik2 wrote:

TLDR DC, please go away.
Come to think of it, don't.

Tbh you sound like a rather insecure selfcentered dude without any arguments to back himself up, bailing out on bet you've proposed yourself. Shouldn't have bother with you to start off but since you've kindly asked: there - have your last bump from me.
Crizisrf wrote:
Rathik2 wrote:

TLDR DC, please go away.
Come to think of it, don't.

Tbh you sound like a rather insecure selfcentered dude without any arguments to back himself up, bailing out on bet you've proposed yourself. Shouldn't have bother with you to start off but since you've kindly asked: there - have your last bump from me.

Bring on your map, I ll be happy to get a free map.
I ll be happy to run it since you can't.

I am on line now.


Bailing out? You have my IGN and I didn't see a map coming in my way.
What is your IGN? Come on, make it public.
What are you afraid of?

If I am insecure and self centered then what the fuck are you?

That was a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer it, I know what you are, everyone that reads your post know what you are, hell, even you know what you are. I am just not in the habit to call people names on forums.

Thanks for the free bump, still waiting on that map though...
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Jul 31, 2013, 8:01:28 AM
First of all, chill down guys, both of you.

I enjoyed reading your build and answers to all questions, even the somewhat heated discussion, but lets get back on topic again, no one likes to read a flamewar where they want useful information.

Started the build last night on Onslaught, while all my banks are empty so no startersgear for me. Went up to lvl 11 and will continue tonight after work. Its weak but no probs, it will get better after lvl 35, i know.

Would love to see you run that map, if provided, make sure to grab a video.

Last edited by Oldfella#5474 on Jul 31, 2013, 8:17:41 AM
Oldfella wrote:
First of all, chill down guys, both of you.

I enjoyed reading your build and answers to all questions, even the somewhat heated discussion, but lets get back on topic again, no one likes to read a flamewar where they want useful information.

Started the build last night on Onslaught, while all my banks are empty so no startersgear for me. Went up to lvl 11 and will continue tonight after work. Its weak but no probs, it will get better after lvl 35, i know.

Would love to see you run that map, if provided, make sure to grab a video.

I am trying to set up a stream, but my graphic card is some what shitty (old 8800 geforce) and the stream is kinda messing with my FPS.

Here are some screenshots on some maps I done recently.

IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Rathik2 wrote:

TLDR DC, please go away.

Come to think of it, don't.
Free bumps are always welcome.

Wtf, who replies like that. You sound like a three year old lol. At least explain how he is wrong if you disagree, even if you were both being snarky it was still a constructive discussion...

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