[2.0]Rathik's NEWBIE FRIENDLY FUN&CHEAP FARMER, DPS Summoner. High AOE DMG, SURVIVAL."The Matriarch"

JaehaerysTheMad wrote:
Hi there again,
Lvl 69 at the moment farming merc docks relatively comfortably. My equipment still sucks, the only thing of note is that I put all my wealth into 1 ex (my first) and I got an andvarius for it. Stacked a bit more mf so I'm hoping it will pay off soon.

I got a question: was thinking to use tempest sheild as I play onslaught and currently my shield is only 2500. The tempest shield would go together with clarity and discipline in a 4 item slot with reduced mana. You think this makes sense?

Also, I only have a 4L armor, I use a 19Q raise zombies + multistrike + minion damage + minion life. I do have the mellee splash and faster attacks gems, as well as IIR and IIS gems; think I should modify anything?

Thx for all the advice:)

Why you want to use tempest shield?
25% mana reserve for just 4% block chance?
I really don't see the benefit.
You should avoid getting hit by melee anyway.

I would go haste, discipline, purity (if you need the res). Debatable if haste is better than hatred.
Purity will allow you to ignore more resistance from gear so you can add more IIR/IIQ.
If you don't care about IIR/IIQ go haste, hatred, discipline, but then again this is an MF build, the whole point is to stack a IIR/IIQ.

Clarity is pretty much wasted, you well never be out of mana and in those rare occasions that you will just use a mana flask.
If you are using divination distillate you will always want to be out of mana anyway.

Melee splash and faster attacks give more DPS than minion damage and minion life.
If a zombie dies just raise another one. Minion life will only make them live a bit longer. Eventually some will die.
If you group a lot you will have to use culling strike over faster attack so zombies can apply your IIR/IIQ.
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
adiosmuchachos wrote:
Man, that is awesome build :) And I love my 22 x undead army ripping enemies apart :)
I'm lvl 83 now - I was using raise zombies/minion dmg/minion life nodes -> yesterday I tested multistrike/melee splash, I have to admit - I'ts damn faster.

Here's my gear:

Any suggestions what should I change to upgrade ?
Is this new sceptre worth 10 exalts ? - nvm, sorry, I just noticed the 31 page :)
And one more: I heard like mf gear/skills doesn't work in maps O.o true ?
Should I farm docks/lunaris/catacombs only or find power gear for later maps without mf ?

What do you mean mf gear/skills doesn't work in maps?

This build is designed to farm any map with any mod (except Blood Magic).
Why farm a level 68 area when you can farm a level 77 area (if you can get those maps)?

About gear.
Get a 6L if you can. If you are playing public you need culling strike even with a 5L.
Drop andavarius for a better IIR/IIQ ring, you will also get 20 resistance back.
Get MF boots.
Get MF gloves with some ES. Sadima's Touch gloves 24% IIQ are better than 50% IIR Aurseize. You should try to get IIR/IIQ ES gloves.
Get a gold amulet.
Get a 29+ ATTR perandus. You will save 2 skill points.
Drop clarity for haste. You do not need mana regen.
Buy Divination Distillate.
Zombies and skeletons don't need IIR/IIQ gems.
Don't keep specters or auras on your helmet.

Aim for 20/20 gems, at least on Zombie links and curses. It makes a lot of difference.

Have a look at my gear and try to match it.
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Sep 9, 2013, 9:29:45 AM
Rathik2 wrote:

Why you want to use tempest shield?
25% mana reserve for just 4% block chance?
I really don't see the benefit.
You should avoid getting hit by melee anyway.

I would go haste, discipline, purity (if you need the res). Debatable if haste is better than hatred.
Purity will allow you to ignore more resistance from gear so you can add more IIR/IIQ.
If you don't care about IIR/IIQ go haste, hatred, discipline, but then again this is an MF build, the whole point is to stack a IIR/IIQ.

Clarity is pretty much wasted, you well never be out of mana and in those rare occasions that you will just use a mana flask.
If you are using divination distillate you will always want to be out of mana anyway.

Melee splash and faster attacks give more DPS than minion damage and minion life.
If a zombie dies just raise another one. Minion life will only make them live a bit longer. Eventually some will die.
If you group a lot you will have to use culling strike over faster attack so zombies can apply your IIR/IIQ.

All right, thanks for the guidance, much appreciated.

You're right about the tempest shield. That was pretty stupid of me.
But I do have mana issues. Purity is 40%, haste is 40% too and there is discipline as well; and my mana pool is not that great (just a bit less than 1000), so it's hard to recast 9 zombies when they die (even when using reduced mana).

A question related to mana use: do you spam arc or do you just us it for culling bosses and directing the zombies to atatck a priority target? Also, do I even need culling if I play solo? (as I mostly am) (keep in mind I didnt have enough sockets to add IIR or IIQ to arc)

I will change my zombie support gems.

Rathik2 wrote:

What do you mean mf gear/skills doesn't work in maps?

If I had to guess (which I do :p), I would say the poster read that IIR/IIQ does not affect map drop rates (which is true) but inferred it as all drops in maps (which is not true).
Last edited by GoatEatingToilet#3170 on Sep 9, 2013, 10:09:08 AM
Thanks for gear suggestions :)

According mf I mean this:

"IIQ/IIR from gear/support gems has no effect on map drops.
Only +IIQ from a map, or from monster mods (Of Wealth, magic/rare/unique monsters etc.) works.

sorry for doubleposting - some stange error made it happen :/
Last edited by adiosmuchachos#1282 on Sep 9, 2013, 10:26:54 AM
adiosmuchachos wrote:
Thanks for gear suggestions :)

According mf I mean this:

"IIQ/IIR from gear/support gems has no effect on map drops.
Only +IIQ from a map, or from monster mods (Of Wealth, magic/rare/unique monsters etc.) works.

Yeah, that's what I imagined you meant. That is in reference to maps dropping in maps, not other types of loot (which will be greatly boosted be nice MF numbers).
Thank U GoatEatingToilet - my mistake :)
adiosmuchachos wrote:
Thanks for gear suggestions :)

According mf I mean this:

"IIQ/IIR from gear/support gems has no effect on map drops.
Only +IIQ from a map, or from monster mods (Of Wealth, magic/rare/unique monsters etc.) works.

Yeap, thats correct.

So if you want to have a chance at more maps dropping you need to roll high %.
If you want more EXP roll maze, pack size, more magic/rares.
IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288
[2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981
[2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603
[2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556
First off, thanks for the guide.

I have been leveling with Multistrike + LoH + Raise Z + Melee Splash pretty easily through merciless without problems. Died to a mistake but the build has no problems.

I was wondering, at higher levels would it be better to swap in life leech over life on hit?

This is for leveling purposes only not for IIR/IIQ, going to get to that later
Last edited by Kevii#7978 on Sep 10, 2013, 3:25:18 PM

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