Preview of Upcoming Chests

ongZ wrote:
VideoGeemer wrote:
TroySpiral wrote:
Thanks for the update! Certainly could use more content.

PLEASE stay focused on fixing performance issues.

Even without a full group , on a good system (I have a very good gaming rig) the game becomes choppy occasionally even just soloing, and ALWAYS becomes choppy in full (and even just small) groups to the point were its not even much fun, and I only tolerate groups due to being forced into them for exp reasons.



So you want the content designers to work on performance issues? Might make things worse :p

That's not quite what I meant with my +1. Sorry if it came off the wrong way.

It was just an agreement with the note before, which said "Hey cool, new content!" but also made the point that the performance issues (as in, server lag and not frequent enough resyncs) still seem like the biggest issue that needs working on. Surely content designers can't fix this, but the general tone seemed more like a supportive, but still, a nudge to GGG that maybe they should focus more resources (human and monetary), if possible, on solving this problem.

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Fluffhead wrote:
VideoGeemer wrote:
Milani wrote:
awe, was hoping it would be chestpieces getting new looks like the helmets did.. honestly that is something i am really waiting for. oh, and the dmg display. WANT!

Except that most of the new helmets are horrible because your character no longer has a face.


Why would a melee class have a helmet with a completely exposed face?

Think about that for a minute.

That part makes sense, but why is it so difficult to get a decent mid-range caster or bow helm that doesn't make the face look like a flat piece of metal?

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Augustrad wrote:
VideoGeemer wrote:
Milani wrote:
awe, was hoping it would be chestpieces getting new looks like the helmets did.. honestly that is something i am really waiting for. oh, and the dmg display. WANT!

Except that most of the new helmets are horrible because your character no longer has a face.


So? With the exception of maybe like 2 or 3 helmets, all the rest look very badass in my opinion.

Many of them look really cool, but many seem to do nothing but clash with the style of the rest of the outfits, and it kinda sucks when a Witch's face is covered by a bucket, because that's the one with the best stats for her on it. *shrug*

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Reinhart wrote:
VideoGeemer wrote:
AusterlitZ wrote:

Chris,will you guys ever make an act in a snowy region?i miss snow from d2

They have to (as if I have anything to do with it, but yeah...). This is the one thing I'm like *MUST HAPPEN, MUST HAPPEN* about. :)


I don't know about snowy regions.

I really like how the environment in Wraeclast makes perfect sense. There is continuity between act 1 through act 3. Unlike Diablo 2 which tried to resolve it with cutscenes. It would be silly to have a hell act or snow act. Hell act because it is too cliché and snow act because it breaks this continuity. Some people love to see different areas à la COD. But I don't like it. Certainly if it breaks the central theme and lore.

I'm sorry, but this just doesn't make any sense at all to me. What breaking of continuity?

We have a seaside act, a forest act, and an ancient metropolis act. They all seem, well, very different to me. The trees from Acts 2 and 3 are completely different from each other, and all sorts of things like that. GGG just bridges them together nicely; that's all.

Also, we're not saying that we need an ice and snow ACT, but a couple areas maybe? Then we could go underground or something. Maybe it would be next to a mountain, or you'd get to the icy part after running through the rest of the act and then emerging on the mountain.

I don't even think fire would be an issue, if it were handled carefully enough, as there could be a volcano. Sure, a "hell act" would be just too cliche I think, but that doesn't mean that having a lava flow somewhere would be out of the theme of the game (it could be great). I even had the thought once of bluish forests, based on a video I saw of the old Maelstrom of Chaos, and people thought I was saying I wanted something all fantasy-like and way out of the atmosphere of the game. Not at all. In fact, when Act 2 was updated with the dark quest, we got exactly the sort of thing I was getting at. :)

Remember before Act 3 came out? The videos and screenshots seemed really different from Acts 1 and 2. Now we're used to them. I could even see how Act 2 could have **theoretically, not that it should have** had snow in it, as in, if the Crossroads and all that leading to the Chamber of Sins had kept going, climbing up the hills and stuff. The point is, I don't see any reason why cold areas would be anything but awesome. Ice caves, man. Sure, to make an entire act out of it might be overdoing it a little, but a few areas would sure hit the spot, and is the biggest thing I wish was present here. Sure, I can go play Dungeon Siege if I need an ice and snow fix, but that's not the same as PoE; not even close. This game + a cold chill in the air = awesomeness in a can.

Recap: Must have ice and snow. :D Hehe

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Last edited by VideoGeemer on Jul 25, 2013, 4:04:28 PM
Ice and snow would be good, as blood splashed across it and piles of gore staining it's pristine beauty would look great, and in keeping with the general theme of the game. I'm thinking something like that early scene in Conan the Barbarian when the horsemen attack the village.
Hey, why aren't there any mounted baddies in this game... Something to think about perhaps?
PollyAnarchy (anarchy) Lootdonkey (Standard) Pictishpunk (Hardcore)

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