Unique Item List - 300 of 419
As interesting as the idea of onslaught on crit is, i can't see why you would ever want to use it unless it's either cheap to buy, or we get a physical crit status effect.
If we get a good physical crit status effect, it might become pretty powerful. Until then, you can just buy a mace with some attack speed. There you go, permanent "onslaught" without needing to crit. RT for can't be evaded. Good phys rolls for higher dps. Onslaught just isn't good enough of a buff to be worth trying to get crit on a mace. Not even remotely close. Actually fuck, with the points you'd have to spend on crit to make the onslaught usable, you could get 20% attack speed in the tree. The more i look at this mace, the more i think that it's been planned around an eventual physical on-crit being added to the game like elemental ones. EDIT: How are you even supposed to get crit on this thing anyway? Using the gem would just be cutting your dps down by a huge amount in exchange for a chance of a minor dps increase for a small amount of time. Last edited by Xendran#1127 on Sep 6, 2013, 4:38:41 AM
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That's what I feel too, with that measly base crit, and the tiny amount of crit nodes near mace damage, it really fells that the onslaught thing is useless. I hope there will be future synergy with it..
Guild #YoloSwag <SWAG>
HSC: SwaglordYolomancerII Time zone: GMT +8 (Hong Kong) |
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This mace feels like it's missing an increased local crit chance mod. I cant think way to get crit rate high enough to make onslaught useful without sacrificing way more than you gain from it. If it's meant to be an occasional thing, it should eithe rlast for more than 2 seconds or be stronger than onslaught.
EDIT: Actually, it almost feels like it's meant to be a twinked out mid level mace meant to carry you through merciless, but with a level 67 requirement. The reason for this is because there's not much going on with that onslaught on crit. It's not really that interesting, and the mace just has a nice big number in one of the mods. When you make an endgame item, you want to feel like you're sacrificing something to gain something that allows you to compete with high end rares, not like you're sacrificing a lot to attempt to gain a mediocre buff for 2 seconds. To be honest, i'd rather see it have an EXTREMELY slow attack speed, but with an EXTREMELY high critical rate, and the ability to stack the IAS from onslaught infinitely. Sorry, but i gotta go with boring unique on this one (for now, phys on-crit may change that, and somebody may find a good way to use this). It's got one interesting mod, and then one "ooh big numbers" mod, but the interesting mod ends up being useless, so we end up with a mediocre DPS mace that has an IAS roll that doesn't work most of the time. Maybe if weapon switching didn't suck so badly you could swap to a wand with power siphon, but in order to actually get any kills with that you'd have to also have it linked well and somehow getting damage for it. Last edited by Xendran#1127 on Sep 6, 2013, 4:53:20 AM
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new mace dps is 308 lol
lot sucker than infamous marohi's lowballing 408 dps failed unque none gonna use that pitiful mace Last edited by GodKas#2489 on Sep 6, 2013, 4:56:01 AM
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" That's not the point at all. Consistency + qol. Like i said, this is not an iphone "Level 15: More fire damage!" game. People in this game want to know what things do, and when i look at an item i expect to know what it does as soon as i see it. The exception to this is something with a consistent name that is used elsewhere (Onslaught, Desecrated/Consecrated/Burning/Ice/Tarred ground, skills). " Dafuq? Last edited by Xendran#1127 on Sep 6, 2013, 4:58:37 AM
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" That is when not in "Onslaught" mode, plus this item includes a Resist All defensive mod and doesn't gimp your MS. It's not always about the DPS. :) Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life." Last edited by Kaysee#3180 on Sep 6, 2013, 5:01:27 AM
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" This was already the case. Was using Zombie + Remote Mine + Multi Strike + Melee Splash + More Melee Dmg + IAS, some auras and resists from shield for minions and it blows everything. Was also using spectre but as support. IGN TylordRampage Last edited by Malone#6946 on Sep 6, 2013, 5:05:47 AM
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" just 2 sec onslaughter mod happens when you hit CRIT through the lowest crit weapon the MACE 5% !! who gonna invest crit nodes for this suck weapon? even if you do, your crit chances are ridiculous low ballin and attack speed is damn slow for crits worst thing is it nullify any crit multiplier dmg just like good old RT I say its fukin failed mace Last edited by GodKas#2489 on Sep 6, 2013, 5:14:02 AM
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do we know max roll on flat phys ?
IGN TylordRampage
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That Mace would have been really interesting IF it had 300% increased critical strike chance (=20% base crit chance), this way you could activate that Onslaught buff reliably with some node investment OR make Onslaught buff stack on this weapon meaning with enough crit chance and increased buff duration you would get faster and faster, couple that with Frenzy and speedfreakgasm happens.
Also, quality on this item is practically 20% MORE dmg since it doesn't have increased dmg mod in the first place and who knows maybe the phys dmg goes up to 500? Unarmed for life! (although I do like maces too recently)
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