Special XP only map
Chris has said in interviews that it takes them a year plus to create acts. Maps are meant to give people end game content beyond storyline. Even if they had all acts out tomorrow there needs to be maps to give people dynamic end game content to play. What they currently have is a double reduction system to prevent people from reaching high levels. The first reduction is high much XP it takes to reach higher levels. Levels 1-80 only take about 1 billion XP. Levels 80 through 100 take over 3.5 billion XP. The second reduction is the XP reduction formula as you out level content. You get less XP from content to low for you (7% less per level outside the range). This is one thing that makes endgame content un-rewarding to players and one of the primary drives for rebalancing the endgame levels. Currently the only purpose for maps is to farm items and currency. That is not all that some of us want to do. Some of us have enough decent (not GG but decent) gear and we just want to play dynamic (which means changing) end game content. The current map system is limited to limit items which is understandable. This gives us a chance to play end game content and the economy a chance to avoid item inflation. Since we still loose massive amounts of XP if we die it is still challenging and makes trying to do affixed maps rewarding for completing the challenges.
IGN: DeathIsMyBestFriend, Illirianah
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" Please space out your posts as I have done in that spoiler. Walls of text are sooo hard to read. Firstly, maps aren't "necessary" for dynamic end game content. Maelstrom of Chaos from Closed Beta was another option that I particularly wish would return. I'm sure there are even more ideas for end game content. Maps doesn't have to be the only one and it likely won't be. This is preferred in my mind. And it's what you should be asking for. More options and more easily available but less rewarding (in terms of gear, XP, etc) end game content. I'd love to run Maelstrom of Chaos with a -50% XP and -100% item quantity mods. That'd be fun. Secondly, If what you want is more end game content readily available, why ask for something XP oriented? That implies you want it for the XP. Why not just ask for a map that never goes away but is completely random (everything) but gives 100-70% XP penalty and no loot? Then you can just play the game for fun if that's what you want. As I said, this suggestion is unnecessary when new content is (inevitably) on the way. I'd be down with that. |
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Sorry for the wall of text. The XP is to get other people on board as I am not the only person playing this game. GGG obviously wont add it just for me so an option that gives other players something to rally around is needed. XP and leveling is that rally point.
There are a lot of people who get absolutely bored with the current end game content as they feel they are just spinning their wheels combating the XP penalty, XP loss on death, and lack of end game maps 70+. GGG wanted it to be difficult.. not absurd and practically impossible outside of dedicated map groups. Personally tho I'm not that concerned with the XP portion. I've vaguely heard of the Maelstrom of Chaos that you mentioned. An Endless Descent would probably be more awesome. But it appears that GGG are backing the map system as an effort to control end game items. Since GGG is sticking with maps I've figured that the easiest thing for them to implement would be a new map type that could be easily programmed and satisfy their end game item limitation as well as make people happy in regards to XP. It would also make me happy with an always available dynamic end game content. Btw... my idea for the most awesome end game system would be an Endless Descent dungeon.. each level you descend it ups the level of the monsters by one level. To get to the next level you must kill the boss. Traveling into the Endless Dungeon is one way.. leaving the dungeon via TP or death starts the entire dungeon over from the beginning. This is done for two reasons. First is to limit farming.. you have to pick and choose what you want to take out and second is to add a ladder like skill to the dungeon.. it would take skill for people to make it to descend to the lowest levels and this could be an achievement effort level.. how far down can you make it and live! IGN: DeathIsMyBestFriend, Illirianah
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" No actually its not. Chris has stated that he is unhappy with the way maps are stopping people pushing their ladders and they plan to add new ways to level to 100 in the game. So you are wrong. It doesnt take a long time, it is actually impossible for most players to level to 100 now. When HvR got to 100 in sc the forum erupted calling him a cheat, including the moderators and the way it has handled made it pretty obvious GGG were of the opinion that if you made it to lvl100 you almost certainly had to be cheating or playing with players who were cheating. That is not the design goal of the game, that the only way to be competitive on ladders is through cheating. Maps are working as intended only in the way they are restricting the amount of ilvl78 gear in circulation. However there are many aspects of the mapping system that are fundamentally broken and they know this. People are not rolling maps for items, they are rolling them for xp, and atm the ladders have no integrity and are not even potentially competitive for 99% of the player base. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" exactly, my position has always been that maps are here, lets use them. In the full vision that will land in 18+ months time maybe maps will be used for what they are designed for, item finding, but until then being able to level your character, play hard content and push your ladder is too important to just leave out of the game completely for the majority of the player base. Make a small, temp feature for now that does the job and you can get rid of it later when you have designed a new system. It can be implemented in under a week, I wont be here in 18 months time if its still going to cost me 15 exalts to get my lvl89 marauder to lvl90. Theyve lost so many players over this and unlike desync, they can fix it with ease. This was my suggestion for the ultimate endgame grinding platform http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/383625 endless descent dungeons spawning inside endlessly randomised infinite open world areas. Money. Also a lot of dev time. Xp maps? I really dont see that its that big a task. If the reason they havent implemented something is because they have something planned for the full release but dont want to tell us incase it doesnt work out then cool, when it lands we will be happy. but if thats not the case and this game goes live full release with high end levelling in this state then it will be an absolute disgrace. I love this game but currently any future in it for me rests on them sorting this out above all other issues x1,000,000. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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