(Aug 18 NZT) Euro-Friendly One-hour Cut-throat Event

I think you had one like early morning NZ time, it was late at night in EU and early evening US, I thought that was quite neat... though I can see why EU players might want something earlier in the day. Oh, right , that was the 3h race, which begins at 11PM Belgium time, which sounds fair to me. It's late but not too bad on a weekend.
hello, do I have to create new character to join this event?
raven7542 wrote:
hello, do I have to create new character to join this event?

Yes - character creation opens 30 minutes before the event starts
I'm BACK :)
See ya and I wouldn't wanna be ya! :)
I need cattle for the slaughter!
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
I played ranger this time, it was much easier. I killed loads of people :D

I think grace time on zoning should be longer, people can kill me while I'm loading...
Build of the week #2 : http://tinyurl.com/ce75gf4
Last edited by zriL#4590 on Aug 18, 2012, 7:04:07 AM
Oh well only got to lv 3 but joined with 10mins to go. Had heaps of fun and still got a few kills surprising
I should stop coming after you ToE guys at the end, lol.
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Very fun league, killed 4 or 5 people solo, but got killed twice by a party...
Dreggon wrote:
As an Australian this time is actually really good. 9pm on a Saturday? Score!

I agree 200% best time for me as well.

That was a great run.

Dunno who them archers where but damn! good shootin
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
This was another fun solo CT league for me. Yesterdays US CT was kind of a drag mainly due to drops, if you get some run speed boots melee is a lot more enjoyable.

I'll def be looking forward to the 8 hour CT event Chris was talking about in chat. Even tho that will likely to just be lvl 30s killing lvl 15 and below.

I think everyone agrees a level range based on the zone would really help the long term leagues. It would give a risk to rushing zones a lot higher then you since you could run into a higher lvl player. most importantly it would reduce the ganking of low lvl players by way higher.

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