[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!

Hi i want to do fist duelist but want to ask, How that bulid is on the end game and h lvl maps? I got some exals for gear but want to make good dps and survive char, so what is that bulid when u have docent gear and Q20 gems?
Last edited by AngryJew#3293 on Jul 27, 2013, 8:29:06 AM
AngryJew wrote:
Hi i want to do fist duelist but want to ask, How that bulid is on the end game and h lvl maps? I got some exals for gear but want to make good dps and survive char, so what is that bulid when u have docent gear and Q20 gems?

Well... maybe you should...umm... read my first 3 posts...
But the "too long didn't read" is:
1. You can solo everything(every map with pretty much every mod/ombination of mods; every boss)
2. You can do everything in party
3. You won't die
4. You will annihilate packs of mobs in 2-3 seconds(the dps is lower compared to some other builds but thats because this build doesn't have ridiculously and honestly unnecessary high attack speed. The damage per hit is huge and thats great vs your enemies armour an practicly you'll 1-2 hit everything.)
5. You'll have no problems throughout the game from level 1 to level 100
6. You'll do all that just by using 2 buttons - LMB for movement and RMB for killing

P.S. I must update the screenshots of my character stats... they are slightly higher now
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jul 27, 2013, 12:12:51 PM
KorgothBG wrote:
AngryJew wrote:
Hi i want to do fist duelist but want to ask, How that bulid is on the end game and h lvl maps? I got some exals for gear but want to make good dps and survive char, so what is that bulid when u have docent gear and Q20 gems?

Well... maybe you should...umm... read my first 3 posts...
But the "too long didn't read" is:
1. You can solo everything(every map with pretty much every mod/ombination of mods; every boss)
2. You can do everything in party
3. You won't die
4. You will annihilate packs of mobs in 2-3 seconds(the dps is lower compared to some other builds but thats because this build doesn't have ridiculously and honestly unnecessary high attack speed. The damage per hit is huge and thats great vs your enemies armour an practicly you'll 1-2 hit everything.)
5. You'll have no problems throughout the game from level 1 to level 100
6. You'll do all that just by using 2 buttons - LMB for movement and RMB for killing

P.S. I must update the screenshots of my character stats... they are slightly higher now

Lol if you dont get kicked for having 50+ minions (happend to me the other day)
that1guy wrote:

2. You can do everything in party

Lol if you dont get kicked for having 50+ minions (happend to me the other day)

That's why i run with Infernal Blow when i'm in a party
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Is The Anvil amulet viable for this build? Lots of bonuses for blocking and a big buff to block chance and armor. Reduced AS isn't really noticeable with multistrike + IB. Thoughts?
tjohn84 wrote:
Is The Anvil amulet viable for this build? Lots of bonuses for blocking and a big buff to block chance and armor. Reduced AS isn't really noticeable with multistrike + IB. Thoughts?

Yes, all block and block related bonuses are nice indeed. But the lack of physical damage is a huge weakness. 20-25 physical damage amulet will give you around 5k dps! In my opinion you can't sacrifice that dps. Oh and another thing you will need the int and dex that an onyx amulet will give you, without them you'll have to invest 2 passive skill points to compensate.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I'm going this build on Onslaught league, I'm enjoying it so far. But I am doing it a little bit different (at least for now) because I want Iron Reflexes and I was thinking I could just use Malachai's helm or that other chest piece to put on Grace on my HP and have a bunch more armor from that. And I also picked up the 6-6-16 HP nodes above IF.

I want to thank you for the general lay-out of the build though.
"We believe - so we're misled, we assume - so we're played, we confide - so we're deceived, we trust - so we're betrayed"
silidons wrote:
I'm going this build on Onslaught league, I'm enjoying it so far. But I am doing it a little bit different (at least for now) because I want Iron Reflexes and I was thinking I could just use Malachai's helm or that other chest piece to put on Grace on my HP and have a bunch more armor from that. And I also picked up the 6-6-16 HP nodes above IF.

I want to thank you for the general lay-out of the build though.

You are free to try Grace if you want. But if you do i'd suggest to just link it to a blood magic gem and a reduced mana cost gem. Using Malachai's Simula is... hmm how to say it... well.. let's just say that i'm strongly against it.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
How are you guys dealing with the constant desync as melee char? I have no problems at all with ranged but melee is just pain. As example huge mob pack, I got RT so can't miss, start spamming my Q (multi+infernal+splash+melee phys) and it just rarely hits the mobs if if I'm right next to the mobs. Then propably 2-5sec later those mobs are nowhere near me.
This used to happen alot to me. Now? Now it's only once-twice per hour so its not that big of a deal..to me.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

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