[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
Thanks for the kind words words man ^^
I'm glad it's working out well for you :) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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hi i currently have 487 mana and i cant seem to run herald of ash, hatred and determination at the same time also i put in your stats in Mikelat's Path of Exile Aura Calculator and it was saying you should be able to run it too help please :)
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Do you have level 19 or level 20 reduced mana support gem and 4% reduced mana reservation from the skill tree ?
links to the calculator with my stats which clearly shows that it works just fine ^^ https://poe.mikelat.com/#K9=ME3/AaXnSc and yes it seems like it works with level 19 reduced mana aswell https://poe.mikelat.com/#JEQW94/AaXnSc tho i've "overkilled" this because i have level 21 reduced mana gem https://poe.mikelat.com/#IJGd55/AaXnSc P.S. Thanks for mentioning that calculator because i didn't know it existed and it works great! :) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Feb 24, 2015, 7:08:01 AM
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Please forgive me, but where is the "Cheap" in this build?.. I see the use of A LOT of uniques and being a some what new/old player I don't have butt loads of Chaos or Exalts to throw at gear :/.
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First of all in many cases the unique items in Path of Exile are cheaper than rare items, and the rare items used with this build are indeed on the cheap site. I guess i have to explain that the idea of GGG is that unique items are not better than rare items , they just do "unique" things that rares can't do and thus enable good interactions with different builds. A unique is not the best for all builds but it is in many cases the best item for a certain build.
Second ... even my entire gear which is close to perfect for the build ... is worth less than a single shavronne's wrapping chest. Now "cheap" means different things to any player. For some cheap is 10 chaos orb build for others it is 10 exalts. I can see that you are a new player and i understand that you probably don't have a lot of currency. But when you look at a build don't look at what the creator has because obviously he would have the best possible (for him) and expensive gear. Look at what is the minimum price of the build and what is needed to make it work. You don't need fancy 6L ( or 5L in that matter), you don't need perfect rolled gear etc. Every builds starts from somewhere and as you level up and accumulate currency that build grows up with you.. gradually With all that said if you are looking for a build which is worth 10 chaos orb and is capable of killing Uber Atziri i'm afraid that you'll end up very disappointed. Now let us look at the build in my guide. Let's start with this video that you've probably passed and haven't seen Level 75 Plateau Map with crappy gear:
So i've received some questions about how viable this build is with cheap gear. I still think that even the "awesome" gear for this build is not expensive ... anyway
I've put on some dirt cheap gear and did another 75 Plateau map , again white because i wanted to perform under the same conditions as the Cyclone, Infernal Blow, Dominating Blow Plateau videos. Twitch video: http://bg.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/5570409 Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVYNAbknOZ8&feature=youtube_gdata I've shown the gear and stats in the video but since my pc is not good and the quality of the video is pretty bad i'll list them here.. you can still see in the video that these really are the used items. Gear: total cost 34 Chaos Orbs
Average Price in Standart: 10 Chaos orbs Notes: Unless you want to go with BoR this is the helmet you need... consider it a must have! Gloves: Average Price in Standart: 5 Chaos orbs Notes: Mediocre rolled nerfed Facebreakers. They are more than enough. Chest: Average Price in Standart: 5 Chaos orbs (for 1-4L Carcass Jack) Notes: Mine is 6 Linked but as seen in the video i use only 4 of the links... so yup... 4L is not that bad apparently. Belt: Average Price in Standart: 8 Chaos orbs Notes: This is a must ... you need this belt! Rings: Average Price in Standart: 1 Chaos orbs Each ( 2 Chaos orbs total ) Notes: Just .. rings ... low life and physical damage. Amulet: Average Price in Standart: 2 Chaos orbs Note: Just an amulet freshly crafted using 2 alchemy orbs and bench crafted for some life ... nothing special.. low physical damage, low resists, some life Boots: Average Price in Standart: 1 Chaos orbs Note: These boots give practically nothing for this build ... i've just put them on for the extra dexterity. Shield: Average Price in Standart: 1 Chaos Orb Note: Like i've already said this shield ... is amazing! Flasks: Note: I've got rid of the Atziri and Rumi flasks because they can be considered expensive by some. Gems:
In the chest:
In the shield: In the Boots: In the Helmet: In the Gloves: Note: I know that my gems are 20/20 i just don't have level 17-18, 0% quality gems that i can use instead... but there is not much of a difference. Stats: http://i.imgur.com/gzd6SVI.png http://i.imgur.com/A5nedUb.png Let me say it again - this is with extremely crappy gear worth a total of 34 chaos orbs which is less than an exalt in standard atm! Anyone and i mean ANYONE who owns a level 75 map via a drop ( meaning that they've done lower level mapping to get there ) has that much currency. Now let as look at a more reasonable build and what it's worth ( based on PoE.trade research ) Gloves nerfed Facebreakers with around 750% roll Cost - between 1 and 3 chaos orbs ( average 2 chaos orbs ) Shields Lioneye's Remorse Cost - between 2 and 4 chaos orbs ( average 3 chaos orbs ) Saffel's Frame Cost - between 2 and 4 chaos orbs ( average 3 chaos orbs ) Belt Meginord's Girdle Cost - between 2 and 3 chaos orbs ( average 2.5 chaos orbs ) Helmet Abyssus Cost - Cost - between 2 and 4 chaos orbs ( average 3 chaos orbs ) Chest 5Linked Ccarcass Jack ( please note that even 4Linked chest is enough to carry you up to level 75 maps) Cost - between 2 and 3 exalts ( average 2.5 exalts ) Boots Rare Boots with nice life, some resists and movement speed Cost - it's hard to say but i can see some good items starting from as low as 1 chaos orb up to 10 chaos orbs ... ( average 5 chaos orbs ) Rings Rare rings with life, some resists and high flat physical damage Cost - again it's hard to pinpoint an exact price becuase it is a rare(and not a unique) item but i can see nice rings for as low as 4 chaos orbs up to 20 chaos orbs ( multiplied by 2 because we are using 2 rings = average 24 chaos orbs ) Amulet Rare amulet with life, some resists and high flat physical damage Cost - the same deal as the rings ... and the prices are pretty much the same as i can see... between 4 and 20 chaos orbs ( average 12 chaos orbs ) Total cost between 2ex; 22 chaos orbs and 2.5ex; 88 chaos orbs ( average 2,25 exalts and 55 chaos orbs ) Let me clear this out! For an average price around 3,5 exalts you end up with an end-game,atziri viable build! I can also tell you that if you can't afford 5L chest even 4L ( yes! even 4L ) can get you very far for a cost close to 1.5 ex. Now let's be honest. I know that everyone wants to invest nothing and yet reach end-game. The truth is that simply by going throughout the game ( which is like a walk in the park ) starting with a small investment of 6 chaos orbs ( in order to buy the gloves, the belt and a crest of perandus shield ) when you physically reach end-game content you'll have enough currency to buy what is needed. Don't tell me that you can't collect ~3 ex worth of orbs leveling from level 1 to level 80 (normal>cruel>merciless>low level maps) because i'd simply won't believe you. It's just that the absolute currency minimum of this build is so ridiculously low that as long as you have the needed starting items ( facebreakers, meginord's girdle and crest of perandus with a total cost of 6 chaos orbs ) you'll breeze through the main content. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Feb 25, 2015, 2:28:51 AM
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Again very sorry I ment no disrespect at all, I just see a lot of builds that say cheap or Newb friendly when they just don't "Seem" to be :/. How ever you have given me a lot of very very useful information and I am very greatful to you for providing it as well thank you for that :). I really do hope I didn't annoy or upset you in any way I was just asking a question that sort of bugs me with POE but you have explained it very well. Thank you for your response!.
On a Side note I did gain access earlier in this game a pair of 858% facebreaker gloves so I am a good part of the way there :). Last edited by No_Recoil#2279 on Feb 25, 2015, 4:18:11 PM
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Oh.. you didn't annoy or upset me in any way and i apologize if i sounded like that in my response! (most likely the reason for that is based on recent real life events) :)
It is of course a perfectly normal to ask if something is unclear to you... after all it's a huge guide with tons of information ( not to mention the endless pages of comments, questions, answers and debates ) and it's easy to miss out something. Also indeed many guides claim things that are not true in some cases so being skeptical is indeed a good and healthy thing. I've always said that i'm here to help and answer any and all questions (if i can) and i really hope that i'm able to live up to that claim. I know that it can sound strange but i sincerely enjoy helping others and i try to do it as often as i can. So in conclusion i want to say ... as always feel free to ask ... and as always i'll be happy to help ^^ "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Feb 25, 2015, 4:52:37 PM
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Thank you so very much :D, it is very great to see some one whom is so willing to help new and old players and people in general!.
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Some copy/paste errors in the main post. For example, in the Cyclone section, at the bottom where the video is posted:
"Video of a white Courtyard ( level 78 ) map with Dominating Blow. Well it's blue actually because it has monster pack size mod, the reason why a video of map which is not properly rolled is that this wau you can compare the attack skills performing under the same conditions. Gems used: Infernal Blow + Melee Splash + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Multistrike + Added Fire Damage click me" Says "with Dominating Blow", instead of Cyclone. Links listed are for Infernal Blow. It's a Cyclone section, and video is for Cyclone. Same error is in Dominating Blow section, links listed are for Infernal Blow. 177 Last edited by toyotatundra#0800 on Feb 27, 2015, 12:20:44 AM
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Thanks for noticing and pointing it out! It's fixed now :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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