[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
As i understand your suggested talent tree is more for a cyclone build white mana reduce and aoe increase?
Well i'm trying to focus on infernal blow what should i changed or does it work for both skills. Another question if i would use Daresso's Defiance body armor is +max endurance charges from bandit and tree would be worth anything or if i use that armor 3 max endurance charges is good enough and geting more is waste? That armor looks very strong for me whit very hight armor, decent life, 3% leech and 6% dodge but that affect whit charges confuses me :( i have read that this armor is for evasion based build that get hit very rarely Last edited by igas#0225 on Feb 1, 2015, 9:41:03 PM
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Hello, there. So i am at 92 lvl with this char and i was using the bor(leg) version with cyclone. I run at 40.400k dps and 5.500 life + 74%block or spell block with saffel's. Atziri runs is a breeze with this toon, no more than 10min (about 50runs done). Then i decided to try uber since i got 3 hopes. Well no luck there. Trash is ok with about 11s IC if you are carefull. Double vaals done with some running around, Trio easy doable if you keep IC up all time, but the queen herself raped me... The thing is i feel my dps is just not enough there, especially the healing phase is a pain in the ass... So I managed to get a 6link belly from a friend and decided to try with belly+abyssus. Same life, my dps went up to 53.500(will get a bit better with all gems leveled) an di want down to 59% block(I'll probably get a rumis). Do you think it will be enough for uber? Any tips/suggestions?
Tree and gear now http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQABLMFLQY5CTMKmwz3Dc0UIBUgFewZtBo4Gj4blxutHM4kiycvKk0rUCzpLdIvzDGeMk41kjwtPQ894j8nQKBHfkjuSshM_03jUEdRYFnzXhNfP2BLYuxlTWebaPJuqnKpdO12rHfjeK5463k5eu982X11fuKE2YTvkFWZK58-n9-iAKZXqZWsqqyvrj6vbK-ntfK2irc-uR29Nr2BvqfAGsBmwL_BgsT2xq7KkMrTz37RNtN-2L3iLORR5wrp1eoY7w7veu988B_yL_JF8wb2o_cy-6r-Cv5U_o_-ug== |
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The mana reduced nodes are actually mana + life nodes and they are taken for the life part.
The tree is pretty much the same for cyclone and for infernal blow and for dominating blow. You can loose the AOE nodes if you want ( they are only 2 actually ) tho they have a use for infernal blow as well ( explosion damage/radius and splash damage/radius ) The good thing about Daresso's defiance is that even if you take a hit and loose the endurance charges you get Onslaught so it's all good. Extra end charges .. yea yo might 1 or 2 extra end charges if you feel like it. Killing Oak in merciless would be the easiest and cheapest way to get an extra endurance charge. You can also buy a corrupted meginod's girdle with extra endurance charge corrupted mod "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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A small update. With 1.3.1 Vengeance no longer works with unarmed attacks.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Vengeance was best out of 3 retaliation skills? which is best now for facebreakers ? i was using all 3 :D
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Vengeance was the worst out of the three counter-attacks actually ... long cooldown + low damage + lower chance to trigger + horrible AoE radius .... really nothing was lost with that change in my opinion.
Reckoning was and remains the best counter-attack followed by Riposte. Riposte is way weaker compared to reckoning tho. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Hey iam leveling facebreaker iam lvl 65 atm and about to go kill dominus and start farming maps i have 3.2k hp 50% block 51% physical dmg reduce i hit very hard 28k dps infernal blow but the problem is that i started using abyssus helmet and some mobs with physical dmg mode 2 shots me.
It did no happened yet cuz i mostly kill them faster than they hit me but it is very scary what is best way to reduce the draw back from abyssus ppl recommended lightning coil but you did not speak to highly about that armor and i cant really afford it or high lightning resistance atm Is there any other good way to increase my survivability vs physical? I could increase my armor and hp decently trading off few leveling armors to decent once but i fear that might not be enough could get like 60% physical reduce and like 500 more hp Last edited by igas#0225 on Feb 3, 2015, 7:35:57 PM
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Are you using enduring cry with cast when damage taken? Are you using endurance charge on stun with one/all of your counter-attacks? Endurance charges really help.
Well you are still low level ... put on Lioneye's Remorse at level 70 and you'll notice a huge difference in survivability. As you level up you'll get mmore and more life .. because 3,2k is low ( tho it is ok for your level ) And you could use taste of hate if you can afford one. To be honest with you i've never experienced any difficulties with abyssus ... Being killed in 2 shots is not that scary because between hit 1 and it 2 you could get your life back up with life regen, flasks , life leech and because of the block chance and evade chance usually hit 2 happens way after hit 1. SO yea like i said .. you are just level 65. :) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Yeh i'm using cwdt whit enduring cry immortal call and increased duration as well as enduring cry on stun whit retaliation abilities that helps. I have immortality like 50% of time i invested a bit in extra endurance charges so i ge like 6 sec immortality procs with low lvl increased duration (just started leveling that) well i got scared cuz simple white mobs (big skeleton giant in library hit me for like 60% of hp) but u are right thay hit me rarely cuz i kill them faster or i'm immune to physical or i block them most of time just that i thought if that simple whit mobs hit that hard what will happen when i go fighting vs bosses but i killed dominus second form whit out any flasks left so i guess i'm fine.
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Keep in mind that the giant skeletons are one of the hardest hitting physical monsters in PoE.
With more armour/block/life as you level up in the end you won't notice any significant damage spikes at all. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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