Season 3 Statistics and Demographics Thread
I grew impatient for an update so I threw something together myself. Of course, that means I did it my own way, which is not the same as Scrotie!
I'm looking at average experience within groups based on Class Rank. So the way I'm looking at it focuses more on class balance and less on demographics. First, Races are divided into into Group A and B. Group A is before the Ranger rebalancing patch (Descents 1-67) and Group B is after (Descents 70-85). For each race, it's divided by tier and the experience among players within the same tier is averaged. Tiers include players reaching a particular class rank or better, but does not include characters in higher tiers (for tiers that are not the highest).
More Tier Explanation
-Top 20 is the average experience among Class Rank 20 or better -Top 50 is the average experience among Class Rank 50 or better, not including players who were in any higher tier (ie. Class Rank 21-50) -etc. The main thing to note is that the tiers in Group A and Group B are different, due to differences in total participants and to manage the workload (this spreadsheet was a bit more work than I expected). The public spreadsheet is sparse due to Google Docs complexity requirement. So it just has summaries, not the data used to generate the summaries. Here is a pic that shows basically everything on the spartan public spreadsheet: ![]()
Here are the links Perhaps the most intersting news is how the Marauder, Templar, and Shadow have evolved which all changed Class Rankings due to changes in their own performance. The Ranger got a boost, but not any bigger than the tolerance for class evolution demonstrated by these 3 classes. Duelists continue to dominate, and have increased the lead over the bottom 4 classes. Additionally, players do not appear to be getting much better at Descent than when the season started. To reach top 100 the target has generally decreased, which is particularly surprising since Group B the average is based on Ranks 21-100 whereas Group A the average was based on Ranks 51-100. This may partly be explained by population reductions, however. |
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I tinkered around with the numbers some more and came up with some more views of Group B (explained in previous post). Since Google Docs proved useless I didn't bother updating that, just the screenshot below:
![]() (Note that I reordered the X-Axis from previous post to match class ranking in Group B) Experience looks much better on a log scale. Despite how big a mountain it is to reach the top 20 of a class, the difference between #20 and #1 is just as big of a mountain to climb again- perhaps larger! Looking at deaths, the thing that strikes me is just how many people end up dead. You should not feel bad if you die in Descent! Unless you're a Ranger, maybe; then you should feel bad for dying. Heh, just kiding! |
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I love these statistics. I'm thinking of starting a HC character but I'm not sure which one. I'll use these stats to influence my decision.
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