[1.0.0 UPDATED] 2H Melee dominating blow build - Fun and effective (also with facebreakers)

Hello there :) Due to many requests I'm putting up a guide on this fun and onslaught viable build, hopefully this will make people realize that melee is completely viable even in Onslaught and even at high level play (I'm currently in the top 20 of the onslaught ladder) and that's it's a lot of fun to play :)

Let's get started :

First of all : The game will be much harder than ranged at the beginning of your maps (which I don't think is a bad thing , game is supposed to be hard , imo ranged is too easy why melee is great ;) ) until you get hold of some good tanking gear , the good part about this build is you only need attack speed on your gloves and then you can take 100% pure tanking gear (no damage required) so it's not THAT hard to gear yourself, the most annoying part is getting a 5L , but you can grab a cheap one and it'll do the trick just fine. There , just setting your expectations here , don't expect to rape like I do when you start off ;).

How it looks like :

Here is a video of my build in a map , where I clear a sewer in less than 6 minutes (this is before 1.0.0) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=api_dJDJtks&feature=youtu.be

How to level :

Just level as a cleaver, physical or elemental W/E you go near the same nodes , respec to dominating blow when you get a good 2H weapon at around level 50 (I recommand Kaom's Primacy to start up). It's pretty straight-forward to level , and I'm sure there is a billion Cleave guides out there ;)

Passive tree :

Bandits rewards :

Normal : Help Oak (Health)
Cruel : Help Kraitryn (Attack speed)
Merciless : Help Oak (Endurance charge)

Links-Gear required :

Here is my current gear for reference :

To gear yourself : Get attack speed on your gloves , then stack HP and resist and get a good 2H weapon. I highly recommand getting a Kaom's Primacy (http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Kaom%27s_Primacy) because it's very effective and cheap (I saw one go for 2 chaos on Onslaught) , and allows you to get minions out quicker when you dps is lower because of the culling. Also you'll keep it after to make a weapon swap with rarity/quantity :).

4-link : Dominating blow + Blood magic + Melee splash + Melee physical damage
5-link : Add Multristrike

Run Grace + Determination + purity on your mana. As curses use vulnerability for damage and enfeeble or temp chain for defense.



So for facebreakers , most of the build is pretty much the same except this time you're going to add something to the build : Immortal call , and you're going to use the Abyssus unique helmet ( That =>

) to increase your damage substantially. In order for facebreaker to work , you need to have Flat +phys damage on your jewelry aswell (like this :
) and two unique : Facebreaker(obviously) and Meginord girdle belt (those :

How to play it :

You wanna keep up immortal call all the time pretty much , because you're going to get raped by physical damage pretty fast with the abyssus helmet, Warlord's mark quality helps a lot with that , and having 2 enduring cries is a MUST. With quality immortal call and quality increased duration , + 6 endurances charges , your immortal call will last approx 13-15 seconds (also with the 45% duration on the tree). It will take some time to get used to cast immortal call , but eventually it'll become a reflex. Also link faster casting on that bitch , the faster the better :) Oh , and disable auto-equip in UI option ;)

Gear required :

Have phys damage on jewelry , meginord girdle , abyssus helmet , and good roll facebreakers

My current gear for comparison :


The skill tree :


Do the same, but remvove the 2H damage crap :p

Bandit rewards :


Help Oak in all difficulties.

So yeah there you go, hopefully this will prove that melee is more than viable , fun to play and viable at competitive play :)

If I forgot anything or you think I should add up something , please leave a comment here ;) Thanks for looking and have a good day
IGN : @Supernico

Last edited by Supernico00#6742 on Oct 25, 2013, 6:34:17 AM
Really great to see that dominating blow can work properly in endgame, on top of that even in onslaught in the right hands!

Nice build/guide man!

Btw. what bandit quests did you take?
PoE Wiki page: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki
Last edited by bjarky#3857 on Jun 19, 2013, 10:36:09 AM
Completely forgot bandits rewards ^^ , Added them

Normal : Help Oak (Health)
Cruel : Help Kraitryn (Attack speed)
Merciless : Help Oak (Endurance charge)
IGN : @Supernico

Nice Work looks good :)
ING @Wost ONS shop: thread/439416
You seem to be getting a lot less desync than I did when I experimented with melee splash. Are you holding space/shift while you use dominating blow?
Thanks man :) Keep up the good work!
TurtIePig wrote:
You seem to be getting a lot less desync than I did when I experimented with melee splash. Are you holding space/shift while you use dominating blow?

Sometimes yes , sometimes no X)
IGN : @Supernico

can i have your demigod?
What about taking over a mob and having it bug and not drop items? Seems like a pain. Other than that looks fun
HC IGN : COOPES 96 Shadow, 93 Ranger
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/525943 - Piloted during Onslaught Season
Hey, I'm new to the game and first i'm going to try different Marauder specs, so I try to compare some with each other.

I don't get it. What are the cons of this build? Oo
"Temporal Chains multiplies the duration on the monster that you are already multiplying through duration multipliers of poison damage."
- Inception by Kripp, 2017

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