[1.0.6] CI Crit Dagger Shadow (30k DPS Flicker Ninja) [OB video up!]


Altered the supports that I link to Double Strike after managing to get my hands on Chromatics and the Melee Physical Damage gem (Thanks Zareuther and AKYD!)

Double Strike was originally linked to Faster Attacks, Melee Damage on Full life and Increased Critical Strikes:

Swapped Increased Critical Strikes with Melee Physical Damage:

Also added an example of the key binds I use for the skills under the "Stats" section.
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
Inva, I was comparing e-peens with Serotriptomine, who's also playing a dagger shadow. We're both new to the class, and only about level 60 odd.

However, at the same level, his DPS hits over 4.5k whereas mine (with the same auras) is stuck at about 3.4k.

The main difference is that he uses a dagger with higher weapon elemental damage than mine, and he uses the weapon elemental damage support gem.

Have you tried your build with a high elemental dagger and a WED support gem? I'm curious as to the impact on damage (and note the availability of the 30% WED passive nodes not too far from the ranger start area where you delve into).

Last edited by mrpetrov#7089 on Oct 23, 2012, 2:40:24 AM
heya pet yup i tried out a WED gem yesterday when I was altering double strike. the WED gem yielded 18k DPS on double strike albeit with a mana cost of 25 whereas melee physical damage yielded 20k dps with only a mana cost of 20.

Pre-0.9.11 every kind of build went for a full elemental damage build and I wasn't any different. Right after 0.9.11 hit i respecced back to the catalyze nodes and the rest of the elemental damage nodes at the templar tree but found that it scaled very poorly this time around. After that I respecced back to a phys build and found that it scaled much better.

My dagger then was:

so it was pretty much the perfect dagger for a lightning elemental shadow build.

my opinion on elemental damage weapons is that they tend to outdps phys damage weapons early on in the game because the elemental mods outscale the phys dmg mods. However, that tends to change at end-game due to the much higher number of phys nodes in proximity to shadow as well as the better scaling of phys dmg mods on the weapons.

i can understand how WED gem would probably be better at your stage because your phys damage might still be too low at this point such that the elemental damage provided by the auras and then linked with WED gem would scale far better than the phys damage with MPD gem.

But once you get a better phys damage dagger the situation would probably change.

also, what jewellery and gloves did you two have? was there any difference?
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
Last edited by Invalesco#7360 on Oct 23, 2012, 4:53:24 AM
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I hear you Inva. I will persist with phys damage, as tempted as I was to jump on the elemental bandwagon (I'm an elemental guy from way back, as you were).

In terms of jewellery, he had rings that had +2x% weapon ele damage on them, which helped a lot too. But I basically tried all his equipment, and even his chest - and my dps was still 1k lower than his. The only material part of his gear I didn't try was the WED gem, which made me think that's where the big diff was (our builds were naturally very similar to yours/each others').

Anyway, will investigate more over time and report back!

My current dagger:



PS I blew most of my default league wealth on a 16% LS gem yesterday - very exciting.
Last edited by mrpetrov#7089 on Oct 23, 2012, 5:25:22 AM
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So, considering playing a dagger shadow is extremely difficult in HC, I've decided to made a leaderboard to provide some incentive and recognition for you brave souls out there who have decided to embark on this adventure!

Throne of Shadows Rules:
1. Will be featuring the top ten Shadows in HC (incl. those who RIP-ed)
2. Will be updated daily and till after OB hits
3. Strictly Dagger Shadows only (doesn't have to be using this build)

If you would like to enter your character, just send me a pm or reply to this thread by linking your dagger and giving your character name to prove that you are one of our brethren! :)
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
Last edited by Invalesco#7360 on Oct 23, 2012, 11:55:48 AM
If there are any folks looking for daggers in Default, I've posted a few for sale, you can check them out here:


Just posting this here to help out others like me who have struggled to find good daggers in the new league to complement this build.

mrpetrov wrote:
If there are any folks looking for daggers in Default, I've posted a few for sale, you can check them out here:


Just posting this here to help out others like me who have struggled to find good daggers in the new league to complement this build.


nice catch on the LS pet! I see sero is trying to get one now as well. also, i'm surprised you're selling victory etch slaughter knife. shouldn't it outdps your current fiend dagger?
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
I would have thought it should, but it doesn't. I'll double check and edit this post with the differences in dps between the two. Very odd.

Stay tuned guys, will update when 0.9.13 hits :)
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader

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