PoE Helper (unofficial chrome extension to help with crafting/inventory)

Pi314 wrote:
does this work for multiple accts?

search thru the accts and piece together recipes?

you can export your entire inventory to a file and import it to someone elses extension (drop it in the middle of the extension window), but it doesn't combine them.

i'm not going to build anything that would encourage people to use mule accounts.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
lol awesome, and even for chrome

big thank you
Wand's don't kill people, i kill people, with Wand's
zerikin wrote:
How about adding a currency screen to show total what and how much currency you have available?

Already implemented: just select to 'filter' your items and opt-in only 'currencies': voila!
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu

I have two questions I'm hoping can be answered.

For folks who are expirienced and collecting inventories full of stuff, what is your strategy?
Should I save every rare and hope I get matching names? Does this recipee require the items to be of the same level? Or can any iLvL rare share the same name with any other iLvL rare of that type.

How much stash space do you feel is required to do this and do it well? RIght now I have twelve tabs - but am alaready considering more.

Thanks alot!
"There is friend who sticks closer than a brother"

IGN: Snowhammer
Mr_Cee wrote:
zerikin wrote:
How about adding a currency screen to show total what and how much currency you have available?

Already implemented: just select to 'filter' your items and opt-in only 'currencies': voila!

True but the display needs to be touched up. Sorting currency by value and adding a summary instead of just a list of stuff that is currency, etc.
IGN: Zerikin or Zerinia
zerikin wrote:
Mr_Cee wrote:
zerikin wrote:
How about adding a currency screen to show total what and how much currency you have available?

Already implemented: just select to 'filter' your items and opt-in only 'currencies': voila!

True but the display needs to be touched up. Sorting currency by value and adding a summary instead of just a list of stuff that is currency, etc.

I was thinking about adding some 'preset' type things to the inventory view. i.e currency, weapons (w/damage cols), armor (w/ armor/es/evasion etc). From there it probably wouldn't be hard to make it possible to save your own setups.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
This is awesome, thanks!
Snowhammer wrote:

I have two questions I'm hoping can be answered.

For folks who are expirienced and collecting inventories full of stuff, what is your strategy?
Should I save every rare and hope I get matching names? Does this recipee require the items to be of the same level? Or can any iLvL rare share the same name with any other iLvL rare of that type.

How much stash space do you feel is required to do this and do it well? RIght now I have twelve tabs - but am alaready considering more.

Thanks alot!

I don't think you can have too much space. Those with limited space often stick to collecting certain types of items, i'm guessing the smaller ones like hats/boots/gloves or 1h weaps. With trading even very limited space can still be used well.

Saving superiors to melt down for currency probably isn't a bad idea. Having a tab or two for that is handy (I think I was up to about ten tabs before i got around to melting them).

the level of items doesn't affect the recipes that give orbs, so any two samename rares will give a chance orb. or any three for an alchemy. it does matter on some of the recipes that give items tho. (i.e 5->1, uses the lowest item level).
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Fantastic application. Thanks for making this possible.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
I'm stuck at fetching characters, is it supposed to take a while to initially load?
IGN: Indiiii

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