PoE Helper (unofficial chrome extension to help with crafting/inventory)

It wouldn't really make sense. PoE Helper only exists because the inventory management etc is incomplete.

I imagine one day it wont be needed at all. In the meantime it takes some of the tedium out of a not very fun meta game.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Agree njs, the main point is that GGG had to address the advantage that people who could afford 30 stash tabs had an advantage over people who couldn't. Keeping with their "Non Pay to Win" philosophy.

I'm sure they have plans for a better inventory system (as displayed in their recent premium stash tabs), but they stuck to their guns and eliminated the advantage to paying players and did a quick fix.
Game needs monkey pets.

Sonata wrote:
Agree njs, the main point is that GGG had to address the advantage that people who could afford 30 stash tabs had an advantage over people who couldn't. Keeping with their "Non Pay to Win" philosophy.

I'm sure they have plans for a better inventory system (as displayed in their recent premium stash tabs), but they stuck to their guns and eliminated the advantage to paying players and did a quick fix.

If they remove all advantages of people spending money on the game tho, they are going to find people don't spend a whole lot of money on the game. I hope they don't 'No pay to win' their way into bankruptcy. I'd like to have a reason to give them more money, but it wont be for eye candy.

The old map system of needing to burn a dozen chaos/alchemy etc orbs on each map to have any chance of progress is what made me stop playing. If that's not the case anymore then I won't miss the recipes. I was spending more time vendoring crap from my stash than killing mobs, and that really wasn't fun.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Anyways, here's a present:

Update 0.75:
Fixed some stuff so it'll load your junk at least.

I haven't fixed the recipes. I don't know what the new ones are, and i'm not sure I really care :p

I still haven't logged in and i seem to have 85 tabs in the legacy league now, makes refreshing very painful :p
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Sonata wrote:
Agree njs, the main point is that GGG had to address the advantage that people who could afford 30 stash tabs had an advantage over people who couldn't. Keeping with their "Non Pay to Win" philosophy.

Mind sharing what GGG did to combat that?
Wasnt playing PoE for some time and im out of the loop.
Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Dec 10, 2012, 3:44:02 PM
gh0un wrote:

Mind sharing what GGG did to combat that?
Wasnt playing PoE for some time and im out of the loop.

I think they've added more names so that getting matches is harder or something like that. From what I was reading having more tabs is still good (and having even more is better), it just takes longer before you get the payout. Makes trading better too i guess.
Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Sonata wrote:

That was my main point really, if they wanted to go all out, I'm sure they could develop something that detected if Helper was being used (that interview was from a long time ago). However, they chose to accept it as part of the community and adapted in a respectable way.

Very well. I understand :)

njs50" wrote:

I think they've added more names so that getting matches is harder or something like that. From what I was reading having more tabs is still good (and having even more is better), it just takes longer before you get the payout. Makes trading better too i guess.

They changed the recipes. New alch recipe is two rares with the same name AND qualitied to 20%. Old alch recipe returns chance orb. I'm assuming new regal recipe is three rares with same name and 20%, but can't be sure.

Implement them whenever you see fit. No-ones bothering to hoard rares for that output AFAIK XD
njs50 wrote:
Anyways, here's a present:

Update 0.75:
Fixed some stuff so it'll load your junk at least.

AWESOME!!! You're the best!

-- Providing opinions since I was old enough to tell my sister she was ugly.
You fix it Awesome................... +10 for you man
Wise words buff -> balance <- nerf , need to happen , deal with it
njs50 wrote:
gh0un wrote:

Mind sharing what GGG did to combat that?
Wasnt playing PoE for some time and im out of the loop.

I think they've added more names so that getting matches is harder or something like that. From what I was reading having more tabs is still good (and having even more is better), it just takes longer before you get the payout. Makes trading better too i guess.

So basically they didnt counteract anything, but instead went the opposite direction.
Adding more names means that it takes longer to get a match, but that still benefits the ones that are buying stash tabs, even more so i would say.

If you have enough stash tabs to fit in all rare name combinations, eventually you will still get 1 alch for every 2 rares that you find.

Increasing rare name combinations is a change for the worse regarding the pay to win aspect of that recipe.
What they have to do is to make the recipe a lot simpler, like the chaos recipe one.
The chaos recipe one doesnt take any stash space at all, it only requires you to watch out for rare rings and amulets, because these two item types are the bottleneck of the recipe.
You need less than one stash tab to be able to do this recipe efficiently.

If they wanna keep the rare name alch recipe as it is (and make it NON-paytowin), they have to decrease the rare name combinations to such low values that 1 stash tab is enough to get a match.
Increasing the rare name combinations is like the worst thing they could do.

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