PoE Helper (unofficial chrome extension to help with crafting/inventory)
What is the current version of POE helper? I'm using 0.74
" Not sure how it could query multiple accounts at once since you can't be logged into the website with a single account. |
" It's pretty simple really, there are multiple options. 1. Since the extension already saves the data you have(that is it's not real time updated), you can simply have a "add account" option where you can log in to another account(on the site) or have the extension do it for you. 2. Have the extension save your login info for w/e accounts you want, and then it logs in and query's all the data. I can also point out that right now you can already do this manually by using the clipboard function, pasting those items into a text file(or wherever) logging into another account, and repeating the process. It's tedious, which is why I asked the question. IGN: BoomFirez
IGN Alt: BoomDischarge |
" You can delete any of your chars. But since the stash is shared between all chars, I dont expect much less time to refresh with less chars, compared with the stash it only excludes a handful of items on each (the ones they wear and the stuff in their inventory). invited by timer @ 10.12.2011 -- deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu Last edited by Mr_Cee#0334 on Nov 20, 2012, 3:04:36 AM
" It's not something I ever plan to do. There was an export to file option someplace and ability to import an exported file that might also come in handy. I don't know if it still works tho, having not looked at this thing for some time. For refresh speed increase you could get rid of all the withdraw only tabs if you have them. time taken is directly proportional to the number of tabs you have + number of chars in the league. Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
But it should not need that much time for empty tabs, or did it scan every square?
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
-- deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu |
" the time isn't processing time. it's the delay GGG has on the number of requests you can make. i.e after you ask for ~15 tabs it makes you wait for 30 seconds before it'll let you request any more. Doesn't make any difference if they are empty or full. Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
Ah, good to know. I wasnt sure about the 'packets' that causes the delay, its clear now if these are the tabs. (and now it seems logical this way).
But I'm not 100% sure for the limit: I notice the delay even with my less than 15 tabs... and on the other side, I also get 'to frequent requests' messages from quick switching in the ladder lists... ^^ invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
-- deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu |
" i think character inventories are lumped in with tab requests, so num chars in the current league + number of tabs ~= number of requests. I'm not sure entirely how their throttling works, i don't think it's as precise as 15 requests per 30s. When i rewrote things to speed it up I made it request things until the server tells it to stop. then it waits 30 secs and tries again. sometimes after 30s the server tells you to wait a bit longer which is why the time might suddenly jump up after the big delay. not really anything we can do about the delays. removing unused characters and using the partial refresh is about the only options. Chrome plugin for inventory/crafting: http://njs50.github.com/poe_ext/
To the OP and those who worked on this before him, TJJ and HouseAbsolute, I hope you don't mind I added this to the FAQ in the general forums (which I meant to do a while ago when I created it) and gave you guys the credit you deserve for it.
FAQ made through many hours of enduring global chat in Normal |