Lv96 Poutsos' Flicker Nuke - Outdated


If you have quetions about the build PLEASE, do not PM me, but post here. It is easier for me to answer multiple quetions at once, and there is a chance that also somebody else will help you if for some reason i am not around. Also i do not play PoE anymore, so i might not be informed on the current state of meta.

Update for 1.2. The build got buffed for users that have atziri's acuity and auxium. Lost 500 ES and gained 60K DPS. Also got buffed for rampage players SEEK MY RAMPAGE SKILL TREE!!
GREAT NEWS!! For users that cannot afford acuity or auxium, the new Shadow And Dust gloves create amazing opportunities, with the blind, the mana leech and the extra damage as chaos! Also the new lower cost of flicker strike, the mana on kill passives on the start of shadow, and the new assasin's mark curse trivilise the mana issues that existed in the past

This is an amazingly expensive and gear depended build,designed mostly for solo play,or up to 3 people party.If you are geared,it can be one,if not the most,powerful melee builds for solo play,having rediculous DPS,and a very large ES pool.
On full parties use double strike instead of flicker.The tree is optimised for double strike as well,save for the frenzy charge from bandits.
When i started playing this build,around early May 2013,it was almost completely imporivsed,except watching Invalesco's build of the week video.I did not even know the existence of the forum and was rediculously poor.My first gear set was 80% self found,but unfortunately,since the VP nerf,this is impossible to pull of now(you can watch videos from my self found setup in the video section).

Please Read before continuing
IMPORTANT!!!!:This build is VERY hard to build as your first character.It is extremely gear depended,and while you can reach early end game with 10-20ex worth of equipment,in order to really shine,u will need much more.Also it is very hard to level and can get frustrating!This is actually my first character,and build it on own,but only i know the hardships i went through and i don't wish that for others.Of course if u are stubborn enough feel free to try:D.Also if it is your first character and you like playing melee,i strongly recommend a facebreaker build,since it is almost impossible to beat,with low currency investment. ALSO REFER TO CORE BUILD SECTION.Do not just look at my finished tree.

IMPORANT 2!!!!!As of patch 1.0.2b,the tooltip for flicker strike was changed,and now displays averange damage PER HIT,instead of (averange)damage PER SECOND.The actual damage output was not changed AT ALL.I want to make this clear,because i ve been getting many PMs about flicker being nerfed.If u want to know your DPS,just multiply your attack speed with your averange damage(that the tooltip displays).In order to avoid confusion,above the new screenshots,i have added the DPS as well.Now that i clarified this,i have to say that this was a VERY good change,since for flicker strike,damage per hit,is much more important than attack speed.The new tooltip helps players,especially inexeperienced with the skill ones,to set their priorities right,concering gear/passive choices.Attack speed definetely helps,but not nearly as much as hit damage.


All screenshots are taken from my regular setup,without changing anything to boost my DPS or generally make my numbers look better

Flicker Strike-Multistrike-melee on full life-melee physical-increased critical damage-added fire damage(for some bosses)/400k DPS

Flicker Strike-multistrike-melee on full life-increased critical damage-melee splash-melee physical damage(MAIN SETUP)/280k DPS

Flicker Strike-multistrike-melee on full life-melee physical-melee splash-power charge on critical (Main LAZY setup, when i do not need full effectiveness, and want to just spam one skill throughout the map/207K DPS

Frenzy-multistrike-melee physical-melee on full life(My steady tanking skill,when i don't want to flicker around.Also gains me charges to start flickering again)/153k DPS

Lightning Strike-Power Charge On crit-Increased Critical Strikes-Faster Attacks(My Ranged AoE skill,also gives power charges,and with max crit,shocks enemies for more intaking damage)/54KDPS

Flicker Strike-Power Charge on Crit-Increased Critical Strikes-Multistrike(Sometimes i use this second flicker to charge up instead of lightning strike. Since it starts with 95% crit chance it charges in less than a second, and you do not even noticed the difference alterating from one flicker to the other)/100K DPS

Double Strike-Melee on full life-Melee Physical-Multistrike-Melee Splash-Increased Critical Damage(If for a certain situation you wanna use a steady skill instead of Flicker strike/212K DPS

Abyssus and maligaro's aka.The Glas Nuke.This was my setup some time ago-might be glass cannon,but boy,what a cannon! For the lolz

Flicker Strike-multistrike-melee physical-melee on full life-added fire damage-increased critical damage / almost 700K DPS!

Defenses Using Granite Flask.The build does not use armour gear.However due to the massive crit chance,and high attack/kill speed,it allows Surgeon's Granites(recharge on critical strike),to be permanently up.


With acuity

-Full YOLO apex rush run,in 4:30 mins,without playing it safe(changing to double strike for atziri/trio,and/or using a single target attack:

-Test run for 1.2 tree update. Unique temple -

All videos below were done without atziri's acuity,and over 1K less ES



-Trio Bosses:

-Double Vaal on Sacrifice:

-Torture Chamber double boss + -24% to max resistances(ppl consider this the hardest boss):

- Olmec Sanctum Unique map:

- Lv74 Maze with Physical Reflect+Vulnerability(the hardest combo for this build):

Old videos,pre 1.1,done with a 5L and 7-8K ES and around 120K DPS

-Double PALACE dominus,lv78:
Very heavy desync and lag,explanation on the decription

NEW:-Double Crematorium boss with -20%resistances,34%extra damage,vulnerability,cannot be stunned:

-Double Courtyard bosses with Temporal Chains:

-Shrine Piety with -resists,soloing on a 3 man party(+280%HP):
Very heavy lag and desync,explanation on the descrption.If i was soloing and was home with a better net connection,this fight would have been much smoother

-Double Dominus fight on resisdence,with warlord's mar and no regen:

-Double Maze Vaal fight:

-Crematorium boss fight(15 seconds clip):

-Dominus kill,nothing too fancy,just showcasing the importance of using more attacks tan just flicker strike.Frenzy is great for face tanking,without moving from mob to mob like flicker would do:

-Clearing a 70 map with Lighting Strike as main attack for testing purposes(LA what?):

-A video of Dolx,a great player who plays this build,destroying Dominus on lv 78 palace map:

Older videos,with old dagger/setup(around 5.5K ES,less than 100K DPS

All of them recorded with my older setup,with abyssus.Unique temple was run without abyssus but completely unoptimised, with an unlinked helmet,disabling me using freny and without optimising the build

-Piety rape in 1 second: video)

-Lv71 Temple Map DOUBLE PIETY boss fight,raped even faster than the above video(2:30 mins the whole map):

-The new INSANE unique temple map.Propably the hardest map in the game.For the first time i had to take off abyssus:

-lv71 map with physical reflec,vulnerability,-max resists,many totems-the hardest combination with this build:

-Lv72 Jungle Valley rare map,with moderately hard mods.Very heavy desync during boss fight:

-Lv71 rare arachnid nest map with -restances,double boss,frenzy charges,chilled ground,warlds mark(3:30 total running time in 3 parts.Added it as a playlist.Boss fight in last part):

FUN VIDEO:Killing Mercilles piety with usig only a curse and default attack:

Even older map videos,with 80% slef found gear and very unpotimsed passive tree and with abyssus(5K ES,80K DPS single target)
Underground Sea part 1(lv70 Map):
Underground Sea part 2:
The map run is around 3:30 minutes total.It is in 2 parts cause fraps does it that way.Actually the parts split the boss fight in hald(buzzkill :P)
Wharf map with Phsical Reflect part 1:
Wharf map with Phsical Reflect part 2:
This map proved abit difficult since it was full of flicker strikers(CIs worst nightmare).It would have been easier if i used both of my death rush rings with 4% more leech,but i didnt just for the extra challenge

MY PASSIVE SKILL TREE -LEVEL 96 - requires atziri's acuity and auxium

With perfect gear, having top accuracy in every gear slot and around 50 dexterity as well, this is the best tree for this level, that has around the same damage(propably abit higher as well), higher ES, and more free mana:


Normal-skill point
cruel-skill point or physical damage(for each level it varies which is better.I suggest to go for the skill point though.Beyond level 96 it's good to take physical damage)
merciless-frenzy charge



My gear is not optimised,especially when it comes to jewllery which are self found
I ll write what i consider the most important stats to seek on your gear,excluding restistances,which are your n.1 priority and should have them capped.So resistances are a given,i will comment on what else you should seek ENDGAME

Dagger:At least 9 base crit and at least 270 physical DPS.

Chest:At least 800 flat ES and 5 off colours-RRRRGB.Unfortunately this is very important.If you can't get them,then the more reds the better

Shield:At least 400 flat ES.

Helmet:At least 300 flat ES,and accuracy.

Gloves:Maligaro's virtuosity, Atziri's Acuity(obviously) or SHADOW AND DUST(BiS if you do not have acuity)

Boots:Highest ES you can get.If they have intelligence or mana,even better.Flicker builds do not need movement speed on boots.

Rings:Accuracy>flat physcal damage>Es,intelligence>life leech>flat elemental(best fire,the only element you don't get from your attacks)>attack speed.Best base are of course diamond rings

Amulet:Critical Multiplier>accuracy,life leech>Flat physical damage>ES>critical chance>flat elemental damage.Best base are onyx amulets.

Belt:The auxium.This is the best u can have and a must.Otherwise u need dream fragments as one of your rings.

Flasks:1-2 Mana potions-if you need them-,Doedre's Elixir,Atziris Promise.Then it is your choice,between granites,Diamond flasks or an elemental flask.On your flasks you should defitely have "immunity to curses","dispells shock","removes bleeding",all paired with "recharges when you deal a critical strike"


Solo,small party Version 1

1)CHEST=Flicker-Multistrike-melee on full life-melee physical-increased critical damage-melee splash/added fire(for single target
2)BOOTS=frenzy-melee physical-melee on full life-multistrike
3)HEAD=lightning strike-power charge on crit-increased critical strikes/increased critical damage-faster attacks/LMP - i use increased critical strikes and faster attacks
4)GLOVES=blood rage-enhance-cast when damage taken-immortal call(leveled)
5)SHIELD=reduced mana-hatred-discipline
6)DAGGER=enduring cry(lv5)-cast when damage taken(lv1)-whirling blades

Version 2
Same except
SHIELD=ednuring cry-immortal call-cast when damage taken(all leveled up to as much as your amount of strength allows
DAGGER=blood rage-whirling blades-enahnce
BOOTS=reduced mana-auras-curse/vaal discipline

Both versions have their advantages.Version 1 1ets enhance affect immortal call for higher duration,+the fact that you are using a non leveled version for enduring cry and a leveled one for IC,meaning you can build your charges with lighter hits,and spend them when you trully need them.
Version 2,lets enhance affect whirling blades for higher attack speed,and gives you an extra socket.With version 1,in order to use crit weakness,or vaal discipline or even lightning warp,you need to sacrifise one of the support gems of lightning strike.

Full party

CHEST=double strike-melee on full life-melee physical damage-multistrike-melee splash-increased critical damage
HEAD=Flicker strike-power charge on critical-increased critical strike/increased critical damage-melee splash

Other than that,adjust the rest to your needs.


RAMPAGE LEAGUE CORE BUILD WITH SHADOWS AND DUST - level 88(requires eye of chayula and propably some strngth on gear)


The new uniques make this tree a great option. You have mana leech from the gloves, you gain tons of chaos damage, and most importantly, you will be blinding enemies in order to not get hit much, that's why it is best to use eye of chayula and do not grab Unwavering stance. If you get Atziri's acuity and auxium, respec to the standard version.


As i stated on this thread numerous times,while i was leveling,since this was my first character,and i didnt follow any particular build,apart from watching Invalesco's official "Build of the week" video,which inspired me to build a high DPS critical shadow,i made a ton of mistakes,and changed my build far too many times.My personal opnion,is prior to transitioning to CI,you should focus mainly on just staying alive,grabing life nods,not caring much about DPS.Also you should use any good weapon u have,not specifically daggers.Claws can be a very good early game option.Anyway i cannot help you much with the very early levels.I do advise you though,to gather as much currency as you can,and stay life based until level 70 or so.Of course this is not the law,and it depended on the gear you have

Here is a OK life build at level 72 - Standard League

Life Build level 70 - Rampage League - Provided by Orzi(thanks mate)

Respeced Version to CI level 72 - Standard league

Respeced Version to CI level 70 with shadows and dust - Rampage League

I consider it very important,that by the time you will do the respec,you are able to pick SIMULTANEOUSLY CI,Unwavering Stance and Vaal Pact.I feel like ES is more important than damage at this point,thats why this early version has very little DPS passives.However if your ES gear is good enough,feel free to use more points on DPS and less on ES.

IMPORTANT:Do not use flicker strike as you main attack until your averange damage is around 10K!Up to that point use double strike+melee splash,and link flicker strike with power charge on critical,in order to use it for moving purposes and to easily gain power charges.USE DOUBLE STRIKE UNTIL LATE GAME,AND SOMETIMES - EVEN THEN!The links,as a double strike user,are the same as flicker for the main attack,use flicker strike instead of lightning strike as a charge generator,with the same links,and of course do not use Frenzy at all.


This build uses 3 attacks.These would be flicker strike,frenzy and lightning strike.FLicker will be you main attack skill.The advantages of flicker strike is that it hits extremely fast and hard,has auto target and teleports you to mobs.Paired with melee splash it can devastate your enemies.Lightning Strike is a ranged AoE attack,that not only enables you to gain power charges fast and from distance,but also,with so high crit chance and multiplier to instant shock mobs.Frenzy,with quality and 6 frenzy charges,can be the highest DPS,single target skill for one handed weapons(except flicker of course),and it is very usefull when you want to hit a specific mob, instead of flickering around.Also it allows you to gain frenzy charges to use ur flicker strike again if u run out of charges,and there arent mobs around to kill to gain them from blood rage.
Now this build is not for perma flickering around for 3 reasons:1)accidentally hitting reflect mobs 2)perma flickering will get you desynced 3)mana issues.ALso flicker strike can be uncontrolable,thats the reason for using 3 attacks instead of one.The gamplay usually goes like that:U spot a mob pack.U curse with crit weakness.U flicker 1-3 times max.U check the area for reflect while using lightning strike,allowing your mana to regenerate,gaining power charges and appying shock.Then Flicker again.When there is a certain specific mob u wanna take care,u pause ur flicker,u approach it and kill it with frenzy.Granites should alwways be up,and on tough mobs you should be using a diamond flask to have an(almost) certain crit.Thats also the best way to save your ass if u are low on ES and close to dying.With vaal pact and so high damage,diamond flask+flicker= Istant full ES recovery.If my english arent making much sense,refer to the videos for a visual representation :P


Prior to 1.1 i was using the ranger path to vaal pact,because i think it was much better to templar road,due to the higher damage it provided,shorter path to vaal pact and of course the additional accuracy due to higher dexterity.As of 1.1,i think that templar road is far better.RRRRGB was always the best colour combination,but was unusable,cause the mana cost is too high.However,with the aura nods near the templar,u can have sufficient mana to use it.Also the templar road provides much higher ES,and with the extra red socket,you end up with even higher DPS than the ranger path,which has the most and best damage passives.The extra red socket also provides versatility,since you can change melee physical with life leech,if you feel like you need it,AND replace it with reduced mana on 50% less regen maps.For more details read the "difficult maps and strategy" below


Physical Reflect:They can be done,with swapping melee physical with life leech,melee on full life with added fire damage,and increased critical damage with Power charge on critical.Also using Carnage Heart helps alot,and of course having immortal call with cast when damage taken.
Vulnerability:Unless u have massive life leech on your jewllery,i advise to swap melee physical with life leech,cause hitting a reflect mob here might hurt too much,or get you killed
Fracture:While ftactured maps are very easy with these build,i would still advise to use life leech,cause a ftactured physical reflect pack might hurt alot.
Elemental Reflect:If you don't have life leech on your gear,lightning strike will make u lose some ES.You can either be carefull when using it,or not use it at all,and replace increased critical damage with power charge on crit on your flicker strike
Half Regeneration:Swap melee physical with reduced mana

Of course these strategies aim for the safest leveling and minimal risk.That being said i hardly follow them :P
With atziri's acuity,all these maps are trivialised.You can use life leech on physical reflect maps for extra safety,but that's it

Well in order to find your DPS,u multiply your tooltip averange damage with your attack speed.That being said Averange Damage is MUCH more important than attack speed.that means that 2 flickers,with the same "DPS",one with higher averange damage and lower speed,and the other with higher speed and lower averange damage are NOT equal.The flicker with the higher averange damage is VASTLY superior.SInce u hit harder,u kill packs easier and u regain charges and u have better mana resource management.Flickering around fast without killing does not mean much.So keep your priority on high damage per hit and not attack speed.Also Physical Damage > Elemental Damage


-Extremely high DPS
-Rediculous Clear Speed.Possibly the highest that a melee build can achieve
-Fun and very fast paced gameplay
-When geared,possibly the strongest viable(AKA not glass cannon)OFFENSIVE melee build in the game(i am talking about DPS builds,nottank builds)for solo/small party play
-Can stack MF and turned into a farming character.However this is best done with a shavrone's

-Very gear depended and expensive
-Physical reflect can be an issue after the VP nerf
-Hard gameplay and deadly when u make a mistake.While i find the gameplay very fun it is hard to get used to.U use 3 attack skills instead than most builds that mainly use 1,and u have to be carefull about ur frenzy,power,endurance charges and blood rage to be always up.You also have to curse and at the same time to be able to dispell shock/freeze and use granites in a second.One little delay in higher level maps with hard mods can get you killed.

How much i paid for the character(that's not the same as how much it worths)
Dagger:1 mirror,no fee - paid 140ex
Chest:90ex+10 in chroms - paid 100ex
Boots:11ex+1ex chroms - paid 12ex(current colours RRRG)
Belt:Part of a deal while selling a self found legacy Kaoms,the estimation at the time was around 30ex
Rings and amulet:All self found
Gloves:Self found Hope,used a guy to run it,and made a special deal,so i did not pay anything

Total:322exover 1.5 year


All all this build is terrible and definetely non viable for Hardcore,but i think if u enjoy ARPGs like Dark Souls or The witcher,u ll have a blast with it :D - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Last edited by Poutsos#0458 on Dec 12, 2014, 7:22:59 AM
Any suggestions that might help my build? - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Poutsos wrote:
Any suggestions that might help my build?

You just nuked the living hell out of Piety. What more could you need?
DeceitfulShade wrote:
Poutsos wrote:
Any suggestions that might help my build?

You just nuked the living hell out of Piety. What more could you need?

I am not a good player,nor i have OP gear.It is just that the build works pretty good on situations like this.Any info from more experienced players,regarding what stats to seek in order to improve my gear,any point that i missed that might make the build more effective(dps wise mostly) woudl be appreciated - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
just curious. how much ES do you lose without the shield?
Better stay in the land of the damned, Exile. Here, even the very words are corrupted by Nightmare.
enveratise wrote:
just curious. how much ES do you lose without the shield?

My ES without the shield,falls from 5600 to 3750.So almost 2K.Also if i take out abyssus and the magnate belt,and put some high ES circlet and belt, i can push my ES over 6.5K.Even 7K,but i lose 35K DPS. - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Last edited by Poutsos#0458 on Jun 15, 2013, 6:46:19 AM
How about just the belt? I really think your resistances suffer because of how your build's set up. I guess you could replace the magnate with a triple res rustic sash with some ES. But if that's your playstyle, go for it.

and if you do take my suggestion, could I buy the magnate? I wanna experiment on physical damage. :P

also, what do you think of PCoC instead of critical damage? better yet, why not both when you get a 6L? or would you rather get lifeleech/melee splash/something else?
Better stay in the land of the damned, Exile. Here, even the very words are corrupted by Nightmare.
enveratise wrote:
How about just the belt? I really think your resistances suffer because of how your build's set up. I guess you could replace the magnate with a triple res rustic sash with some ES. But if that's your playstyle, go for it.

and if you do take my suggestion, could I buy the magnate? I wanna experiment on physical damage. :P

also, what do you think of PCoC instead of critical damage? better yet, why not both when you get a 6L? or would you rather get lifeleech/melee splash/something else?

Thank u very much for ur input.I actually though about replacing the belt or one ring with higher resistance ones.So i purchased this for 15 GCP
.Now my lightning and fire res are capped and my cold is 61% and i am happy with that(i was able to beat mervel very easily on the 70 map,even with 20something cold resist,since i changed my rainbostrides for the crappy canot be frozen boots and all my resistances fell for 20%),BUT my chance to hit dropped from 83% to 78% which hurts my feelings,so i am not sure if i ll keep it.I ll propably go for a 300+accuracy+res+attack speed ring if i find one cheap(i am poor).
As for PCoC,i ve experiment with it in the past,even with 4 power charges,and decided that it was not worth it.Critical Damage was more effective in general and it was constant.Power Charges were harder to maintain,and chances were low that i would have all 4 of them up during a tough boss fight.Though If i get a 6L(and i won't since i ll never be able to afford it),my 6l will include either power charge on crit or increase critical strikes.I think that a 20%quality increase critical strikes will be better though since it will provide a costant 125% increase crit chance,opposite the 150%(or 200% if u have 4 power charges)that u ll get over time and u ll have to maintain.Most build on simiral builds 5-6L their lisghtning strike with power charge on crit and they get more power charges rather than frenzy.I have tried that and concluded,that for me at least Frenzy>>>>>>power charge and that a 5L flicker works much better than wasting it to LS just to get the power charges.Also very crucial frenzy>>>>>double strike for the reasons i said on initial post.This of course is for me and my playstyle.

PS.Well i wont sell my belt yet but i got this with perfect roll on phys damage for 4 GCP.They are cheap i guess. - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
just curious, I dont see you have life leech at all, how do u sustain your ES?
Why did u take Ghost Reaver in your passive?
blood rage, this is the basic mechanism of flicker strike's builds
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.

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