Today's 0.11.0d Patch and the upcoming 0.11.1 Patch
Please Chris, tell me this patch is when flat physical damage (e.g. iron ring) starts scaling with IPD. It's the (announced) change I've been expecting for ages!
I really really hope this is the case. |
" I dont care about lazy, not all of us are rich as hell. While I want to support the devs, I also want to support myself. |
Wonder if we will ever see the damage on ours summons. We see health on them but not damage.
hack and slash , all the day :)
Proud beta member since patch 0.9.5! |
Am I considered a botter if I make an AutoHotkey script for desync binding a random key of my keyboard to type /oos everytime i press it?
3D art, 3D art, 3D art !!
YAY !! Keep up, but not too much, i still have to go working !! |
New helmet art? So soon?! Aw hell yeah!
Grant us eyes.
Well you be including the Banners in the 'Social' panel as well? so we can see what friend is in what league currently? - I already asked on the 0.11.0d Patch Notes in page 2 (at the bottom or the page)
- Riku .-. .. -.- ..- -.- .-.. .- -.-- - --- -.
" Keep calm, play PoE, drink Tea & listen to Prog!
Little updates like this that add so much to the game every week are what really define this game and make it so brilliant. GGG knows WTF's up.
" Haha IGN: Caydranth