New Video: Dyadus Detonate Dead [The Dyadus Thread]
Thanks guys, getting very nervous with all the positive design feedback... what if the affixes design don't match up to the visual design? Arrrgh! :D
Minor update for all: - The missus saw the design and said she wanted to print them on kiddy T-shirts so I can dual wield my twins :S - While Rory's super busy with 0.11.6, he's targeting to have this out at release. Clearly not guaranteed, but colour me excited! | |
I wish I had seen this thread much earlier....
That said, let me start with a hearty congratulations with regard to your twins! I love the art design and think that it's incredibly cool the way you're focusing your design around the twin idea. Should make for a fun unique mechanically and is really cool for your young'uns. Can't wait to see the final result when it gets implemented. |
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" given some of the best uniques in the game all start with the "The" (see anvil / Bringer / your goddesses / blood dance / searing touch), perhaps i should have stuck to the dyad after all... heh. :) in any case, as an update to all, I've updated the OP to include the affixes! :D i've pasted the update below for your easy reference too: EDIT #6 Thanks for all the positive feedback so far guys. So the unique has been sitting in GGG's computer waiting for balancing and testing for quite a while now. Finally received, some good news from Rory: - Affixes should be more or less final with some tweaking of numbers - This baby should likely be in for release! Since I can barely hold back my excitement, I thought I'd disclose the affixes but leave out the numbers which are still subject to testing and adjusting. Here goes nothing! Adds [x] - [y] Fire Damage while in your Main Hand weapon slot Adds 25% Chance to Ignite while in your Main Hand weapon slot Adds [x] - [y] Cold Damage while in your Off Hand weapon slot Adds 100% Chill Duration while in your Off Hand weapon slot Enemies Chilled by you take [x]% increased Burning Damage [x]% increased Attack Speed [Note: This speed affix may ultimately be removed. We'll see] Enjoy! Yes yes, I'm sure there'll be a lot of moaners out there "not more stuff for Ele cleave". I agree that we do need less ele cleave in this game but alas is something that cannot be avoided with most elemental melee weapons the way the game is currently structured. That being said, I'm hoping the above encourages people to try out skill gems or passive nodes that haven't been common for melee characters before. I'd be super interested to hear what you guys think and what builds you guys would create with this! :D Last edited by dlrr#2847 on Oct 14, 2013, 3:05:52 AM
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The design is cool, the idea is cool.
I also love the general fire/ice idea but seems that are well "not very many stats" .... basicly you are wearing a weapon with only 2 working affixes? (3 with attackspeed) Are there more? Maybe fire and cold resi would fit the theme? or "level X anger active while equiped" for mainhand / "level X hatred atcitve while in offhand" (take lower level auras - maybe only lvl 8 and dont let them reserve mana/life maybe?) Last edited by return33#2156 on Oct 14, 2013, 3:28:40 AM
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sorry man, i was very tempted to add a lot more stats to it but was held back by GGG's need to simplify unique affixes (they didn't want it getting too long and confusing to read), which i agree with. plus, the main/offhand type affixes actually makes it look more crowded than it actually is
so instead of throwing the kitchen sink in to the list, i'm hoping that the final numbers would make it a unique that does 2 things (chill and burn), and does them very very well... Last edited by dlrr#2847 on Oct 14, 2013, 3:35:34 AM
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" but you understand burning though! that's cool too! :D | |
" All they'd have to do is balance cleave and suddenly no one would hate you. Maybe GGG will be merciful. Anyway I like the ice and fire mix, it'd be interesting if the chance to ignite/chill duration is global though cause it could lead to some very interesting cold to fire type spell builds. Sadly cause they're axes you can't do that with glacial hammer to go full on M1-only :( Also, freeze mine with breath of rime+fire trap/searing bond would be interesting. Depends on how much extra damage the burning is. If the mods aren't global however then uhh, I'm not sure what to do other than hope anger and hatred apply enough extra damage... Now if GGG make it so that glacial hammer somehow worked with axes you could make a pretty punishing EE infernal/glacial build with these, as well as the cold-to-fire glacial dude. There's chill duration and burning passives in the templar area so I think someone, finally, might actually use the dual wield passives under EE when playing melee. A true first! E: Just remembered hrimsorrow exists. Infernal blow, splash, chance to ignite and weapon elemental with hrim equipped and hatred running would definitely be pretty goddamn strong. Guess there's another alt coming up. Icetomb will also be pretty great to run around in with these. IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui Last edited by Wooser69#4318 on Oct 14, 2013, 5:22:25 AM
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glad you're enjoying it! not sure how physical melee nodes will work on this item given it's elemental damage mainly though.
random side note. the dps that rory agreed to is higher than any other unique in the game (maybe except for marohi erqi). i'm asking him now if that was an oversight in making this too OP or if release with new content will bring newer high end uniques with even higher dps for the additional content. | |
what is roughly the range of x-y ?
Something like 1-30 or more 70-300 ? IGN TylordRampage
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" Elemental damage is a lot harder to scale than physical damage. |
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