Season Three - What do you want?
I'd like to see more "vanilla" races like 1hour solo, 135minute solo and so on.
My problem with s2 was that there were weekends with nothing else than LACTIF events and so on which I don't like at all, so if you want to keep that "supermode" races like lactif or blamt, you shouldn't spam them like that for a few days because they lose their "uniqueness" that way in my opinion and people get fed up with these races pretty fast. That being said, I personally dont think that the amount of races should be reduced because if there was (for example) only 1 race per week, it would be pretty awful if you just die in there to desync or cant even participate because you have to work or something like that. I also dont think that too many players really feel the "need" to grind these races for the maximum amount of points (very debetable tho). Oh, and I dont think that affixes like turbo, immolation or whatever are a bad idea at all, but there are some that are fun for me like just a 1hour turbo or a 1hour turbo/immolation, but if its like a 1hour turbo/immolation/famine, its starting to become too much (for me personally) At the end of the day I just hope to see a good variety of races in s3 to (hopefully) make everyone happy. |
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I don't even care how you do it, but change the prize system so that doing well in 2-3 races a week is better than phoning in 3 points on 30 races a week.
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Less Blamt, lactif and party races.
More 2h solo CT races, restricted to one gateway depending on the time of the day if it's possible. Also would like to try some 30 min normal races and longer lethal+immolation races. Variety is nice, but too many BLAMTs got boring and if there's gonna be more, please give every class a ranged weapon in the beginning. For a signature race i can't think of anything better than 135min. Maybe 75min for a change. Also too many races every day seems to bring down the competition. |
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If points from solo and party races are going to continue going into the same total pool of points, which governs ladder ranking and which rewards you will get, I suggest you rebalance party race rewards. By that I mean lower them significantly.
As it is most party races are a lot of free points for the one or two organized parties, should they choose to play them. Should the points be scaled down it may discourage these parties from playing and hurt top end party competition (which doesn't exist), but it will allow solo players a more fair playing ground for moving up on the ladder, as well as allow the less skilled parties a shot a placing high in the races. Let's pretend the ladder doesn't even matter for a moment. Scaling down party points should allow you to scale down the required points for the top end reward as well, without having it go to too many people in the end. As a solo player, I don't forsee myself being able to sustain the amount of time put in and races played to get the max reward again in the future (I might be, but it's certainly way more dedication than one should be expected to put in, in my opinion). Last edited by boof#2056 on Jun 10, 2013, 3:01:00 PM
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- Continue with the solo signature races with the same length (135 min)
- Introduce a signature party race which should be somewhere around 2 hours long - Make a separate ladder for solo and party races - "Spread out" similar events so that we don't have 2 days of BLAMT races followed by 2 days of CT races (although i understand that its done for people in different time zones) - Introduce a special event that will only take place once a week/month/season with a unique reward (alternate art something) and/or increased season reward points - Remove Hillock reward
Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM "When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P" | |
1) 1-4 hour race event. Focus on progression, not level/xp
Once you enter a zone, you then only have x time allowed in that zone, so farming is allowed, but the overall focus is on progression, not farming (e.g. docks for 1.5 hours). You'd have to hustle to complete the zone objective or else you are locked out and effectively out of the race. This way you'd have to push yourself to be #1. Only the strong/skilled (rng'd :) ) survive! 2) It'd be great if when you level and go to the passive tree, that the view is centered on the last point you used instead of your class starting zone. That way you don't have to scroll a bunch if you are on the other side of the tree. Very nice for races. 3) Should the fact X portion of the player base will get used to the Onslaught mod as the normal game environment affect race considerations? 4) For me personally, I really like that there are races at all points during the day. I can either participate or watch via the event forum post and/or twitch stream (assuming a favorite streamer is participating in that event). This represents a nice alternative to the normal game levelling/PvP. My take (and to be fair I'm just spit-balling) would be to designate 1-x races per week as 'ladder' races. These races would be the 1 or 3 hour races (signature), in any race type, and would run in all time slots for that day(s). However, you would specify when you created your race character that that race was your day's allocated 'ladder' race - that would count for your season race ladder total. If you die in that race (or remake but finish lower) then that is your point total for that race slot. You would still be able to race in any other races should you want to. These races would be the 'non-signature' races (8 hour, 1 week, 12 minute, etc.) or the other signature races that day/week you aren't able to credit towards the season ladder. Your results in these races would get you that race prize (demi), per-race only gear lottery chance and pride, but would not count for the season ladder ( this way players wouldn't feel they have to race every race - and they wouldn't get burnt out, which they no doubt have begun to ). For 1 week races, the point totals would scale to match the number of 'ladder' races it overlapped. If you create a week race character you could not enter another 'ladder' race during that time (but could still enter races for no points as described above). If you die in the week race, you could opt to make another week race character or enter other 'ladder' races for points - but the moment you get points from a ladder race you would forfeit the chance to make points in the week race (but could still participate for pride, new character roll, new economy, demi, etc.) For 1 month races, I'm not sure how this should factor. This seems to me to be more of its own thing (with its own rewards) and not part of the season race ladder structure, but i'll leave that for you. 5) To spruce up the race rewards: When you hit one of the gear level of points, you have the choice of either receiving the unique or a random rare of that item type and level. When you re-log, you'd see in your remove only tab a special section with the unique and un-ID'd rare item. You could only pick one, but the potential on the rare could be very very good (Perhaps guaranteed to be the top roll range of whatever 4-6 random pre/suffixes that are rolled. So you could get max ES roll or get max Light radius. It's still RNG, your gamble :) ). This way you probably still take the Tabula Rasa, but maybe take the rare ammy over your Xth Karui Ward. If you are in the top 20 of the season ladder at the end, you have the choice of any 6-prop rare item with the above rules (Maybe not the iLvl 100 items, but up to ilvl 70x) in addition to the season demi. 6) And finally, a different demi type/mods. I think the fact that season 1 and 2 had the same demi helm made season 2 feel a little bit too much like season 1 and diminished the value of the demi (they should be rare - you now have 2x as many as there should be in the market). PS) And as stated above, I don't think 12 minute races should factor into seasonal points or get a demi. That just seems like the ultimate test of RNG and not skill. I'm really bad at racing, so I like the fact I can make 2 points here, 3 points there to work towards some cool uniques, but I'd like for the day I finally win a demi (!) to feel merited and not just because I found sedimas/silverbranch off hillock, etc. (just an example for the sentiment) PPS) And someway to make races not start from the beach each time. I like that map suggestion, but not sure how it would work. You only enter maps (so you face enemies from any map set) but their hp/dmg scales to the user's current level +/- x ( so you could face flicker mobs at level 2, but they wouldn't be completely op. I'd love to see docks bears or alchemists at lower levels. :) @ucsarge Last edited by ucsarge#5649 on Jun 10, 2013, 4:52:42 PM
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1) Experimental Crafting League/Race
A) Upon character creation, you are given 2 copies of randomly selected gear for each item slot. Your build will have to be thought out to match the gear you got. The RNG might have to be weighted or static for class (i.e ev or ev/es for shadow, ev or ar/ev for ranger, etc following which stat nodes are close by on the passive tree for armor type..). Any weapon may be given. You might have to play a bow witch or a claw templar, who knows. B) No items drop in the league, ever. Only currency, gems, and maps drop. C) iLevel of the items levels with you. D) Currency drops are _vastly_ increased to allow for crafting from the get go. E) Upon death you get to keep your items and bring them with you into standard as your reward. Currency is deleted. F) You may only have one character in the league at a time. G) New Recipe - 1 of each currency (or something similar) transforms an item into another item type that will fit the same slot and makes it a white item. H) New Recipe - X orbs of Alchemy (or something similar) and an item, transform that item into another of the same base type + X levels. i.e. Composite Bow + 5 orbs = Recurve Bow, while mainting the current prefixes, suffixes, and socket configuration. I) New Recipe - X orbs of Scouring (or something similar) and an item, transform that item into another of the same base type - X levels. i.e. Recurve Bow + 5 orbs = Composite Bow, while mainting the current prefixes, suffixes, and socket configuration. J) Items may not be traded (to prevent "Here friend, hold this while I delete and start again"). Currency, gems, and maps may be traded. I'm not sure of a better solution :( It might be too much to code in that you can only have 2 items at any time, but if you could then trade of item for an item of same slot would be ok, because each player could only have the same number of items they started with. I don't think this would impact the economy terribly since the iLevel would require you spent that time playing in the league and in standard an equivalent time would have introduced similar items and a whole lot more. This would be hella fun. Last edited by Fleshbits#3141 on Jun 10, 2013, 8:09:32 PM
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1. Free Range Race: All Act 1 waypoints are activated once you reach Lioneye's Watch; Act 2 at the Forest Encampment, and so on.
2. Fewer Cutthroat races, or at least move them to less desirable time slots. Sorry, they just do not generate enough interest to warrant too much attention. Check the stats. 3. All monsters spawn as either champions (blue) or mini-bosses (yellow). "Experience is the best teacher,but there's only one seat in his classroom."
Play with honour and show some class - |
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I really like the suggestion someone made for fixed class races.
It would seriously limit the builds people used though, but still would be a lot of fun. |
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" Not sure what stats you mean, but did you take into account that a lot more ppl die in CT? |
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