Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
Well it appears to me the arguing will never stop, so here's all I got left:
Some of you guys will never be happy. Your closed-minded thoughts and behavior is... quite silly. I guess I will never understand the likes of you, because I am pretty open to the development of video games. Maybe I understand how some of you guys have fun, but it is what it is. Path of Exile at its core is fun for me, so I'll keep playing it. Small changes to looting would never upset me. IGN: Mibuwolf
" Actually, you're wrong. Played D2 since launch. I actually stopped playing it after they added the OP rune words, synergies and OP blessed hammers. I played D2 its prime which was an amazing experience. And guess what, they never ever divided the game because of loot. Sure, they changed some things. Some for the better and some for worse. But, NEVER over loot thats insane.... And what does it matter if POE is in beta? Just because its beta they should cater to the whiners that never stop complaining about loot? How does that even make sense? Last edited by Vooodu#7002 on Apr 15, 2013, 5:08:00 PM
" Sure i hated the timers, timers where unfair. But i never wanted loot options just 'because', it simply makes no sense. Why the hell would i fight over loot in FFA if i can just do it the easy way? Nothing to do now and wait and see what the actual drop rates are like. Last edited by Vooodu#7002 on Apr 15, 2013, 5:08:36 PM
I'm not sure if this has been suggested over the 900 pages of this thread but, what about a system where valuable items like orbs and 5+ link whites, yellows ect.. had a little dice icon next to the item on the ground, and everyone in the party has 2 seconds or so to click the dice for their roll(this would have an unlimited range (ranged classes could roll from a distance from the item, also the 2 seconds would still give the cutthroat rush as you would have to be paying attention to click to roll on valuable items), and then the highest roller can pick the item up for maybe 3 or 4 seconds to clear some bagspace, after this 3 or 4 seconds then the person who rolled the 2nd highest can pick it up for 3 or 4 seconds and so on till eventually anyone can pick it up.
" Maybe because you argued over and over again about how easy it is to get your own loot in FFA and even get more loot than you would solo. If its so fun and easy why would you NOT use it? Was it difficult or not, make up your mind. BTW do you even realize that you are now the whiner around here? The devs have made what appears to be a final call on looting options so are you going to continue lurking and complaining about it? All I ever asked was for the devs to make up their minds, that was feedback. What your doing is whining at its best. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Apr 15, 2013, 6:42:43 PM
As someone with no dog in this fight, I'd like to add my two cents on this knowing full well that it may be ignored or written off as the opinion of an "outsider".
From a business standpoint, I think the decision to add options makes sense. Given that PoE is a free to play game and is supported by microtransactions, it occurs to me that GGG would be best suited making design choices that promote wide participation in all aspects of the game. Creating player investment, as it were. My guess would be (and it is just that, a guess) sticking to the purity of their loot tension philosophy would lead to players who enjoy MP but not FFA loot being much more resistant to financially supporting the game. Conversely, going full instanced may have the same effect on those who are looking for the loot tension. I don't know (mainly just thinking with my fingers at the moment). If what someone predicted earlier in this thread turns out to be true and 5% or less of the pub games use the FFA option, then doesn't that say something about how the general gaming public views FFA loot? Would catering to what would, in such a case, be a vast minority of players lead to financial viability of the microtransaction funding mechanism? I'm ultimately a worker bee and have no mind for business, so I may well be looking at this in entirely the wrong light, but that's what I'm seeing with regard to this move. Lastly, just one quick comment regarding D2 and it's one loot system. I believe I read somewhere (but may be misremembering) that the vast majority of D2 players played solo. If I am remembering correctly, this may also serve as an indication that it was not the FFA loot system that led to the game's longevity and that FFA has for a long time been considered less than desirable by most gamers. Again, though, maybe I'm misreading things. Oh well. For anyone who bothered, thanks for indulging my ramblings :) |
" Logic is welcome in this thread brother. IGN: Mibuwolf
" FFA is innocent. Loot tension is a negative dynamic, over time people will complain about it but only after losing items. Just about nobody is going to go to the forums and post about how great FFA loot is, FFA loot is just character freedom to interact. praise and complaints about it really are about what people are doing with that freedom. (ninja looters, body blockers, etc) over time the complaints will outweigh the praise by 1000 to 1, no blaming the devs for seeing this as a problem. Yet, perhaps this should have been expected? Think about how many people are posting how awesome it is that bosses are one-shotting players, I read plenty of complaints but I don't see them getting nerfed. the same principals should have been applied here. Its tough, deal with it! FFA loot can be a pain in public games, but that just means it require your attention - you will lose your loot if your not keeping up and watching what falls. Nobody likes any system that puts them in this situation, yet they are good for the group as a whole. Who wants loot tension? nobody. Who wants to get one-shot by the Vaal Oversoul? nobody. Who wants to waste 1200 fusings and not get a 5l? nobody. Who wants to be locked into a character build instead of just changing it at will? you see where this is heading? Game difficulty is not just about monsters, its all of it! its up to game designers to force these things on us, its not our place to pick and choose. Whatever the case, I don't care anymore. the timer has just gotten longer and longer - so it hardly matters. Now we get to move to an EVEN LONGER timer that will no doubt be the staple for all public games. So, I don't even want to see what fell for someone else anymore! its done. kill it. Go full instanced loot and get it over with at least be consistent about it. So much if this is about complaints of children at the playground, they cant handle freedom, it needs to be taken away, and i agree finally. And that just sucks for the adults who can manage it and did enjoy it. A tragedy of the commons in game design, but all too predictable. |
" I can pick and choose because I can up and leave at any time. Therefore, if I'm not playing PoE, then you can assume I'm not supporting it either. Does this translate into GGG should say yes to everything? Not at all. For example, [1.] You were alluding to the cries of "free respec" and I agree that it is a limitation in place that some people dislike. However, Path of Exile sort of has a system that allows respec in a way that is fun for me, and many others. [2.] The fusing and jeweler system IN MY OPINION could be modified to be less... disappointing. [3.] Bosses that one-shot you? Are we talking with amazingly good gear, or just average gear? One-shotting works when there's a way to "counter" it. You mentioned something about 'whining' and 'difficulty'. Thing is, loot tension doesn't necessarily add the right kind of difficulty. I can be the biggest noob at this game, yet obtain some freaking good loot from getting good at looting fast and efficiently. Loot tension just didn't quite work I'm afraid. At least FFA is available because it was apparent that many people still would love to use it. " Maybe so. Because it appears to me that FFA isn't as cracked up as it was in the good ol' Diablo 2 days, huh? I think people can speak for themselves on how they have fun, and apparently FFA isn't for everyone. Although, GGG could've stuck to their guns and just flat out said: "We will not be offering anything else other than FFA because that is how this game was designed." I would've respected their decision either way. Note: I don't see any other 900 page threads on the forum, so I really cannot see the snowball effect some of you are referring to. Things will not spiral out of control just because GGG decided to offer something other than the system they envisioned, which was FFA to begin with, right? ...and not the timer bs, right? IGN: Mibuwolf Last edited by mibuwolf#7946 on Apr 15, 2013, 9:38:29 PM
" I have argued against this line of thinking before. The whole loot tension is pvp compeition and forcing that onto people is going to make many upset. This is something that is not about game difficulty but playstyle. If this game forced you to group with other players then maybe there would be an argument for game difficulty because the multiplayer was part of the core design of the entire game. But thats not the case, if people didn't like the forced pvp in their public gmaes then could avoid it at will. Thats nothing like your game difficulty examples. Also your very extreme in saying that no one likes that stuff. I don't like this whole loot tension BS but I really appreciate the game difficulty of the monsters and crafting. Its the same argument that I make for why we need a good death penalty. No one enjoys dieing but the game would be completely stupid if dieing meant nothing. There are great reasons why a good death penalty should be in the game or why Vaal should be really difficult, but there isn't a good reason why the entire playerbase should have to tolerate FFA. The only reason it took the devs this long to decide to change it is because there was no voice on the team to represent people who don't like FFA. Standard Forever