Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
" A better 'feeling' would be "Aw, man! This game is fun to play!" Also, FFA essentially supports selfish behavior, thus, it makes it harder to enjoy the game with strangers. However, making it semi-allocated is a compromise. Edit, so as not to double post: Firstly, I’m going to propose an idea, hopefully people like it, if not feel free to modify it however you like. Or explain why you dislike or just give your opinion. I won’t retaliate because I plan on covering as many attack points as I can. Okay, I’m going to try and keep in mind that the developer’s want a cut-throat game that has a “simulated” cooperative experience. By that I mean that they want people to play together, but they also want people to stab each other in the back if the opportunity raises itself and the player is willing. I don’t want to attack that philosophy, but I do want to critique it. The game is an ARPG, the main mode of progression is through loot and wealth. Loot drives people to kill enemies. The term ‘cut-throat’ implies a harsh environment for which players can proceed with this progression. The issue arises on a more personal level though. I’m sure that some players would prefer a ‘cut-throat’ type environment, while others would prefer a fairer and stable environment. Is it so wrong for there to be a player-base that prefers permanent allocated loot? This statement, which is based on most of what this thread is attempting to answer, is about those ‘others’ that prefer a chance. They want to focus on the game-play and not the button mashing that is loot-grabbing. So here’s my suggestion, and you can be the judge of it. Give the player base their choices. Create a league where loot is permanently allocated and a league where there’s FAA / partial allocation. The other way to reconcile this is to give the party leader a choice in which way to play the game. FFA / Partial Allocation / Full Allocation. Or allow the party leader to increase the time that loot is allocated. I mean, if you have the ability to accommodate a larger player base, then why not act upon it? People will play what they prefer, and that will be the end of it. If you limit the player base, you may simply not gain players who would have otherwise joined. Is looting a big enough issue to cause this type of disparity? Well, I think if I had to poll all the ARPG players, maybe it would. In the end, it will come down to the intent of the game. I don’t believe the intent is to cause social issues while playing a game that’s meant to be fun. I don’t believe the intent is to promote selfish behavior. But in the end, these are the types of behaviors a system can promote. So, look for the negative as much as the positive. I do look forward to testing out any system thrown at me though. Thanks for reading. Happy Days Abound.
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I'm recently beta testing with my wife Mythos, and there is brilliant loot system: every one has own loot, seen olny for them. I'm preety shure that Torchlight 2, and if I'm not mistaken Diablo III will have that system too. I was sceptical when I read about them, but It works great. I was plaing lot of h'n's games, and some mmo, but now I can't imagine better system.
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Individualized loot is the worst system ever. It breaks immersion that the world is a common place that all players experience. It also creates a heavy burden on players to allow other players to acquire items that they don't want. You'd literally have to pick up every item and drop it before someone else that might want it could take it.
Worst system ever. If you have account problems please [url="http://www.pathofexile.com/support"]Email Support[/url]
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What would you consider a better system?
Also, I don't see how individual loot 'breaks immersion' I think you're pretty much making that up. Also, what 'heavy burden'? The player can pick up whatever items they deem worthy to pick up, they do not have to share anything with any other players. I think you’re missing the point of individual loot. The point of allocated loot is that players are rewarded for participation and not for clicking an item faster than the other player. Also, there are easy solutions to the problem of players not seeing 'all the drops' which is giving each piece of loot a timer. When the timer expires the loot is shared between all players, thus that 'burden' is a figment of creative limitations. Happy Days Abound.
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I don't think the immersion is really effected. Your fighting the same monsters, same locations, same conditions. As far as one system being the "worst" i don't think that one can simply be stated as the worst. Both have pros and cons. You have to look at it from both sides.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
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If loot drops and someone else picks it up, how is that really different than them getting a drop and you getting nothing, except you never knew?
On the other hand, if something drops for you that you don't want, the other player has no opportunity to get it without you giving it to them. Things being created in a common world that not everyone can see or use is bogus. You are trading 'out of sight, out of mind' for the loss of functionality. On the bright side I don't believe that POE will implement individual loot due to the environment they are attempting to foster, so I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about it. Timed individual loot isn't really much different than the proposed system to equalize grabbing loot, and everyone can still see it... which I don't have a problem with. If you have account problems please [url="http://www.pathofexile.com/support"]Email Support[/url]
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Greetings. I was reading your new system for drops. But still there may be some issues... This system as well ( even if not so much ) Counts on luck... "Blizzard" Made this 'luck' issue ,and the same player could get the item even if he got one before what i mean is - how do your system will keep everyone equal by items?
Repent! That's what i'm talking about!
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" The difference is pretty simple. With an individual loot system, every player gets a chance for an item to drop. No one is stealing items, bickering over whoever gets what, and fighting to click items faster than everyone else. Individual loot gives the player the incentive to kill enemies, because doing so will give the entire group more loot. FFA loot gives players the opposite incentive, which is that it causes them to care more about grabbing loot and less about killing enemies. This is especially prevalent in games that have FFA like D2, everyone would swarm a boss like Baal instead of killing him, in an attempt to grab loot. Happy Days Abound.
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What if you had to pay XP to pick up an item? Players would get a few percent extra XP while killing monsters then to pick up an item they would have to pay some XP based on how good the item is. The bonus XP would phase out as you go up in difficulty so by the third difficulty you no longer get bonus XP but still need to pay XP to pick up items.
This should force players to think a little more before grabbing an item they may have no use for. Forum Sheriff
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" Finally something fresh. Worth a try I think. |
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